Info and forum posts by 'NewFound'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 13th August 2002, 20:53, Last used: Thursday, 17th March 2011, 21:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Help With A Film

Thanks Cynic, that`s the film she was after. Doesn`t sound like the best film in the world though, I might have to have words with her over her viewing choices!!

RE: Help With A Film

She said it`s not The Forgotten, that was the first film I suggested when she was explaining the plot.

Help With A Film

Can anyone tell me the name of this film based on the description my friend has sent me. Shes been wanting to see it again for a long time but can`t remember what it`s called. I`ve got no idea....

"theres a married couple with a little girl about 5yrs old i think...then the little girl is in a school play or something at the very beginning and when her mum goes to pick her up shes gone missing,
nobody knows where she is, i think the mum goes a bit psycho and ends up getting locked up in a mental ward,...then something happens to the wallpaper and it peels off and i think shes in the same room as the abductor stayed in or something weird like that and theres loads of writing on the wall,
she keeps having visions of her daughter in some kind of apple orchard..and theres a bridge at the end"

Any help would be appreciated

RE: well done Grimsby

I was at the match lastnight and the atmosphere was amazing. It`s not often you get a buzz going through the crowd at a Grimsby game but I guess it was a special occasion and it showed. We sang for the whole 93 minutes and everyone was in a party mood!! The town players played their socks off and Spurs were below par, its only when I got home and saw the line up that I realised Jenas was playing, he was non existant the whole game!!!

Anyways, to quote a guy I passed on the way home "Bring on Arsenal, Bring on Man U...Not Chelsea though because they`ll hammer us"

Anyone big will do...We need the cash.

Popup Blockers

Can anyone recommend a popup blocker that actually works?? I had a really good one but after remastering the laptop I forgot where I downloaded it from. The ones I`ve tried since are letting lots of popups through and blocking a new window when I click on links, even after I`ve gone through the settings.

All I want is to block all annoying popups without the software being part of a search bar...Is that too much to ask!?! :/

Any recommendations will be greatly received!!

Advice Needed After Splitting Up!

Me and my girlfriend have just split up...we share a mortgage and everytime we are credit checked we get credit checked as a couple. How do I go about getting us seperated so I am credit checked alone?? Do I need to go through a solicitor or is there someone I can phone up. I know the mortgage will have to go through a solicitor so will everything get sorted out at the same time?

Any advice will be greatly apprieciated

Name Of A Game!

Many years ago there was a pc game that me and my mates would play at dinner times at school if it was raining. The object of it was to (I think) press a button at some point on the screen. When it started all you had was the button and a starting point and then you had to add things like a gun to burst a ballon which would start a fan blowing to set a ball rolling into something else and eventually the button would get pressed. Sort of like when the gate gets opened in The Goonies!

Does anyone know what game it was? Or was the description to confusing?

Intermission dvd release date

Does anyone know when Colin Farrells film is going to be released?? I`ve looked in a few places that should know but can`t find anything about the release date. I wasn`t expecting much from the film but I saw it at the cinema and loved it.


RE: Guess what happened at work today....

This is what the local paper has printed about the incident, no mention of the fact it took 4 people to hold her down, the abuse she gave us and the fact she swung the knife. On a funnier note the "guard" is actually the manager and is called scott. (thats if you bother to read the whole thing)

Grimsby thief Leanne Bakes pulled out a 12-inch machete and threatened a security guard during a "frightening" confrontation.

She told the officer: "You can phone the police but you`ll get some of this." The drug addict later claimed she carried the machete to protect herself from enemies, Grimsby magistrates heard.

Bakes (20), of Thesiger House, admitted affray, stealing a PlayStation game, valued at £39.99, from Currys superstore in Grimsby, and going equipped for theft, on Thursday of last week.

Mark Kendall, prosecuting, said Bakes was spotted putting something into a bag and was stopped as she passed a checkout.

She swore as she asked a security officer: "What do you want to look in my bag for?" and twice refused.

Bakes produced a machete with a blade of 12-and-a-half-inches before making threats and pointing it towards guard Andrew Davidson.

