Info and forum posts by 'Radiomixer'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 25th March 2004, 15:28, Last used: Friday, 11th August 2006, 14:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Looking for a cheap divx player.

Any advice on where to buy one?

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

Who is the worst retailer out there?

who do you think is the worst retailer out there? This could be any kind of retailer you can think of.

The worst retailer in my opinion has to be Toys R Us where the shops always look run down. Staff are also rubbish dealing with customers, and you can never find one thats polite. Refunding an item is near on impossible as they think your trying to rip them off.

Got told by a friend who used to work there staff drop boxes from high shelves and was recommended not to by anything out of there as items can be in pieces.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Deadwood boxsets

Looked all around the internet and found cd wow is the cheapest thanks tho

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Is this Pay Pal message legit`?

just ignore it mate, my friend got the same message and knew it was a con so he gave the wrong details back to the email address ha that i`ll show them. Read it happens all the time so DO NOT REPLY BACK!!!

Been with paypal for years and they have never sent me an email like yours.

Go on ebay/paypal and im sure they have a page that describes what cons are going about regarding emails to paypal members. :)

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Batman :Dead end

Yeah saw it myself a couple of years ago its pretty smart, think the budget was something like $30,000.

Due to batman being with WB and alien and predator owned by fox the chances are nill and void.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: The Shield

Read they won`t be bringing season 3 and up to Britain as the viewing figures weren`t great. Channels five`s lack of support doesn`t really help matters either. Ebay it is then.

Anybody who is reading this and is not so sure about the shield go to amazon and pick up the first season for £11 you won`t be dissapointed.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Phones4u dealings with cutomers

"Grammar" i knew how to spell that aswell. :o

No need to be stupid about the thread now.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Goodbye everyone... thanks for the last 6 years

First posting i gave he was an idiot replying trying to be the big man in the forum me thinks

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: The Shield

Forgot to ask where did everybody get their season 3 and upwards boxsets and and what price because iv`e seen stupid prices for them.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Phones4u dealings with cutomers

Responses to the ACTUAL thread anybody. Nobody wants to read the thread because your complaining about a quick 2 minute posting that has evovled into a grammer lesson.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Deadwood boxsets

Cheers for the website info, came in handy. Yeah i don`t like when you have to fork out loads of money on a boxset.

Region 4 it is.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: The Shield

I like season 1 so far as the continuity slowly becomes present, like the only toilet they have which suffers a problem then gets worse. Little pieces of continuity go a long way.

Read in FHM that on the season that is currently being shown on FIVE (don`t know which one) the very bad thing that Vic does in the episode 1 comes back to get him. Watch season 1 and 2 cus ull properly catch up on little things

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Deadwood boxsets

Cheers mate. Cheapest iv`e seen it was fo £30 then the add £5 to £10 more on top of that for season 2

Read the back one of the boxsets and it read that the show may be edited from previous tv broadcasts. What does this mean? Does it mean that a few minutes will be cut out of it or a couple of nano seconds?

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Which was better Batman Begins or Superman Returns?

Very good opinion mate role on Dark Knight

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

Deadwood boxsets

Hey all. :) Does any body know where you can pick up Deadwood boxsets season 1 and 2 for cheap.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Phones4u dealings with cutomers

What is your problem HaGGis? This is a public forum, not a f***ing English test. Cant you just over look these minor mistakes?

Haggis is properly just sad Jackal and has too much time on his hands, reading paragraph after paragragh. Some people on this website have social lifes and are not bothered regarding grammer. Its a posting not a essay.

Sad people in the world, there always there.

Yeah just went on ebay on got one there. Its much easier and you don`t get a sales person talking to you.
Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: The Shield

Series 5 is probably one of the best series I`ve seen on TV. I think only 1+2 are available on region 2 but can be picked up for 15-18quid each with series 3 on pre-order.

season 5 looks good read Anthony Anderson and Glenn Close are in season 4. just on season 1 at the mo. Go to Amazon and you can pick them up for like £10 and £11 got my season 2 from there cant wait.

After that looks like region 1 time for me.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Which was better Batman Begins or Superman Returns?

You can`t pick between them really. They are very, very different movies. I`m just glad we got both.

yeah good opinion mate. Thank god McG didn`t direct superman

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Phones4u dealings with cutomers

Here we go again eh. I`ve amended it just for you.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

The Shield

Never seen the American TV show called The Shield until seen clips of it on channel five.

I decided to just go buy the boxset. First episode hooked me from the start, the characters are brilliant and the stories are spot on.

