Info and forum posts by 'wadzee'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 2nd December 2003, 23:41, Last used: Tuesday, 2nd December 2003, 23:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 42 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Center Parcs -Elveden Forest

cheers! im really excited, the rapids are being repaired apparently this week :( but im sure we`ll have a good time nonetheless! GOnna get there for about midday, hopefully wont be that busy then.

bye for now x
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RE: Balls (childish and stupid thread)

Gaping Axe Wound...


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Center Parcs -Elveden Forest

Hey pals, anyone been to the aforementioned village? I was wondering if anyone has tips or advice for arrival times, and so on, as im heading there tomorrow!

I know its a long shot, but u never know!
Cheers people x

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"My p-p-precious!" ...Spring 2005 - London`s West End!

Yup, its true! April 2005 we can expect to see THE LORD OF THE RINGS:MUSICAL at the Dominion Theatre in the west-end.

Search google for their new webpage for more info!

As i work in a london theatre, i have heard many rumours. Apparently they are constructing a forty foot long spider, which will have 8 men inside the legs. They are also going to be the first production team to use the air conditioning system to put out smells to the audience at certain parts of the play.

It is going to be 3 hours long, with 2 intervals every hour.

So, what ya`ll think?

RE: Late night/early morning (UK time) discussion number 1 : US or UK - which is best and why ?

Ok, these are my opinions, and feel free to slate me for stating them. But...

Personally, i think the USA is great, full of super theme parks, restaurants, malls etc. But, its probably the most dangerous place to live, in terms of law suits! You cannot sell anything, buy anything or even walk five meters down the road without someone trying to sue you! Take that dumb cow who burnt her leg in McDonalds because she spilt her coffee all down her legs... She sued McD`s for millions becuase they didn`t warn her that her coffee was going to be hot. i mean, come on- only in America...

Apart from Sky1, we dont plague our TV channels with countless ad breaks and adverts, a 40 minute program in the US can soon become over an hour long as a result of ads. How lame... not that we spend as much time in front of the tv anyhow.

And the whole world war thing, you won it???? That proves just how ignorant people can be. All your information comes from Hollywood films which re-write history. Just take U571 for example. It p*sses me off when America makes "We always save the world" films. Just to remind you that it was your country that got us into the most current war, and we supported/are supporting you still.

Anyway, we`re getting the `Lord of the Rings: Musical` first, here, in London- so that settles it. We are better.

RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

Finally a call back...

Ive been refunded around £20, and have been told i can cancel tomorrow when i send orange my PAC code. At last! I`m Free of o2! (Until they screw me over and i find out they HAVENT cancelled my contract!)


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RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

If you want a contract with loads of texts then it`s the best you`re going to get. Personally I`m prepared to put up with a few days reply time if it means I get 500 free texts every month.

Well, try for a sqaure Deal - its the same as o2, but they are not miserable losers who charge £1 for every couple of minutes thet you try to reason with them...
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RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

Horrah, got an email from them! And they have confirmed for me that my contract is due to end.. .IN OCTOBER! THE CU**S! I CANCELLED THE CONTRACT 2 WEEKS AGO! Sorry for the shouting, but after calling them (being on hold for 12 mins, and raising a 6 pound charge, i was told they would call me back . SHOCK- NO FRIGGIN CALL. I HATE o2 and i want them to rot in hell with BT CELLNET!

Now thats out of my system...

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RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

Get down to an O2 retail shop, they will sort it for you

And with regards to that statement- you are very lucky! The one in southend highstreet (closest to me) wont have anything to do with o2 online as "All o2 highstreet stores are franchised, and have no relation to online o2 stores". In other words- they dont wanna fork out 50p a minute EITHER!


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This item was edited on Monday, 3rd May 2004, 21:58

RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

Totally, i have 6 close friends on O2 online, and four of them have had major problems with them, one of which is currently owed around £165. I`ve been with them since they were Genie Mobile (and quite good). Nearly every month O2 have screwed me over by charging me for my free-be`s, charging me for texts which i had paid for in previous months, signing me up for (and then) charging me for news report texts that i didnt want... the list goes on. My mate Greg cannot even access his online bill despite many calls to O2, so for all he knows, he could be getting done over too and would never realise! They are s***e, and 50p/min to even talk to a customer service person is a disgrace.
Ok, so you can email them for free, but on my mums life: I have hardly ever had a resonse from them within 48 hours. Most times, they never reply (or after a week they email you to say that they apologise for not getting back to you, and that they hope you have resolved your problem on your own by now, of not, to email them back.) Woo, some help THAT is.

