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crap customer services at Scan.....

Jim McSkeane (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 13:20


here we go again. after making Scan aware of my crap DVD player (SC2000), i was advised that they would do a drop and pick. all i had to do was contact Liz via email on 01/12/2000, and she would sort it out. so, on 01/12/2000, i emailed Liz, got no response, and then telephoned her. gave her address details, with various contact numbers and every detail imaginable, for a drop and pick at my work via email, which she acknowledged, and was told to expect the player 05/12/2000.

05/12/2000, no player!!!!!

i decide to leave it for a day or two as i realise they must be busy, with xmas coming up etc. i am not an unreasonable guy. however, i get back from lunch today, to find an email from stewart, saying i have to contact him right away with my postcode, as they have very few players left and he has no idea whether mine has been despatched or not. i then go through the actions of again making sure they have the correct drop/pick details etc.....this is turning into a saga. how difficult can it be? i live in an environment where you give people a set of information/instructions need for duplicity.....

let me say that, when you can get a hold of a human from scan, they are very polite and try to help, but these people must realise that they will bare the brunt of our frustrations when we have no faith at all in anything that scan tell us.....


i challenge you to get my drop/pick done this week from the correct address.....

and maybe telling people the truth and not trying to promise more than you can deliver will stop your name being dragged through the mud in these forums.....don`t you realise the amount of people who will not buy again when the first experience is so bad?????

any comments Nelish?????

RE: crap customer services at Scan.....

robert b (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 16:08

if you think thats bad you try telling proline for a software upgrade and comet telling you to go a way all because i save a few £££ and got a schond one

RE: crap customer services at Scan.....

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 8th December 2000, 16:14

EMAIL me your rma number on yellen[at]ku.oc.nacs and i will see
if it has been shipped.

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