Anybody else enjoy it as much as me. :)
Please no spoliers folks

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Which was better Batman Begins or Superman Returns?

The part what made Batman look like the devil was the part which made me forget about Batman forever and Batman and Robin for good.

Superman Returns was just so slow faster! i say faster! Nothing new or intresting enough and come on you can`t tell clark kent from superman, is everybody in movie land blind.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Why Filmfour is better than i first thought

Caught some of it myself but never watched all of it it seemed good. I`ll catch it when its on again no doubt.

Can`t wait till Zoolander comes back on. walk scene its genius

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: THE DARK KNIGHT: Anticipation thread

Nolan knows what he`s doing. The artwork for the dark night was amazing so expect better than first thoght results.

Batman forever and Batman and Robin have vanished from my head with the introduction of Batman Begins Nolan has saved the franchise :) thank god for that one eh

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Which was better Batman Begins or Superman Returns?

Superman was i thought was a bit to long and was frankly a bit dull. It was to squeaky clean and was a bit to polished for my liking.

Batman on the other hand was brilliant as the story was orginally went back to it roots, casting was spot on and was really wanting to see part 2 of it. 8)

Superman 2 not that bothered to tell you the truth :(

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

Which was better Batman Begins or Superman Returns?

Wathced Superman Returns the other day just wondering what you thought was better.

I enjoyed Batmans Begins better as it seemed more raw and edgy, superman i thought was not as good because some minor problems with the story and Clark and Louis` friendship was a bit of a let down.

The surprise (you know what it is) in the middle of the film its a part of a story that it didn`t need. Amazing special effects though.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Why Filmfour is better than i first thought

Yeah it is cool if your bored by just flipping other to see a film you`ve heard about but not seen.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

RE: Phones4u dealings with cutomers

There you go your majesty i was in a rush so i never had the chance to have a proper look at it.

Please stick to the thread because its annoying when you get replies that aren`t proper replies.

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

Why Filmfour is better than i first thought

Does anybody think that FIlmfour is excelllent flipped it over the other day and a brilliant Chinese film called Infernal Affairs was on. A film that more people should look into as it beats most of the films ive seen in the past 10 years, The film that is getting a remake by Martin Scorsese starring Matt Damon, Leonard Dicapiro, Jack Nicholson and co.

Anyway i was quite surprised that it was on because its a very cult film that i love it (own all three of the films) it was not the usual crap thats usually dubbed it was subtitled the orginal intended way (Joy on my face). slap on the back for Filfmour i think.

Wolf Creek aswell :-) Good fims made even greater by the other channel called Filmfour +1 of which the nation that has missed some of the film can skip back in time now thats magic!!!!

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

Phones4u dealings with cutomers

Hi folks went to phone4u like half an hour ago. The usual happened soon as i placed my foot in the door wham here she comes the customer sales advisor.

Looked at the pay as you go phones (i don`t feel like selling my soul) alright mate. She came not one foot away from me and either she had on terrible perfume or she had a couple. Step back a bit luv i need to breath a bit (why do they always do that?)

The usual questions came into effect of how much do you spend on credit a month (no i don`t want a bloody contract phone!!) other questions such as was why are you with this network, does it really matter am i going to get a big shiny red ball if i change network. Im a grown man for heavens sake i think i know when im getting a bum deal or not.

Then It was the comments like bud and mate, never seen the woman before remember. i was then asked how much do you spend a month (wait a minute didn`t she just ask me that?) It then clicked she must of been drinking cus she didn`t look to focused when she was speaking to me. Anyway i left cus she was annoying me ooopppss one sale gone serves her right aswell

Come on let me look around and dont stand so close to me as i can smell your breath!!.

Anybody else had smiliar experiences

Aim for gold cus u`l only get silver in the end

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd August 2006, 11:14

RE: Superman Collection 9.99 in Virgin Sale!! Get it quick as may be going up*

Hey yeah the new superman boxset is still coming out. Read an interview with Richard Donner (likes to be known as Dick) the director of superman 2 and he said that his version of the film is currently being revamped. its supposed to be on a 99 disc boxset or something similar just like the matrix and alien boxsets.

Theres supposed to be a scene were louis is convienced that superman is clark kent so to test him she jumps out of a window a tall building, whilst this is happening clark runs down to the bottom of the building blows some air upwards/towards to soften louis` fall then goes back up to the floor he was on and louis falls into a stall. Clark looks down from the window and asks if she is o.k

In richard donners cut also when the evil version of Huey, Dewey and Louie (i know but i cant be bothered to find what their names are) come to earth i think they kill a young boy, but they changed it.