The only reason we stay with them is that they give you a massive 500 free texts, 200 ANY network mins and a free Nokia 7250 for only £30 a month. Well, now that orange have introduced their SQUARE DEAL and offer exactly the same- we`re all moving! (or at least TRYING!). Honestly, even if you dont believe any of this, or know someone with O2 ONLINE who is perfectly HAPPY! Just think- DO you really wanna pay 50p/min if something should go wrong with YOUR account?


And back to my main theme- anyone have a freefone/local rate number for o2 online? lol
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RE: O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

Many thanks, that is one very good website! thanks for your time. The number given is for registered complaints only, so i`m still looking. But thanks loads for your time spent searching for one.

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O2 - See what you can do. (But just try leaving them...!)

O2 Online (thats the internet sales side of O2, not the regular paper billing side - see have been messing me around for months, charging me for my free allowances, charging me for previous months calls even though i paid for them in previous bills, failing to apply credits to my account etc. So, i decided to terminate the contract. Simple? NOOOO!

Calling them to do so costs 50p a minute. yes, and as you can imagine it takes a fair few minutes to request leaving them. So, after a good 7/8 quid call, i thought i`d rid myself of them.
Only, a week later, they hadn`t contacted me as promised to give me my PAC code and letter of cancellation. So i called them again. (At the ultra cheap price of 50p a min ;) ). They appologised and informed me that the person dealing with my enquiry should be resolving it, and that they couldnt access my account as it was being dealt with by cancellations themselves. I was promised that i would be called within a matter of days. That was a week ago. :/

The reason i am posting this (as not only a warning to others!) Is that i used to have a local rate number for their customer services with a direct line to a supervisor. They have such numbers for customers with big problems who can call and get straight through to an advisor. Shame that i`d lost it really. :/ I need to call them and i do not wanna spend another fiver attempting to do so! Has anyone else had dealings with "O2 online" (not regular o2) and has a contact number for them? If so i`d be very appreciative as i`d like to get my money back and to get rid of them asap! Also, my friend is owed £165 in previously double charged line rentals from them which they still havent refunded and it costs him the same charge to call each time!

Ta for your help, and happy bank holiday to all those with a day off! :D :D :D

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This item was edited on Monday, 3rd May 2004, 12:29


Aww wonderful! I see now! Although, that makes for a bloody short season 1!!! Its like, almost ten episodes short of a normal season!?! Shame the price doesn`t reflect this. (OK so they`ve added some bonus features to fill the gaps, but still...)

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Is it me, or are all store listing the series as having 14-16 episodes... I seem to recall the series went up to 1.10 (the 37`s / Twisted). Making 20 indivdual episodes. Yet amazon, play etc all state that there are 16 episodes...

Where do we buy the other 4 episodes?!?!?

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RE: Traffic Wardens...

Well, thats a good idea for the next forum thread for sure 8)

I imagine its one of those subjects that doesnt hold meaning until it actually happens to you... or maybe not. :/

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RE: Traffic Wardens...


I also have a hunch that Andy`s uncle doesn`t work in London.

i have a hunch very similar to yours!

I can honestly say, i think it unlikely that the average traffic warden goes into every shop in the high street asking people to move their cars.... erm, no. they just slap a ticket on the car as soon as possible and run off chortling.

ok, i made the last little bit up...

they walk off chortling... 8)
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RE: Traffic Wardens...

As heard on the radio the other day, a load of people were fined for parking down a back street in london on bank holiday monday. When confronting the warden, he just said "the council has made it clear that this road cannot be parked on during weekdays, including today. Take it up with them". The ticket machines clearly stated that sundays and public holidays were free parking. But, because the council had changed their minds and not decided to tell anyone (but the wardens) about the new change, they all got fined.

Still think its fair?
My flatmate was clamped outside her own flat because her permit was on her dashboard, and not her windscreen. A whole day of waiting for a removal guy and a non-refundable £80 fine is what she got.... and why? because your right, this warden needed to fill a quota and took his rulebook to the extreme. She had a permit, but it was not stuck to the windscreen, it was sitting 2 inches from the windscreen perfectly in view on the dashboard.

3 months later, still no refund from the council. They are c***s.

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RE: Are Splash now Blah? No, but Blah are Ouch- (on the wallet!)

only way to find out how good they are is to buy and see i guess! although, i just used the search feature to find out how `competitive` their boxset prices are... Star trek boxsets- £67.99! OUCH! Maybe when they`ve `found their feet` in the market i`ll try again! :/ 8)

Admitedly, other dvds are fairly nicely priced... i think

Traffic Wardens...

:/ A topic probably more controversial than Passion of the Christ, and certainly more annoying than Splash Dvd going bankrupt- >:( traffic wardens. :/

I could sit here and moan my arse off about them, tell you stories of how they tried to give me tickets for parking in a seemingly legal place, but... i thought i`d see if anyone had any better stories.

