Info and forum posts by 'Rollanotherphatone'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 25th October 2002, 12:11, Last used: Friday, 25th October 2002, 12:11

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Band of Brothers, who`s selling it the cheapest now ?

Where can I buy the Band of Brothers boxset cheapest, I`m not bothered about the crappy tin box, its the film I wanna sit and watch not the packaging ! Play247 and Choices Direct are both selling it for £45, can anyone beat that ??

RE: Someone please convince me that I need a subwoofer !

"no disrespect to Rollanotherphatone, but try and steer clear of the budget brigade"

If you read the mans original enquiry Westy, he was actually looking for a sub in the £100 region !! I therefore stand by my suggestion, that for a lower price ranged sub, you really should check the Sony out !! Obviously if you`ve got £300 to spend then common sense says your gonna get a better result with a REL or something like that, but were not all loaded with cash !!

RE: Someone please convince me that I need a subwoofer !

Did you have a demo ?? What did you think ??? Not wishing to rub your nose in it, by Ive just bought myself a 44" Widescreen to go with my cinema set-up !! Oh yes, its like the Odeon in my front room !! Woohoo, thanks Father Christmas !!

RE: can you help with this? - Cheap cigarettes

As mentioned earlier, Belgium is by far your best bet for cheap cigs, but having said that, going to Amsterdam does have its advantages if you are a smoker................ Oh yes indeedy !!! Its a top destination.

RE: My free Fox DVD just dropped through the letter box this morning.

Me too, my WLB arrived this morning, correct address wrong name ?

Where can I get a replacement tv instruction manual ??

Ive recently purchased a Thomson 44RW65 television, but it is without any instructions, does anyone know where I can obtain, download, or purchase a copy ?

Thanks in advance.

RE: Someone please convince me that I need a subwoofer !

Brian, as with everything in life, you pays your money and you takes your choice !!! Go into town this saturday, find your local Sony Centre, and get them to demo the SA-WM40 for you, I`m sure you`ll find yourself reaching for your wallet !! When I was looking for a sub, I was tempted by these budget but huge subs I saw in one hifi shop, they were a fraction of the cost but boasted high output levels, I eagerly waited for the assistant to set one up for me to hear, what can I say, other than lame !!!!, I stood there asking him to turn it up, its at maximum he replied......I walked out. Go and listen to the one I`m recommending, you`ll see why I go on about it so much !!!

Actually if you want to save a couple of quid, they do do a smaller girlie version, the SA-WM20.

Playstation 2 - Where can I buy cheapest ?????????

Where can I buy a new PS2 for the cheapest price possible, your advice needed, thanks.

RE: Problems with Sony DAVS-300 !!! HELP NEEDED

Nah mate, Ive looked high and low for the instruction manual, but it must of been lost when I moved house !!. Since I posted my first thread things have gotten worse, the machine is definately not working right, it wont accept some discs now, skips and stops, its f***ed ! Ive called in the service engineers, they can sort it out !! Fortunately I took out a 5 year service plan.

Problems with Sony DAVS-300 !!! HELP NEEDED

I own a Sony DAVS-300 dvd player, just lately on 2 separate occaisions Ive encountered problems playing discs, the picture freezes but the display counter continues ticking on, it sounds like the disc is stuttering and cant play ? Then the screen turns blue, and a code C:13:00 (or something like that) appears. The machine is multi-region, but its done this playing both a Region 1 disc and a Region 2 now………

Does anyone know what that code means ? Is my machine buggered or on the way out ??

Why wont my machine play the damn disc ?????

I just bought a R1 copy of Dog Soldiers, I loaded it into my dvd player but it informed me there was no disc inserted ? I opened the tray, then closed it and it started to play, “just a glitch” I thought to myself, I then noticed the quality of the sound was lame, I tinkered with the settings and adjusted the volume, and continued watching the film, then about 20 minutes into the film, it stopped, and returned to the opening screen you get when you first turn on the player, then a code C:0013 or something like that flashed up, none of the buttons then worked ??? I turned on & off, but the machine kept saying, no disc ?? I then tried another R1 disc, which worked fine, then tried a R2, again which worked fine. Does this mean I was sold a dud disc, or is this something to do with RCE’s which people like Play247 warn you about ?? Does anyone techincal know what that code meant ?? The machine is a multi-region Sony DAVS300.

