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Guess what happened at work today....

NewFound (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 15:34

I work for currys superstore and when a known shoplifter comes in all the staff are called to the shop floor incase anything happened. Today as we was down on staff only four of us could look out for the teenage girl that was in the shop. when Leaving the shop the manager asked to look in the bag she was carrying and she started getting a little aggresive and refused. Then Scott (the manager) told her she either let him see or he`ll call the police..........with that she reached in the bag and pulled out a 15" MACHETE!!!!! A possibly fatal struggle began and she was swinging it everywhere we managed to wrestle her to the ground and it took all four of us to hold her down. She was shouting, biting, kicking and trying to headbutt. The panick alarms had to be pressed and for 5 minutes we had to hold her down. I don`t know where she got all the strength to struggle coz she had me pinning her ankles, 1 guy on her legs, 1 guy on her left arm and leaning on her chest and scott on the other arm. Police arrived after a few minutes and found she had a foil lined bag with a bunch of Playstation 2 games in it. We were all shocked coz no way did we think she`d pull out a machete. By far the scariest thing to happen to me at work!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 16:44

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 15:39

What a twisted bitch!!!
Where abouts do you work?


RE: Guess what happened at work today....

NewFound (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 15:45

I work in the Grimsby store, tomorrow is my last day so at least I`ll have something to remember my days there!!!!!

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 17:37

Take a bulletproof vest - haven`t you ever seen a Lethal Weapon movie?? ;o)

J Mark Oates

Reviewer, Columnist and All Round Good Egg

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 17:43

At Asda, there was a crack head who came in to the Asda store and he was stopped for nicking a load of stuff. He whipped out a hypodermic needle, and then started lashing out at the security guards. He stabbed two of them, and then said that he had HIV.

After the incident, the two had to have a HIV test and then counciling.

This country is going down hill by the second by these scumbag smack heads.

Bring `em on, I`d prefer a straight fight

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

Chris Cox (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 18:16

Whilst the politically correct brigade will no doubt be up in arms with what is coming next, I simply cannot see any reason to allow this scum to continue to live in our society, or at all for that matter.

Anyone who threatens shop staff with a machete, or worse, a needle, should be up for public execution, preferably painful.

Chris Cox

Region 1 News Editor, Columnist and Site Reviewer
DVD Reviewer - Orange SPV, Photography and SNES

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 19:16

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 18:40

The amount of smack head scum wandering around Sheffield seems to be on the increase. I agree with Chris they are a waste of air.


RE: Guess what happened at work today....

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 18:46

I remember a couple of years ago when London had to put up with that particularly bad anti capitilist march (or as it should be known, an excuse for a load of scrubbers to smash things up or swear at policemen, because lets face it half of them don`t know what capitilism means) my dad was in the riot squad and some c*** stuck a needle in his arm, luckily the protective padding meant it only just scraped the surface of the skin, but what kind of mind does it take to do that to someone? God knows what was contained in that needle.

Sorry to hear you had a stressful day like that newfound, that sort of thing seems to be getting more and more common :-(


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This item was edited on Thursday, 10th July 2003, 19:46

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

kywy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 11th July 2003, 03:28

I can only pray that after such a horrendously violent struggle, counseling will be offered to this traumatised young girl, indeed one can only hope that the four thugs who so violently attacked her will be punished to the full extent of the law.

It is a sad indictment of today`s violent society when an young shoplifter going about her everyday tasks can be attacked, abused and humiliated in such a brutal way.
She had been thoughtful enough to take steps to ensure that the tranquility of the store was not ruined by loud alarms blaring off on her exit, and had, even as she was being dreadfully assaulted, attempted to help others by trying to swat a highly dangerous wasp with her handy metal ping pong bat.

We can take some comfort in the fact that her solicitors, Didill Fyddle Conn and Lye, will most certainly succesfully sue the store staff for maximum damages for such a perverted sexual assault, where four adults males lay on the terrified young girl`s body at the same time, no doubt some form of kinky S&M gang bondage.

Thank goodness for the British legal system !


This item was edited on Friday, 11th July 2003, 04:29

RE: Guess what happened at work today....

NewFound (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 11th July 2003, 06:42

Well, here we go...last day at work! Thanks for the advice Mark, I mentioned yesterday at work that it had to happen 1 day before "retirement" from the place. So today I ain`t taking no risks, I`m going to slack all day in the warehouse, no one will find me till its leaving time!!!! Thankfully my new job has a budget for security guards and I won`t have to get involved again.

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