Lets face it, some of you are gonna be traffic wardens yourself, and jolly nice folk i`m sure. Some of you probably have strong views on the proffession- to say it nicely... ;)

Anyone have an opinion? >:( - 8)

News article of interest! -

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RE: VAT Free at Tesco!!

OHHHH, please dont! Yes its VAT free, but its p&p NOT free and their prices are like, 40% more than other sites! Admittedly, one or two of their CDs and games are cheap, but, their boxsets are rip off! E.g. Star trek boxsets = £72 (approx), other sites sell for around £45....

RE: Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

thanks! I have added these titles to the link removed if people have any views on these rental sites, or had any problems, let me kno and i`ll add the info accordingly.
many thanks, adam

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:50

Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

I`ve compiled some link removed, and have rated them according to personal experience. Anyone got any others they have tried?
Personally, i try one out, get free dvds for a few weeks, then cancel and start a new trial with one of the others... :/ Cheeky, but highly legal. 8)

So, any other bargain rental sites people know of?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:50



Banks will issue chargeback refunds to any account owed less than £5 (for those peeps only caught out buying a cd or cheap dvd...) The rest of us, the banks should offer us the chance to fill in a chargeback form, BUT they will need your consent for them to investigate the matter, whereas for under £5, they wouldn`t bother...
Source: here.

However, can i just point out, that if Jersey post are owed £81k, i`d imagine the dvd suppliers, landlord, staff wages etc will probably eat up the rest (if any left) of splashes assets. Looks like the banks are our last hope!!!

RE: ScreenSelect - recently slow at sending out DVDs?

Ive noticed the same, i am considering taking them off of my free dvd-rental site recommendation list!
Perhaps they`re going down the SPLASH route??? who knows! lol :/

RE: Chistopher Eccleston is Doctor Who!

Give the guy a chance, remember he`s an actor- so its likely he`ll play the Dr Who role he`s been given (not the roles we`ve seen him in previous programmes...). I personally didnt like CBaker or Davison as Dr`s... I pref`d Tom Baker and most certainly J Pertwee. But still, my only concern for this new series is that they dont make it too corny, and at the same time dont rely wholeheartedly on SFX to make it something totally different to what it always has been- about the storylines.


Woopy Doo!
Barclays sent me their forms and have agreed to refund me £109.96 for dvds not sent out to me (since december... fishy or wot...)
Anyway, im bloody glad. Barclays will have a better chance of getting money back at the creditors meeting than we all would alone. Same for other banks and credit card companies of course.

But this proves that if you paid for splash goods on debit cards, you can get your money back (as proven by customers using hsbc etc on this website.)

Hows everyone else getting on who paid by debit card?

RE: Any 1 month trials out there for DVD Rental?

Splash DVD offered customers the chance to have a 4 week trial, but that aint gonna happen anymore... HOWEVER...

Click this link and at the bottom of the page is a free dvd rental trial, which, when you go to cancel at the end of 2 weeks, they usually offer you 2 more weeks (thus 4 free weeks of renting 2 dvds at a time... free p&p both ways... free!) 8)
I have recently finished a 4 week trial... and i rented about 15 dvds... for free! I think these free trials rule! Dunno if there are any 4 weeks (straight) ones out there, any ideas anyone? Anyway, Hope this helps...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th March 2004, 20:16

RE: McDonalds- I think

I LOVED that earlier weblink about McD`s. hehe, however your`e right. Theres way more fat in a chinese meal than a portion of fries, etc. And in fairness, who the hell are these people trying to tell us what we can or shouldnt eat. If i fail an exam and fancy getting p***ed and eating kebabs with mates, then thats up to me, not some health minister!

it tastes like sh*t, it makes u sh*t, but its sh*t we`ve grown up eating. Why change now? 8)

McDonalds- I think "I`m lovin` it"

:/ well, out of pure madness, i decided to try one of McDonalds salad things today, and quite surprisingly, it was delish! AnNyone else tried them yet? Anyone been persuaded by their healthy advertising? hehe 8)

Also they have banned Supersized menus over in the USA, trying to promote healthy eating i guess... Is this purely marketing? Image? Competition against BK & KFC? Or do you think they actually want to promote healthy eating? :/

RE: feedback appreciated!


Haggis`s comments were friendly? constructive? Polite? hmmm. I thank you however for your feedback though, i agree the long scroll to the bottom of the page is a bit naff, maybe i should spread it over a few pages. And i think i`ll change the font as you said.
Agreed, front page isnt the best way of making a website, but as i said, its only meant for family, friends and collegues etc. So i probably wont rush out there and get a degree in web design!

Cheers for comments, i`ll get to work soon as! 8)