Info and forum posts by 'fender62'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 26th June 2003, 17:15, Last used: Monday, 9th August 2010, 10:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: like sci fi computers curries beer movies life sunshine nature i could go on but it will get boring

This user has posted a total of 22 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

free shipping for imports anyone know ?

i remeber dvdsoon used to do free delivery from canada but stopped are there any other
retailers that still do free delivery either from canada or usa

This item was edited on Sunday, 17th April 2005, 12:33

RE: Cheap light bulbs..

i went to citizens advice a few months back and they were giving away those long life bulbs

looking for a nokia 6230 cheap

anyone know who`s doing a cheap deal on a nokia 6320 pay as you go just the phone etc

RE: Nokia 6230 Games?

some free stuff here just sign up and download what you ned its free but to send to phone you have to buy points ,just get a cable instead and upload stuff to your phone for free.cables are cheap on ebay £5 usually

free shipping imports where ?

dvdsoon stopped free delivery service from canada anyone know who still does free
shipping ie imports from the states or canada

RE: cheap nokia 7250i wtd where ? plz

pity i missed it, i was thinking maybe as there not made anymore shops would be wanting to get rid of them for xmas old stock etc for less than £80 somewhere but ?

cheap nokia 7250i wtd where ? plz

im looking for a nokia 7250i anyone know who`s selling them cheap or used, anyone want to get rid of theirs

cheap nokia 7250i where ?

im looking for a cheap nokia 7250i, i know there are newer models but they cost newer
prices. as the 7250i isnt made thee might be a sale somwhere but where or used

looking for The Day After Tomorrow dvd now

is it possible to get hold of The Day After Tomorrow dvd in uk id like towatch it now
anywhere else

uk custom & vat charges for guitar purchased from usa used

i bought a used guitar from a guy in california on ebay it cost £150 and that included the shipping as well,how much will i get stung for when it arrives can anyone give me a total on £150 i spent everthing ill have to shell out

RE: german electrical plug and uk plug info req

id rather change the plug incase i ever wanted to sell the appliance,people might be put off.i just nedd the exact wirre colours

RE: german electrical plug and uk plug info req

thanks but are the wires same colour brown for live etc

german electrical plug and uk plug info req

im thinking of getting getting an electrical appliance from germany off ebay that i cant get here. so what id like to know is can i fit a uk plug on the flex or would i have to use an adaptor

David Copperfield (1935) version on dvd info req plz

im looking for info on the orignal film-
Personal History, Adventures, Experience, and Observation of David Copperfield, the Younger, The (1935)
id love to own it on dvd but have never seen it anywhere.i always thought it could be toghter with nicholas neckleby on dvd,i wonder why it hasnt or who i could pester to get it released

RE: cheapest playstation 2 where ?

they only sell to trade not general public so if you own a shop your in luck so afterlooking for ages i guess amazon is the cheapest at £125 console and one controller
no games. but the bundles iv seen are rubbish anyway and over priced cheaper to buy used games on ebay

RE: cheapest playstation 2 where ?

never heard 20:20 GAMES. is it in the u.k i couldnt find a website

cheapest playstation 2 where ?

im looking for a playstation 2 anyone know who is selling them cheapest where etc
any deals on

uk customs duties question hlp

i orderd a single dvd from a canadian company dvdsoon - lord of the rings - retun of the king that was $ 22.98 = £ 9.21 will i be hit by customs duties etc if so how much and how would i have to pay them ie where etc

yamada 2100 zip update

i downloaded the zip update from umax for the yamada 2100 i need to know if it kills the multiregion ability of the machine as mine is already region free just what does the up do - i have not found out still but it did not effect the multiregion of the machine i have noticed that when palying a certain dvd film the picture will freeze for a few seconds slightly forward
in the film for a second a bit like jumping a scene to the next anyone ahve any idea what it could be what i might try to stop the effect

This item was edited on Sunday, 29th June 2003, 14:22