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DVDs & Films Forum

Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?

Deadthings (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 16:23


I`m looking for Angel Season 3. I did a check on dvdpricecheck, and see it`s available in two boxed sets. There is a single boxed set for thw whole series, but when is this out?

We want the cheapest we can find for either the full set or both parts one and two, in time for Christmas! :)



RE: Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?

tazz (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 17:05

I take it you after the dvd which is in one box set. They are re-releasing Angel, Buffy, X-files, and I believe Soprano`s box sets on boxing day all for under £30 each with different packaging, check the tesco website for details, no-one else seems to be offering pre-orders, won`t be in time for Christmas but one day out isn`t bad. You could also try Choices direct and for pre Christmas one`s

RE: Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st November 2003, 22:23

Tesco have this release date 26/12 at £27.99 I`m gutted having paid full whack just because it was so slow coming onto Five. They have all three series and 6 series of Buffy.I think I might save my clubcard vouchers!

Sue Davies

Site Reviewer

RE: Where`s the cheapest for Angel Season 3?

Deadthings (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 22nd November 2003, 00:11

I`m not sure how this message got in Software, as I was reading Bargain Buckets and posted it into Bargain Buckets. Wierd!


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