Page 1 of A question for Westy or anyone........about the Toshiba 32 ZD26 television.

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A question for Westy or anyone........about the Toshiba 32 ZD26 television.

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 28th April 2005, 22:26

Hello there,I remember reading in 2003 that in Westy`s opinion the best TV about was the Toshiba above and that then it could be found for 800 notes.I couldn`t afford that then but now I`ve seen this down to about 550 quid.

My question is: Does this TV still hold up to the modern competition in the 500 pound price area? or is it worth going up to one like the Toshiba 36ZP48 at about 800 pounds?

I would welcome any comments as I`m dead confused by all the different TV`s available.
I`ve looked at LCDs and Plasmas and have come to the conclusion that I can get more for the money with a more orthodox CRT or similar (and they are less likely to deterioate in 5 years?).

The other one I`ve narrowed it down to is the Philips 32PW9618 for about 700 quid.This has a built in Dolby decoder and extra wireless speakers.

Cheers for any advice.

RE: A question for Westy or anyone........about the Toshiba 32 ZD26 television.

andrewf (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd May 2005, 13:14

Don`t know if I`m breaking any rules here saying this but I have the 32ZD26 and have always thought it was a fab TV, however I am giving serious thought to buying an LCD from Toshiba and as I dont have a second lounge I am probably going to sell my TV.

I guess viewing and delivery and all that would be of issue, but just thought I`d throw this out there. Had been looking for around £350 which given the price you say you`ve found it for, sounds about right.

RE: A question for Westy or anyone........about the Toshiba 32 ZD26 television.

Snookums (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 4th May 2005, 18:43

Ah,Thanks for the offer Andrew but I don`t buy any second hand electronics.....just one of my little rules to myself.Good luck finding your LCD TV.I was going to go down that route but was a bit worried about the whole `lamp life` issue with em.

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