Info and forum posts by 'sid69'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 27th July 2003, 16:24, Last used: Tuesday, 10th January 2006, 22:37

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 27 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Umbilical Cord/Blood Storage????

Thank you guys for your very sensible opinions on this subject. You are right in the sense that these cells use (as of now) is only for treating very rare diseases. So far there has not been any indication of abnormalities, or any problem for that matter, throughout the whole pregnancy, so the doctor and midwife had not suggested anything.

I`ve started to receive information packs from companies that do the cord storage. The baby is to be born in Milton Keynes hospital (NHS) and one aspect to consider is that the cord should be collected and prepared to be sent off by the midwife/nurse after labour. This means that the whole thing is subject the their workload at the time, and we`ve already been told that the hospital is barely coping as they are.

Anyways, I`ll raise the issue with the midwife the next appointment.

At the end, I suppose, it`s a matter of £££`s.

I`ll keep you posted.


RE: The Devil`s Backbone - Region 1: £4.43

It is a very good film, but I was wondering is it cheap now because of an special edition coming out? I wouln`t miss it...

Umbilical Cord/Blood Storage????

The wife and I are expecting our first child by the end of november. We are toying with the idea of keeping our child`s umbilical cord frozen, should any complication arises. A quick internet search reveals an approximate cost of £1,200 for 20-25 years storage.

Among all the stuff we`ve got to buy for the baby everyday necessities (car seat, pushair, nappies, etc), we`d have to dig really deep into our pockets to be able to afford it.

Is it really worth it?

Is anybody there who has considered this before?

I`d appreciatte any comments.

RE: Andrea Bocelli - Recommendations Please

Hi there,

A. Boccellli has been recently releasing classical music with an element of pop in it. It`d be interesting to find out first if she is more of a purist, in which case you`ve got to go for less commercial stuff.

I`ve personally had bought a few of his albums for myself, I am also glad to report that these have come down in price recently. Nevertheless, my favorite album has got to be `Romanza`. I believe it was his first album where he deliberately introduced pop into his music, and probably his most succesful to date. Worth every penny.

RE: DVD PACIFIC credit card accounts hacked?

On the same bote as jdanielp here,

first took my money, a few days later made a refund and presto, because of excahge rates wbsales were £15-16 better off...while I am the same amount worse off.

Although I suspect Natwest also charged a little extra for the US dollars transaction.

RE: Credit Card billed by DIAGE


I was hit by wbsale too!! 500 USD (approx. £280) >:(

It`s been a while since the last time I bought something from DVDpacific, though. On the other hand, I must say that I use my CC mainly to i-net buy DVD`s and CDs, being Cdwow and DVDPacific my preferred e-tailers, so be alert!!

I`ve notified the bank, but I anticipate it will take some time.

RE: What to buy in America

I`d buy a local newspaper (preferably sunday`s edition) and look for store offers and vouchers, take from there. Walmart, Target, circuit city, etc will always have a bargain in store.

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th August 2004, 12:53

RE: Film & music merchandise, where??

Thanks I Merriman and Buff2k, I am now `exploring` those sites you mentioned...

Film & music merchandise, where??

Hi guys,

I`ve never bought any film or music merchandise before, but I was watching a Santana DVD the other day and I thought the T-shirts he wears are really cool. Also, maybe a poster of his latest CD cover would be nice, and I was wondering if there is a `CDwow` or `Play` retailer or etailer of film know, reliable and cheap.


RE: Office Series 2 £6.99 @CD-WOW

It says 7.99!! Has it gone up or are you using vouchers?
Still 7.99, cheap as chips

Eltax AV-Speakers compatibility


After much deliberation, I finally decided to take the plunge and get myself my first dolby surround kit. Because of budget limitations (around £100), I was about to go for one of those all in one Acoustic Solutions systems offered in Argos. However, I noticed that Richer Sounds (website) had an Eltax AVR200 for £59.95. Although no expert (I might be wrong here), I believed separates would perform better. I then needed a speaker package to go with the Eltax AVR200 and spotted, in the same site, an Eltax Alpha 5.1 for £49.95, coveniently just about my stretched budget, so I drove down to my nearest RS (in Milton Keynes) with the idea of acquiring both. However, I was told by the shop assistants that I could not put those two togheter. Firstly, because of the AV/speakers impedance, which I argued back (only on the basis that it was the same manufacurer, hence), and later because the sub was passive, rather than active. However an upgraded (and of course more expensive) speaker package from Eltax (at 79.95) would be a better match, he suggested.
I left the store not buying anything because I felt they had not been totally honest with Me and were trying to get me to spend more that I had planned to.

