Info and forum posts by 'wobblegob'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 3rd November 2000, 19:41, Last used: Friday, 3rd November 2000, 19:41

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 8 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Scan users a question on MP3

if the scan player has a decoder built in then how come i still need a decoder/amp. What was the point of manufacturing the player with a decoder built in ??? any help on this is much appreciated.

Connecting a Scan sc2000, VCR and Sky digibox.

What is the best way to connect all of these devices to my TV so that i can record my dvd`s onto vhs while still being able to record programs off sky and normal tv , though not at the same time obviously.

I have 2 scart sockets on the back of my TV (AV1 and AV2). 2 on the back of my video ( L1 and L2) and also the 2 on the back of the DVD player.

any help would be appreciated.

RE: Battle Of The Budget Players !! ......

I have just purchesed a scan sc-2000 in the last week after a great deal of research and wondering what to do.

I have to say that the picure quality is fantastic and is supposed to be better than the wharfedale.

I know there have been a lot of people on this site who have had problems with the scan or with scan themselves including a friend of mine who ordered his along with mine but i can only speak for my own experience.

The scan also plays CDR, CDRW MP3 and it has a Digital Decoder built in.
The machine itself is also well put together.

If you require any more assistance leave a message on here. Hope this helps.


RE: dts only discs

Thanks for the help.

I just wanted to be certain that i would get some sound before i purchase Interview with the Vampire R1. Which according to play247 only has a dts sound track.

Thanks again. :-)

dts only discs

If i play a dvd that only has dts sound on it will i still get sound or not. I have my dvd player hooked up to a 28" widescreen, pro-logic tv.

What sort of sound, if any can i expect ???


RE: Just got a Scan sc-200.


I would say that the Audio CD replay is inferior to my Aiwa mini system but it is not appalling in my opinion. At the end of the day if i want to play a music cd i will use my aiwa system which is situated very near to my tv, video and dvd anyway. I Think the cd output might sound better if i hook the audio from the dvd up to my aiwa system rather than just using the Speakers on the TV. I also am led to believe that you are right about the Mp3 and the macrovision disabling patch which i am looking forward to getting very soon.

I would like to know what i should do if a dvd has dolby digital sound and stereo sound or surround sound??

Which setting will sound best throught my pro-logic tv???

Just borrowed the Corrs live at the Albert Hall and it sounded a lot better with the pcm stereo rather than the dolby digital.

Any advice from anyone would be great.


Just got a Scan sc-200.

I have just got one of these players after months of trying to decide which player to get.
I only have a couple of discs at the moment, Jurassic Park and The Mummy. Gladiator is coming on Monday.
I have to say i am very very impressed with this player and at the moment i feel as though i have made absoloutely the right choice.
The picture quality is out of this world and the sound is excellent also.
I have had no problems with the machine so far.

One minor query i have is about the sound settings. I have the player connected to a 28" Grundig widescreen TV with pro-logic surround sound and i am wondering what the optimum settings for the dvd player are for this sort of setup??? Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.

I also would love to know how do make the player vcr friendly so if anyone knows please let me know.

Finally where is the best place to get R1 discs from off the net.


sc-2000 rocks !!!!! :-))

Sub £200 DVD player

I am going to be buying a DVD player in the very near future and i know this question has been asked lots and lots of times but i am very confused as to which player to buy.
I definatley want one that plays CDR and CDRW but i can live without the MP3 playback. I also want a player that can be hacked via the remote control.

I was originally going to go for the Lecson after seeing a review in what-hifi? but i have since read more mixed reviews on the net. Also, after visiting my local Debenhams to have a look at one, i have to say in my opinoin it is not a very nice looking machine.

Then i was thinking of the Alba. Is it correct that the Alba has a Digital Decoder built in???

Also i noticed that WH Smiths are selling a DVD player for £130 made by someone called Cyberhome ???? Never heard of them. Is this player any good ? Can it be region hacked ??? Maybe the Wharfedale is still my best bet????

My head is going to explode !!!!

Someone please help.