Info and forum posts by 'wheremanmeetsmonkey'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 9th January 2004, 15:25, Last used: Friday, 9th January 2004, 15:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Journalist - though not about anything as interesting as DVDs... Might be useful for any IT/Mobile/Gaming/Internet related questions though if desperation strikes anyone...
Film taste = eclectic, though its safe to say that I like cult films, 70`s shockers, Japanese horror/thrillers, Stanley K, Ealing comedies, Hammer Horrors, "Confessions of" movies, Carry Ons, Minder, Sopranos, Curb your..., Seinfeld and so on and so on and so on....

This user has posted a total of 27 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: good movies for picking up the mood

Hey, these are all good ideas! i even have most of them but never thought to put them on... I must watch in the company of men again - I`d completely forgotten about that one.
I should be thinking "what would Ash do under these circumstances?"

hail to the king baby!

"do it, do it"

good movies for picking up the mood

Hi People,
I`ve been a bit down for the last couple of months - was dumped - but am now seriously wanting to bounce back... its harder than it sounds though. Last night i chucked Fight Club on and it cheered me up quite a fair bit.
Can anyone recommend any other "two fingers in the air" type movies? I considered Alfie but thought that by the time i got to the "shadows? on my lungs?" bit I`d be doing more harm than good.
So, any ideas?

"do it, do it"

RE: Sum your love life up in FIVE words!!!

was great - now over.. arse!

RE: Region 1 DVD Sales in Central London

I know one place but the prices are a joke! when pirates of the caribbean came out on region 1 I saw someone pay £30 for it! I nearly slapped him round the face...
I bought a mag in there and the fellow said, "going for the cheaper option then?"
What a p155take - the cheaper option is the internet... chump!

where is good/cheap then?

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Who annoys you most on TV?

Boy oh boy, this thread is way up my street. It would be quicker to answer who does not annoy me on TV.. everybody does.
Here are a few off the top of my head
Gail Porter
June Sarpong
Vernon whatever his name is
Ant and Dec - as my Dad says, "they can`t even pretend to fart on TV"
Sean Pertwee
The woman who stands in for Fiona Phillips on breakfast TV
Fiona Phillips
Phil Jupitus
Anyone in Coupling

ooh, thats too much for me now.. "the horror, the horror"

RE: Hey.. Lets play `The Film Title Game`!!!

Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: I`ve got spare tickets for a taping of Rob Brydon next week

Me too, I have four spare tickets as I can`t make it at all. If anyone fancies a DVDreviewer night out I`ll stick them in the post... Byt the way I am gutted Marion and Geoff was the funniest ten minute programme on telly last year.
The company also sent me four tickets to a Angus Deayton programme by mistake... these are for monday 26th, recording on the south bank.
as before let me know if you are interested.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Films that you heard of in school but never saw until leaving....

Another infamous porno from my school days was, "the enema bandit" I never saw that one though.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Big Fish

My brother`s missus - okay my sister in law - saw this last thursday and said it was "really good, but a bit sad" She refused to tell me anymore.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Films that you heard of in school but never saw until leaving....

I saw animal farm while at school and it was disgusting - although at the time I can remember sitting eating pizza with my mates while watching it, these daysI could not stand to have it in the house. I feel sorry for the animals now - those women were boilers.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Hey.. Lets play `The Film Title Game`!!!


...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Anyone living in Reading...?

I used to live in Reading and work in London. Now I live in Kent.
I can say that the Pizza Express is good - though personally I don`t use them. Too often my dough balls have arrived after - or during - my pizza... Its a little thing I know, but you`ve got to have principles.
I rented a flat near the Oracle... a one bed with combined kitchen and sitting room. The 2000 cat swinging competition was held elsewhere that year despite the flat having a whopping and crippling £650 a month rent. Still it was a nice area I suppose.
As for the commute.. its very expensive and I spent a lot of time waiting at paddington for trains, and waiting between stations for my train to get to reading..
on the journey in, I worked in tower hill so had to get the circle and the district line.. one morning the journey took so long that i had aged considerably. I went in a young 24 year old and exited with grey hair and a beard. To be honest I did not have a good time while i lived there.
Still, I`m a moaning, miserable cynic who would probably find something to complain about if Hef rented me a room with a glass floor above the bunny changing room in his playboy mansion... "there`s never any hot water" etc etc...

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Hey.. Lets play `The Film Title Game`!!!


...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: whats cut....

well done Chris..

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: BBFC cuts - more details?

the melonfarmers web site?
try googling it.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

whats cut....

This question " what`s cut out of twister?" gave me an idea for another..
For no prize whatsoever can anyone tell me whats cut out of the R2 Bridget Jones` Diary?
Here`s a clue, its not Hugh Grant, but it could be.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

First non-region 2 DVD bought

This is where everyone finds out what a newbie I am, but the first one I bought was Moulin Rouge for my girlfriend.. I can still remember the excitement of getting a DVD that was still on at the cinema and then doing the DVD hack to be able to watch it...
Seems like a long time ago now.

...ain`t no thing.. like a chicken wing...

RE: Most Shocking Film

no worries - I knew it had a surprise ending, I just didn`t realise it was that surprising...
its one of many that i got for xmas so I probably won`t watch it for a while anyway, and my memory is bad enough that it won`t matter a fig by the time I get round to it... Before watching that I have my unrated scarface, babycart at the river styx, audition, ichi the killer, and many others to get through... I`m sure I`ll be all grossed out by then.
I just looked up scrapbook -
I have to say that it looks pretty damn disturbing..

All the talk of Salo reminds me of a book I bought when doing my A-Levels. Called films of the 70s it included lots of pics from films like Salo and the Tin Drum. Without having seen either I know that they both include things that I would find disturbing. One of the pics for Salo showed a woman being scalped while for the Tin Drum there was a description of someone catching eels from the sea using a horses head as bait.. the thought of a horse`s head spilling out eels has never left me...

I`ve never eaten them since... Eels that is, not horses heads.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 16:55

RE: Most Shocking Film

I got that for Xmas and haven`t seen it yet... luckily I`m a bit of a skim reader so other than "bursts of energy" and "stomach" I`m still none the wiser.

nb - this relates to Dead or Alive.. not scrapbook, never heard of that one.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 14:55

RE: Hey.. Lets play `The Film Title Game`!!!

Dream a little dream...

This item was edited on Monday, 12th January 2004, 12:04

RE: CDwow top 20 CD`s £1 off.

good work that man..
now if only i hadn`t ordered those three items this morning!

If its on I`m on it

RE: CDwow top 20 CD`s £1 off.

well Mods - can he?

If its on I`m on it

RE: Play`s region 1 section

Cheers fella, will try that. but having run the canadian prices through the XE currency converter Play now looks to be pretty damn expensive... its a shame, I always liked buying from there and region 2 DVDs just don`t have the same allure...
I hope CDWOW sticks to its guns.

If its on I`m on it

Play`s region 1 section

Does anyone know whats going on with Play? do they still ship region 1 DVDs to the UK? when I looked they were offering DVDs but with Canadian $ prices.

The talk of legal action from the BPI must have put the wind up their sales...


If its on I`m on it

RE: Hey.. Lets play `The Film Title Game`!!!

Raiders of the lost ark

If its on I`m on it

This item was edited on Friday, 9th January 2004, 16:11

RE: Free DVD in Saturdays `The Mirror`

Cool news,
Like the film and will add this to my other free DVDs - Ipcress File and Brief encounter and Carry on Doctor... Years ago the independent gave me a free copy of the Grifters on video... I wish they`d do the same with the DVD now

If its on I`m on it