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Bargain Buckets Forum

Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

wadzee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:11

I`ve compiled some link removed, and have rated them according to personal experience. Anyone got any others they have tried?
Personally, i try one out, get free dvds for a few weeks, then cancel and start a new trial with one of the others... :/ Cheeky, but highly legal. 8)

So, any other bargain rental sites people know of?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:50

RE: Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

stevecdvd (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:26

try here for more sites.

I have used Lovefilm, video Island and screenselect.

Lovefilm have fast turnround, but seem slow at listing new released films.
Video island were fine
Screenselect were also okay

RE: Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

wadzee (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:45

thanks! I have added these titles to the link removed if people have any views on these rental sites, or had any problems, let me kno and i`ll add the info accordingly.
many thanks, adam

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:50

RE: Free DVDs... Several links. Anyone know any others?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th March 2004, 18:49

Also what`s more cheeky is the fact you gain money from every referral via your site. You were warned about this aspect of your website being borderline, but now you are blatantly flouting the Forum Rules.

Links removed, thread closed.


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

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