Info and forum posts by 'smila'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 16th August 2002, 20:52, Last used: Friday, 16th August 2002, 20:52

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: currently into Hong Kong movies mostly from the hong kong legends dvd label.

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Iron Monkey - Superb - can you recommend others?

I`ve got all the HKL releases and a few by some other distributers.My latest purchase is called Butterfly and Sword starring Donnie Yen and Michelle Yeoh.Its very tongue in cheek(lots of flying around waving swords in mid air etc).I`d not heard of it before but quite enjoyed it.I also loved iron monkey and would recommend any HKL martial arts release.One not mentioned that i thought was ok was Ninja in the dragons den.My favourite HKL has to be New dragon gate inn.

RE: How to take screenshots from DVDs on my PC?

On windvd you can pres the "p" key(dont hold it though) at the point you want to take a screenshot.These pics will then be kept in a folder called capture in the windvd folder on your hardrive.Try it its a snip.

RE: Hong Kong movies-Hong Kong Legends dvd label.

Yeah,Drunken master and Snake where the first 2 releases and to my knowledge they are the only ones in the wrong aspect ratios.I too have read they will be rereleased sometime.I haven`t mentioned any of my own faves yet come to think of it.Off the top of my head(i`ve got that many i can`t remember them all)
Mr Vampire-due to the fact it was the first HK movie i saw other than Bruce Lee at the time,and the first i really enjoyed.
New Dragon Gate Inn
Once upon a time in China films
Iron Monkey
Most Jackie Chan films-that blokes got some guts risking his life doing some of those stunts he pulls.
The list is endless.The acting may be poor on alot of them but theres just something magical about them that keeps me hooked.

RE: Alba 108 - How much and where from ?

According to the manual(and the fact it says mp3 on the player)it does.Haven`t tried it myself yet though.

RE: Alba 108 - How much and where from ?

Sorry to be repetitive Duder.Info on this machine is few and far between when you search the net,so the only info i can get is off good folk as yourself.Machine locking,as on some philips players,is as you say dependant on the amount of times a region is changed-thats what i meant it just didn`t come out right.thanks for info though,i can now watch R1 discs,which i couldnt do on my Toshiba without chipping.

This item was edited on Saturday, 17th August 2002, 00:00

Hong Kong movies-Hong Kong Legends dvd label.

Is anyone else out there into hong kong films?Until i got a dvd player 3 yrs ago i had only seen one or two on late night tv.Then that all changed one day when i bought Drunken Master on the Hong Kong Legends label.Since then i have been buying every HKL disc released.They are miles better than any other company releasing these movies.Most of their discs are full of extras,painstakingly restored picture and audio and great subtitles if you fancy listening to them in their intended language(by that i mean subtitles that actually read properly).If anyone is into martial arts/Hong Kong cinema,give Hong Kong Legends releases a try,i`ve been impressed by their quality.If you`ve already seen some,whats your favourite HK film?

RE: Alba DVD108

or you can press and hold menu then press and hold 1.You need to hold them both until s/vcd comes up on screen or the disc ejects.It takes a bit of practice to get the timing right(i tried 5/6 times b4 it worked.Don`t know how long the buttons on the remote will last keep doing this though!!

RE: Alba 108 - How much and where from ?

As has already been mentioned above,the player must be multi regional out the box.I had read of a remote hack to make it region free,but out of curiosity i borrowed a mates R1 disc and tried playing it without using the remote hack.It played no problem.I`m also hoping this is not just temporary as on some players they only play other regions a certain number of times before they lock.Does anyone know if this players permanantly region free?

RE: Alba 108 Rce Information

Funnily enough spiyre i borrowed the resident evil disc off a mate having only bought my 108 last week to see if it would play other region discs and it plays fine.Don`t know about other discs though.I wasn`t sure if the r.evil disc was rce encoded.