He grabbed the wrist of the hand in which she was holding the machete and there was a struggle.

"The defendant dropped the knife and the carrier bag and during the course of the struggle was seen punching out at staff."

The bag was searched and a computer game was found.

Its security tag was still on but Bakes was using a foil-lined bag so shop alarms would not be set off.

During police interview, Bakes claimed she carried the machete "because she had enemies and would use it to scare people."

Nick Furman, mitigating, said Bakes had never faced offences of violence before.

"When confronted, she was in possession of a knife but she denies she took it for the purpose of a confrontation.

"It was with her for other reasons but it must have been a frightening incident.

"She is a woman of relatively slight build and she was disarmed by the simple device of taking hold of her wrist.

"It seems to be more a case of sabre-rattling or knife-waving than any serious attempt to do anyone any harm with it."

Bakes had tackled her drug problem while in custody and was physically more healthy.

She committed the theft in a bid to help her financial situation, said Mr Furman.

Sentence was adjourned until August 4 for reports and Bakes was further remanded in custody.

She appeared before the court from prison via a video link.

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th July 2003, 21:56

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

It was very frustrating, because on the driving range I showed that I could hit it quite far (every 12 balls or so) then I was so poor on the course. My friend took up golf about 3 months ago and we decided to go and he was the one trying to teach me but I think I`ll stick to playing Football, I already know how to do it and I don`t get so frustrated with myself. Is it wrong to quit after 1 game?

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

Last day went by without a hitch, got a card and a cake and the incident made the paper in the smallest column possible but hey ho I can still point it out and say I was involved!

Biagio, I start on Tuesday so I`m trying to do loads of stuff over the next few days...had my first ever game of golf lastnight and absolutely sucked at it, I was ok on the golfing range but once on the course I couldn`t hit it more than 50 yards! It`s not an easy game and I`m going to stop taking the mick out of golfers! Just about to go see The Hulk and Wrong Turn so I`m a busy boy.

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

Well, here we go...last day at work! Thanks for the advice Mark, I mentioned yesterday at work that it had to happen 1 day before "retirement" from the place. So today I ain`t taking no risks, I`m going to slack all day in the warehouse, no one will find me till its leaving time!!!! Thankfully my new job has a budget for security guards and I won`t have to get involved again.

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

I work in the Grimsby store, tomorrow is my last day so at least I`ll have something to remember my days there!!!!!

Guess what happened at work today....

I work for currys superstore and when a known shoplifter comes in all the staff are called to the shop floor incase anything happened. Today as we was down on staff only four of us could look out for the teenage girl that was in the shop. when Leaving the shop the manager asked to look in the bag she was carrying and she started getting a little aggresive and refused. Then Scott (the manager) told her she either let him see or he`ll call the police..........with that she reached in the bag and pulled out a 15" MACHETE!!!!! A possibly fatal struggle began and she was swinging it everywhere we managed to wrestle her to the ground and it took all four of us to hold her down. She was shouting, biting, kicking and trying to headbutt. The panick alarms had to be pressed and for 5 minutes we had to hold her down. I don`t know where she got all the strength to struggle coz she had me pinning her ankles, 1 guy on her legs, 1 guy on her left arm and leaning on her chest and scott on the other arm. Police arrived after a few minutes and found she had a foil lined bag with a bunch of Playstation 2 games in it. We were all shocked coz no way did we think she`d pull out a machete. By far the scariest thing to happen to me at work!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 16:44

Footballer`s Gambling

Does anyone really care about how much money is being lost? It`s all over the news lately but these guys can obviously afford it and if they can`t it`s their life and they can do as they choose! So why is it getting so much attention?

Are these going to be released?

Does anyone know if "Scrubs" and "That 70`s show" are going to be released on DVD? Can`t seem to find any info. Maybe I`m just looking in the wrong places!?!

RE: Finding A Job Online

Anything with no stress or pressure, I`ve always prefered warehouse work.

Finding A Job Online

Has anyone ever actually found a decent job online and gone for it?? Anything I seem to put in just comes back with "no matches found" I`m thinking about putting my CV online, but don`t want to suffer the embarassment of people seeing my pitiful work history!