Info and forum posts by 'AShearer'

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Joined on: Monday, 10th February 2003, 14:53, Last used: Monday, 10th February 2003, 14:53

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Free - if you`re a personal user.

Big Fat Billy

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 21:55

RE: The Top 100 WORST movies voted by IMDB users

37 Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981) 2.9 (805 votes)

Never one of the worst films - very educational, if a too high brow for most people. I think a Miss Bo Derek appeared in it.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Cheap Flights?

Try or or Teletext website.

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 12:50

RE: So if you work these hours (see post by Chewie) - what do you do??

Name says it all.

Big Fat Billy

Edit - Shear sheep - 6 months of the year

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th July 2003, 12:54

RE: I just don`t get it.

The obvious that I referred to was in my earlier post - if you`re wielding a baseball bat in the early hours in a city centre - yes ... I think we would all hope the police would chase after anybody like this. They weren`t to know it was their friendly shop owner.

it was just that you seemed so sympathetic to our "pathetic" law enforcers!
Sympatheic ? How ? Logical - yes.

As to the son of cop / occupation sentence - my inference/language never said it was - juvenile in the extreme. :p

You seem a little biased against the police ( I am reading this right) - not just one or two but the whole lot - a very healthy attitude !!!

Big Fat Billy

RE: I just don`t get it.

Congratulations Marty - on one post to deduce my occupation (so incorrectly) - just pointing out the obvious. Yes we would all love to string the idiots up - but what I was pointing out was don`t get yourself in trouble doing it.

Big Fat Billy

Getting rid of Mr Zulu

In the past couple of weeks I have received 3 or 4 emails on the Nigerian cash scam - thats now been taken on by a Mr Zulu and his South African friends. I think there was an email address that you forward these on to - to see if the authorities can track the shysters down - anybody know it ?

Its just that having forwarded my £30k to Mr Zulu - he has reduced my amount from $45m to $22.5m. Saw a program last week and people have actually lost tens of thousands to this scam - I know I shouldn`t be surprised - the scam wouldn`t continue unless some idiots fell for it.

Big Fat Billy

RE: I just don`t get it.

Lets have some realism here - the police were presumably attending after someone/CCTV had picked you up outside with a baseball bat - hence their threat of arrest. They would have been within the law to arrest you in possession of an offensive weapon.
The point I`m making is - yes I`ve read you`re posts on needing to sleep at your shops to protect it - and yes I know some of your history/personality but the police don`t know you and that you are a logical, thoughtful law abiding citizen - but if you get a call as a policeman that someone is waving a baseball bat in the street in the early hours - you think NUTTER !!! How would you feel walking through Leicester late at night seeing a bloke with a baseball bat ? No wonder the police didn`t chase the originator of the trouble.
The point is - yes you have a right to defend your premises but be careful as to entering public spaces with baseball bats.

RE: where to book Hotel rooms cheaper?

Good cheap site is - but as the name suggests wait till nearer the time. Have a look at the BBC website for holidays -
Hope this helps.

RE: Currently on Freeserve Anytime - Should I get Broadband? ADVICE!! HELP!! RECOMMENDATIONS!! PLEAS

Frankie - a couple of points - Tiscali £20 route is 128 not 512 - bit of a dispute at the mo. whether this constitutes broadband. Also for your £20 you can get a lot of ISPs for £18-25 that will give 512 - once you have a look at adslguide things will be a lot clearer. Effectively you`ll end up paying £3-4 more than now for 10 times the speed. One final point - look at the length of contract some want 12mths while others are down to a couple of months.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Currently on Freeserve Anytime - Should I get Broadband? ADVICE!! HELP!! RECOMMENDATIONS!! PLEAS

Have a look at (as above) - tells you everything you need to know at broadband. Definitely worth it - you can get packages as cheap as £18/19 (Gio etc) - been with Pipex a year and pretty good.

Big Fat Billy

This item was edited on Friday, 30th May 2003, 21:12

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Jon - can you not get it delivered to someone on the mainland then shipped over to you ? Does seem an incredible charge for postage - there was me complaining about the £7.50 !!!

Big Fat Billy

RE: biggest shock death?

That bloke in the fire in Trumpton.... they kept it quiet.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Cyberhome 400 @ £50!

Had an email from WH Smiths saying to put an order in - will be available from 30th June.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Broadband true speeds

Broadband is definitely worth it - if you`re a frequent user of the internet - whether just surfing or P2P apps. The claimed ten times quicker depends on numerous factors from line to time/servers etc - but it is blazingly quick in comparison to dial up. I use it to transfer large files for work and can transfer files that I needed previously to post.
On your bucket analogy - for P2P apps. your computer will pick up several sources (if available of a file) some may be dial up some broadband - so hence people get a 40/50 connection where the `up` pipe from another user is only 30 - because the file is taken from multiple users.
One final point - if taking broadband - it is easy to fit - so buy your own modem/filters etc can save you £50. Check ADSLGUIDE for comparisons of ISPs - you can get it for as little as £18/19 now.

