Page 1 of FTAO NELLEY: Scan customer care improves.....but my new player doesn`t work.....

Hardware Forum

FTAO NELLEY: Scan customer care improves.....but my new player doesn`t work.....

Jim McSkeane (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th December 2000, 09:32

ok. so scan met the challenge and got the drop and pick done on my SC2000 in the week they promised, although 2 days late!!!!! problem is, the second player is quite possibly worse than the first. also, i am not altogether convinced that i did indeed receive a new player. the box that the `new player` arrived in looked very much as if it had been opened before, with tell-tale pen marks running beside the tape, as if a pen had been used to pop the previous seal. anyways, problems as follows;

player 1;
bad pixellation, pulsing and occassional vibrating of the machine. but, and note, it did play some music cd`s.

player 2:
bad pixellation and pulsing. now, thrown in for my pleasure, a large moving horizontal band of distortion randomly flickering across the screen. no music cd`s will play properly, you can hear the drum track, that`s it!!!!! i was also kinda left in the crapper as the `new` player came with no SCART lead, and i had to run out to the shops after work to obtain one so that i could test the unit.

Nelley, i am sorry, but i have completely lost faith in anyone`s ability to get me a completely functional version of this system with no faults. all i was asking it to do were the things it allegedley could if the advertising was anything to go by. i can actually sympathise a little, as it does the other things well, multi-region, the mp3 browser is pretty neat, but what`s the use if at its basic function level it cannot deliver? i`m now at the stage where i would like you to organise a collect of this system and a refund for myself, as i intend to go buy a Sony player that will deliver everything promised on the box.

i wish i could have been one of the few who have managed to get a working system, but as time draws on, i wanna watch the dvd`s i have been buying since getting this system in October.

what do you say Nelley?

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