Now here`s where I need those with more acumen to enlighten me:

Do I really need an active subwoofer to go with that Eltax AVR 200?, are these two not really compatible?

Your comments are greatly appreciated

RE: Your Scariest Childhood film???????????

The exorcist levitating scene :/ , still scares the hell out of me

RE: Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

No LOTR nor Matrixes here! :)

RE: 21 Grams...

I saw this film pryor to the Oscars, the acting is great for the three main characters.
I thought B. Del Toro and N. Watts deserved better luck on the day of the ceremony. Great film nonetheless.

RE: rocco dts dd5.1 kit @ £99 maplins

anybody knows who manufactures Tchibo`s?

RE: rocco dts dd5.1 kit @ £99 maplins

From Maplins website FAQs:

What is the WATT per speaker (including subwoofer)?
20watts rms for the sub and 5watts rms for each of the satellites

Anybody know about any reviews for the acosutic solutions offered at Argos?

RE: £3 voucher for


I`ve got a pop up for signing up to their newletter, but this does not mention any discount voucher. Do I need to sign up?

RE: Good surround system

Is this set speakers only? I mean, has it got a built in amp?

RE: Savings on nearly everything form CD wow links to cheap mobile phones etc

Cheers! chesy

I watched the guy on the telly once, in one of the morning shows. He gave great advice to some people trying to save on CC and telephone bills, but they did not put his web-page address on the screen (it was available for the TV club members or by post), since then I`ve been looking for the guy`s site.

RE: Deep Discount DVD

What a difference!!!

I`ve re-ordered my DVD from DVD Pacific on the 26th of Sept. and I`ve received it today! :D, and to think I had to wait for 3 months for nothing with DeepdissapointmentDVD :p . It was a hard to find DVD from a Mexican TV series, but kind of gave Deep the benefit of the doubt, but no more....

I`ve also saved almost one quid :p , and my CC was not charged until the DVD was dispatched. Not bad at all......

RE: Deep Discount DVD

These guys are bl**dy unbelivable!!

No, I have not received the DVD I ordered on the 22nd June yet. E-mailed them again on the 11 Sept, replied on the 15th. to inform me that they had taken two more weeks to re-ship, and that my DVD would arrive on Sept. 26th. Funny, I just received my CC statement and they had already refunded me on the 23rd of August!!

I figure that either they haven`t a clue or They`re being so nice that I`ll receive a free DVD as a gesture of good customer service (if ever...). Altough I must say that I`m inclined to belive the former. On the other hand I suppose it`s a good thing to have my money back without having to fight for it, but hey....

I suppose what really gets me, it`s that every time they ship or re-ship they excuse themslves for another 20 bussiness days. >:(

Until they sort themselves out, the advice is, stay away. Yes they`ve got good prices but apparently only a `virtual` catalogue.

PeteMc, I hope you`ve already received the stuff you ordered.

RE: Deep Discount DVD

Well, well.......they have replied to my e-mails!, lets see if they can deliver this time...

Thank you for contacting!

Your order was shipped on July 2 to the following address

(My correct address went here)

Please reply directly to this email to verify the address is correct.
Upon receipt of your reply we can reship your order.

RE: Deep Discount DVD

Thanks PeteMc,

At least they bothered replying to your emails. I suppose there`s a tiny ray of hope....

Deep Discount DVD

I`ve ordered from them in the past, everything was always OK. My last order, however, was placed the 22nd of June and shipped the 2nd of july, according to their website. Of course, I have not received my DVD. They were not late charging my CC, though.

It also happens that they have ignored my e-mails, Anybody`s got some advice on how to deal with this animals? or am I being too paranoid? :/

RE: £2 off Splashdvd

Same situation as Kamion describes, here. It has been `confusing` all the way, but they did took the 2 pounds off on my order. I haven`t received the items yet, though :/

RE: DVD Pacific


I think I`ll try them in the near future. Prices look good, besides shipping costs don`t look bad either (apparently $1-US more in relation to what they charge for US addresses, the cheapest option of course).

DVD Pacific

DVD Pacific (Florida)..

are they any good?
