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Retailer Reviews Forum

Problems with DVD Crave

Mad Spoon, Me I am 25% I am (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd October 2002, 03:21

Placed an order on the 29th August that shipped on the 30th August.

By the 18th of September the goods still had not arrived.
Sent an email asking for the current status of the order to see if there had been any problems. The reply the same day was "I will check into it for you".

1 week later still no update from them. So I send an email advising that if I do not get an up with in 48 hours I would pass the matter to my CC company to dispute the payment.

Surprise that gets there attention, I get an update with in a few hours.
"lost in post" the goods will be resent.

Today I am still waiting for the DVD`s that made my first order with Crave DVD.
It will be my last. At least when I order from Ezydvd I get my goods. the longest it takes Ezydvd to deliver? 4 days.

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