Big Fat Billy

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Kamion - thanks for that. I did realise it was the 128meg unit - my observation was - just seemed to good to be true when a 64meg USB toggle was £30. So not only do I get double the capacity for work but it plays music ..... now to get work to pay for it !!!!

Big Fat Billy

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Looks a bargain - all the reviews seem to recommend it. A couple of questions - seems to imply will work as a USB toggle (extra drive) - can anyone confirm this ? If this is so, will save the £30 on a toggle I was going to spend and spend it on this - a 64meg toggle was £30.
Second question - how come Amazon don`t sell this anymore ?
Could anyone answer these questions please ?

Big Fat Billy

RE: P2P User? read on..

A bit scary then its that easy to trace - but then again its illegal. Can`t see the point of hours and hours of downloading, then encoding to VCD to view an inferior product when you can hire the real thing for £3. The P2P networks are easily tracked - hence the music charts now incorporating them.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Craziest thing you`ve heard you`ve heard this week?

Aljar - not impressed, your brother has a spare ticket ? I`m in Seville I`ll get the big yin to get the ticket. Your brothers the guy with the scots accent, in the green & white shirt, drunk running round naked in the fountain ? Thought so - that`s my ticket sorted.

Big Fat Billy

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 17:28

RE: Taylor quits @ Villa...........

....... there`s a turnip for the books.
Do I not like that....

Big Fat Billy

RE: Loan secured on property advice?

Pretty much a standard for the lender to require collateral (property)on anything above £25k+. Lots of lenders but also a lot of sharks - probably cheaper to increase your mortgage or remortgage - will get you a lower rate - but then again the mortgage is secured against the house.
Worthwhile checking all the options - can save you thousands - even although it pains me to say it, a Independent Financial Adviser can more than pay for his fee.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Claire Short jumps

WARNING - Tidal wave expected in Kent !!!

Big Fat Billy

RE: Motor Insurance - who`s the cheapest ?

Deano - thanks for that - when the lad said it I fell about laughing - then rather than backtrack on it he swore blind this would be the case. By this time you start to doubt yourself ... anyway went with Esure lots cheaper the More Than ( who then miracles of miracles managed to find a £100 to take off ).
Kamion - insurance history transfer from one insurer to the next.

Anyway thx for the help.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Judgement Day

Best of luck to both teams - both have great sets of supporters ( not the corporate types ) - depends as always as to who plays the best football over 38 games.
One point Dicanio - a bit mean to suggest Bolton are a team of money grabbing foreigners - they have fought well over recent weeks. In fact your great Italian never seems to travel past Watford Gap - shame `cos I would have liked to have seen him live.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Motor Insurance - who`s the cheapest ?

Part of the question was to do with the no claims bonus. The guy in the call centre for the insurer asks how many years I tell him x no. of years since I made a claim. He says no - goes on the car - as neither car is more than five years old I cannot claim my x no. ????!!!! I say to follow this logically - if I changed my car every six months my max. no. of no claims would be six months - he can`t be right can he ? My understanding is it is the last time you claim on a continous insurance history - could someone confirm ?

Big Fat Billy


How old are we all ??
Rik Booth appoints himself President ( without a by your leave..... and its a democratic organisation ? ). This is how Hitler/Saddam/Chou .... little bloke in Romania started ( SS already operating ( SS =Super Spiders or S*** Scared ). Haggis as the info minister can`t tell the truth - and endorsing products - this is against your agreed killing method of hairspray. If you must at least use Harmony....

Must fly.....

Big Fat Billy

Motor Insurance - who`s the cheapest ?

Currently looking to change from More Than ( won`t be taking them through the ASA - they are exactly as described ). Tried online Esure seem to be the cheapest - any others ? Apparently Quentin Wilson endorses one that`s supposed to be cheap.
One last point - spoke to a lad at an insurer (won`t embarass) - who asked about no claims discount - I said mine x no. of yrs. I was looking to insure two cars - he says can`t be neither car is older than five yrs. My view of no claims - is not related to car but last time you made a claim ?
Any help appreciated.

Big Fat Billy

RE: S**t scared of flying, what should I do?

There was me - thinking I`d entered entered the world of high tech. - shiny discs that contain moving pictures & SOUND. Then along comes Clayts - anything quicker than a tortoise terrifies - sure that wheel thing wouldn`t catch on.
The BA courses are apparently good but expensive - a word of warning though the co. I work for sent a bloke on one - he never came back - tried to tell us he`d changed co`s - I`m not falling for that one.

Big Fat Billy

RE: S**t scared of flying, what should I do?

I regularly fly for work - you`d be surprised at how many people I travel with from work are scared of flying - so nowt to be ashamed of. One girl I know has been to her GP who prescribed betablockers(?) and gets this on a regular basis. Others have tried these hynosis,etc.
On a lighter note - try the technique of a woman I regularly travel with who grips the armrests so strongly on takeoff & landing that I`m surprised the seat doesn`t come apart - along with a passable impression (through deep breathing) of the Flying Scotsman.
I know its a serious subject - but you have to laugh - best bit of advice is to let those around you its a fear - by the time everyone has talked to you about what`s best you`re in Portugal.

Big Fat Billy

RE: Cheap Flights to Fuerteventura???


Big Fat Billy