Page 1 of P2P User? read on..

PCs & Mobiles Forum

P2P User? read on..

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 17:39

I`m with NTL Broadband as my ISP and dabble in a bit of P2P..

Today, I got this mail from esuba[at]moc.dlrowltn informing me of a `complaint` made to them from Universal Studios that I am `swapping` Universal Studios property.

I`m not denying it but how do they know?
Even with a firewall, is your IP address visible? Presume so..I don`t have a static IP address so have Universal somehow seen my IP address, contacted NTL and they can see who was using it at the time?
I`m no serial downloader/distributor but have had the mail. What are NTL`s obligations to Universal?
What should I realistically do?
Can people see who is using what? How do they know the file and it`s size? No-one`s uploaded it all from me.
Any advice??



Dear Mr. XXXXX,

Internet A/C # XXXXXXX

The ntl Acceptable Use Policy Team are contacting you to advise you that we are in receipt of a report that indicates that an ntl: Internet account has been used to make available copyrighted material without the copyright holders consent.

We have traced the account detailed in the report and have found it to be the Internet account referenced above, which is registered to you.

The report indicates that the copyrighted material referred to is hosted on your PC. For this reason, we have forwarded the report onto you (see below or attachment). Should you have any queries regarding the report, you will need to contact the complainant directly.

We would also like to draw your attention to clause 10 of our User Policy that states that:

"Any images, photographs, articles, pages, designs, drawings, software, music, information and other materials published on the Internet and the Services are protected by copyright. Publishing material on the Internet and on the Services does not mean it is available for anyone to copy. Unless the owner of that copyright specifically states that you may copy the work, you should assume that you cannot. It is an infringement of copyright to copy, reproduce, adapt, translate, broadcast or perform copyright protected material without permission, to make infringing copies available to the public or otherwise to knowingly deal in infringing copies. The Services must not be used, directly or indirectly, to transmit, publish, link to or otherwise make available any confidential information or trade secrets of any person or entity".

Any further breaches of our User Policy or Terms and Conditions may result in further action being taken against your account.

N.B. - Should you wish to reply to ntl: via e-mail, please use the original subject heading as the subject header of your response to the ntl abuse team.

F. Bunni
ntl: AUP Investigator
Acceptable Use Policy Team
Tel: 029 2030 5142

----- Original Message -----
From: 1ycaripitna[at]moc.soidutsinu
To: esuba[at]ten.iltn
Sent: 14 May 2003 20:04
Subject: Copyright Violation Notice [Notice ID: XXXXXXX]

Re: Unauthorized Use of Universal Motion Pictures

Universal City Studios Productions LLLP and its affiliated companies (collectively, "Universal") are the exclusive owners of copyrights in many motion pictures, including the motion pictures listed below.

It has come to our attention that NTL Standalone CM - Baguley is the service provider for the IP address listed below, from which unauthorized copying and distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving, file "swapping" or other similar activities) of Universal`s motion picture(s) listed below is taking place. We believe that the Internet access of the user engaging in this infringement is provided by <<ISP Name>> or a downstream service provider who purchases this connectivity from NTL Standalone CM - Baguley.

This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement under applicable national laws and international treaties. Although various legal and equitable remedies may be available to Universal as a result of such infringement, Universal believes that the entire Internet community benefits when these matters are resolved cooperatively. We urge you to take immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform us of the results of your actions. We appreciate your efforts toward this common goal.

Please be advised that this letter is not and is not intended to be a complete statement of the facts or law as they may pertain to this matter or of Universal`s positions, rights or remedies, legal or equitable, all of which are specifically reserved.

Very truly yours,

Aaron Markham
Manager of Internet Anti-Piracy,
Worldwide Anti-Piracy Operations
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
tel. (818) 777-3111
fax (818) 866-6339

*pgp public key is available on the key server at ldap://

Title: Red Dragon, The (2002)
Infringement Source: eDonkey
Infringement Timestamp: 5/13/2003 4:08:20 PM PDT (GMT-7:00)
Infringer Username: None
Infringing Filename: Red_Dragon_(2002).CD1.DVDScreener-Repack.dcn.ShareReactor.avi
Infringing Filesize: 730441728
Infringers IP Address: XX.XX.XX.XX
Infringers DNS Name: N/A
Infringing URL: ed2k://XX.XX.XX.XX:4662/Red_Dragon_(2002).CD1.DVDScreener-Repack.dcn.ShareReactor.avi

RE: P2P User? read on..

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 17:51

Bloody hell Ste... what are you going to do?

If it was me, I would just avoid Universal Studios films/products, because that is an old file you`ve downloaded there isn`t it? It was available around October/November if I`m correct? So it`s taken them a looong time to get back to you. Even so... how the hell did they find it out, was there some kind of tracer on the file?

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: P2P User? read on..

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 17:55

"was there some kind of tracer on the file?" Not that I know of.
Would have preferred this to stay in general forum for more advice and exposure because of all other implications. Not just a computer issue... :-(


This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 18:56

RE: P2P User? read on..

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 17:59

I agree. By keeping it in the General Forum you`re guaranteed more people are going to see this - which is how it should be.

Did the mods actually read this before moving it?

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: P2P User? read on..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 18:45

i had the same email but mine was from new line cinema, so avoiding one particular producer won`t solve the problem.
the way it works is when you are sharing files the studio (or whoever) downloads the file (by searching kazza etc) when a download starts that they are interested in they can then track the ip address, but they can`t do it the other way around ie they offer the file then track who downloads it as this would be entrapment + as the owner of the material if they offered it for download the download would then be legal, therefore they couln`t take action.

so unfortunatly the only way to stop getting caught is to stop sharing.


RE: P2P User? read on..

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 18:59

or.. you could use a proxy.. that would stop the greedy bastards.. god. they could have caught you sharing a good film instead of Red Dragon!! lol

RE: P2P User? read on..

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 19:19

Or optionally could you not change Broadband provider? S`pose though they could still track the films. TBH, even though it`s scary I`m not going to stop because of this, not until I get a letter similar from my ISP. Not that I use P2P, of course.

Out of interest, when did you originally download it. What will your actions be... you going to stop using the ol` Mule? Maybe you should post it in one of the forums that you got the original file from, just to warn people.

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: P2P User? read on..

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st May 2003, 19:38

I got it on 15/5/03. Seeing as I hadn`t seen the older version (poor quality) I got the DVDRip.
Another Broadband option isn`t available yet :-(
No BT enabled exchange.
If I want to keep getting stuff I need to share.
So when someone takes a file (or part of a file) off someone, they can see exactly where it`s coming from yeah?

How does a proxy work HaGGis? With Cable?


RE: P2P User? read on..

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd May 2003, 07:42

Simple solution: don`t leave files like that on your PC for others to download. If it ain`t there anymore, they don`t know you`ve got it and you have no problems.

RE: P2P User? read on..

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd May 2003, 08:15

"I agree. By keeping it in the General Forum you`re guaranteed more people are going to see this - which is how it should be.

Did the mods actually read this before moving it?"

In fact this moderator very nearly deleted this thread, as you are actually talking about downloading pirated material.

As most people inevitably use P2P software, it belongs in the PC Forum, but only just...

DVD Reviewer

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