Not a very happy man as I had been looking forward to this film for ages !!!

RE: Someone please convince me that I need a subwoofer !

Brian, Brian, Brian, you really can do no better than the Sony SA-WM40, its slightly over your £100 budget, but Ive just looked it up and you can get it for around £145 now....... trust me, the extra £45 is worth it !!! Have a look at this site, its gives you an idea just how cool this little box of tricks really is, some of the reviewers go on about modifications by adding damping, but I havent modified mine and it sounds superb, even at low volumes.

Not sure, if above will work as a direct link, I`m a bit thick re computers !!! lol.

RE: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghh my Sony DVD skipped last night !!!

Its a DAVS300 all-in-one job. I did rewind the film back, and it didn`t skip in the same place, which made me think it was dust ? Oh, the room wasn`t cold either. What do you think about using a lense cleaner then, I dont wanna make the situation worse, and certainly dont want to invalidate my warranty.

RE: Someone please convince me that I need a subwoofer !

And if you havent got a full DD set up, (thats Dolby Digital by the way) then thats where your money should be going Mr Elliott !!!! Trust me, its the business, you wont believe your ears. I love demo`ing my set up to mates who`ve never sampled DD5.1, bung on Saving Private Ryan, or any mooooovie with explosions and bullets, and wait for the enevitable comments, "wow, it sounds like the bullets are flying over your head" and "Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!" when something explodes !! hehehehe. As for a sub, if you do go down the DD road, I`d recommend the Sony SA-WM40, its very reasonably priced (I paid about £180 for mine last year some time) and it rocks !!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghh my Sony DVD skipped last night !!!

Whilst settling down to watch the new Star Wars film, imagine my horror when the dvd started skipping, it happened about 3 times throughout the film, the disc was brand new and had no scratches, so I assume its a case of dust inside the machine, can you get dvd lense cleaners, are they any good ? Which one would you recommend ??

Oh Bollox`s Its Raining !!!!!!!!!!!

Sitting here at work looking out the office window, its chucking it down with rain !! Gutted, Ive got a bugger load of fireworks which we were gonna let off tonight whilst gorging ourselves with bbq munch !! But all thats ruined on account of it bloody raining !!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lol, suppose I really should get on with some work actually................


Anyone got any South Park DVD`s for sale ???


Nice one JulesBloke, I`ve just ordered myself a copy !!

RE: RCE`s ?? Will they play on a chipped Sony DAVS300 ??

I have no idea what chip was used ? I bought it from the shop pre-chipped, suppose I`ll just have to order one and hope for the best !! Seems a lot of the new big releases are RCE, fingers crossed my machine is up to the job !!! I`m well chuffed with my Sony, as an all in one package, the DAVS300 is a brilliant way to Dolby digital, with no fuss ! I`ve ditched the crappy passive sub though and replaced it with a Sony active floor rumbler !!! Sounds tops, especially with films like Saving Private Ryan.

RCE`s ?? Will they play on a chipped Sony DAVS300 ??

Whilst searching through the many import DVD shops, I keep seeing films with RCE warnings, does anyone know whether my DAVS300 will happily play them or not ??


Nope still can`t find it anywhere !!! I looked on the Fox web site, and its not even listed in their Future Release dates schedule ??? Can anyone shed any light on an official release date ?

RE: Free DVD

Well today is 28 since I applied, and yup you guessed it absolutely bugger all has turned up !!! How can a major player like Fox get away with a con like that, well its not exactly a con as such, I mean we paid them no money, but its the principal of the thing !!! Ooooo its makes me mad, hang on, I`m turning green and my shirt is ripping..........

RE: Free Beer!....No really is true!

Couldn`t agree more !! Certainly aint the way to impress us is it !! No free fox dvd and no free beers, booooo. Got my free battery from that battery company listed in this forum though, woohoo, lol at least they kept their promise !!


If Dog Soldiers is due for a Region 1 release on Nov 5th, how come havent got it advertised yet, or am I going blind !? Can any one recommend me an alternative reliable dvd site for Region 1 releases.

RE: Free DVD

I filled out the form 25 days ago, and haven`t had a single reply, acknowledgement or anything back, nothing !!!! Don`t hold out much hope of this freebie offer coming true. Right Fox, wheres my ass kicking boots.....