Info and forum posts by 'andyr123'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th August 2002, 22:05, Last used: Friday, 5th November 2010, 13:32

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Acoustics Solutions DVD 222 Portable

:( I cant get any of the codes to work on my AS DVD-222 either. Just bought it out of HomeBase DIY. Must be something to do with that the latest firmware has a different MR hack. What a shame if these cannot be made into MR because they are a neat little player apart from that.

Maybe someone will come up soon with a MR hack for the later versions of the AS DVD-222 players hopefully.

RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

I reckon after all this time I have finally found the company that make it in China. It looks like the DR-900 and made by Arlinktech:

Now all I have to do is just got to find out if they have any Firmware updates for it.


I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

Hello all. Calling all detective Sleuths on this website I wonder if you can help.

I bought this DVD Recorder with DV input and USB Input and Mpeg4 in a Supermarket in Ireland it has HCL60DVDR written on the front and its a pretty good piece of kit with more features than the Philips DVD Recorder its replacing but I have been searching for Hours (ney days) on Google and Yahoo trying to find out the manufacturers who actually make this DVD Recorder to See if I can get a Firmware update to sort out a few niggly problems and I cannot find it anywhere on the net.

It don`t say on the unit or box where it was made but its got to be China or Taiwan or somewhere like that.

some of the niggles I got is that on the DVD Menu the font of the title writing is obliterated by the background screen colour, the date is in American M/D/YY format instead of UK D/M/YY format and although the unit will play Mpeg4 from a DVD+RW Disc it wont play mpeg 4`s on a memory USB stick and the unit has frozen up a couple of times and i got a feeling a lot of these problems could very easily be sorted if I could download some new and updated firmware. I know that the recorder will recognise a firmware update where I burned a file with an extension of CUB (DMN8600.CUB) because it said on the onscreen display `Update Recorder - Yes/No` I chickened out No because i didn`t want to update the firmware and disable the DVD Recorder altogether with the wrong Firmware for it.

To help aid recognition of the Recorder I have put a picture of the unit and the remote control and the screen shots up here:

I am wondering also if another make of DVD recorder shares this same remote and screen menus just so i can try their firmware. I reckon this HCL brand DVD Recorder must be a rebadge of something else or Vice Versa. Has anyone seen this type of DVD Recorder sold in the UK recently only with a different name on it?

anyone who can offer some helpful advice or any comments I would be interested to hear them.


RE: Need MR Hack for H&B DVD Player

Sorry just found out that it was multiregion is another DVD player that I could never be able to make multiregion a Bush one. - Couldn`t seem to delete my post sorry again.

Need MR Hack for H&B DVD Player

Hi. Has anyone ever come across a multiregion hack for a H&B DVD Player? - i bought this player off Amazon UK years ago its got karaoke socket with mic echo and 5.1 sockets around the back and its slimline other than that the model number is DVD-5415S. I have just dug it out and its still region 2 and I haven`t been successful in the past to make it multiregion by the remote.



This item was edited on Wednesday, 2nd August 2006, 02:12


I am a bit surprised at my problem. Bought one today in ALDI Ireland cost 54.00 Euro. Burned some mp4 files onto a disc and it didn`t show or play them. Then tried to put mp4 files onto a 256mb usb stick and again wouldn`t recognise them. Wonder what I am doing wrong? - mp4 is the same as mpeg4 isn`t it? and it says on the box it plays mpeg4.

also if anyone ever hears of any firmware updates for the player I would love to know. I visited Akura website but nothing up there.

RE: Philips DVDr610 BLOCKED message

I have just copied this from the philips support website interactive help. Maybe it could have helped your problem or it might help others so here it is:

Problem Category Other

Problem Tray - will not open and or buttons do not function.

Cause Player is probably in trade mode. It will only respond to remote control and not to the buttons on the player.

Solution The recorder is probably in trade mode. It will only respond to the remote control and not to the buttons on the front. Temporarily disconnect the power cord from the outlet. While holding both the `OPEN/CLOSE` button and the `STOP` button on the front, reconnect the power cord.


Problem Category Other

Problem Tray - will not open and or buttons do not function.

Cause Buttons on player do not function.

Solution Due to lightning or static electricity, the player can stop responding. Temporarily disconnect the player from the power outlet to reset it.


Problem Category Overview of all information available

Problem Display - `BLOCKED` displayed.

Cause `BLOCKED` displayed.

Solution Due to lightning or static electricity, the player can stop responding. Temporarily disconnect the player from the power outlet to reset it.

When you get your DVD Recorder back try getting a device called a 4- way surge protected socket. They are not too expensive they look like a normal 4-way extension socket but have electronics built in to help stop lightning surges and other surges from ruining your equipment. Maybe it will help. - Even better the other week I was in Homebase DIY and I saw a surge protected adaptor with protection also on the UHF Aerial side of things as well to help protect equipment from surges even better. - not too expensive around a tenner.

All PC users should think about fitting a surge protected socket as well as all these kind of `delicate` devices including DVD recorders can be affected by surges not just by lightning but by everyday surges from hoovers, fridges/freezers, electric showers and other heavy electrical sources or stuff with motors in them.

This item was edited on Thursday, 14th April 2005, 23:46

Region Hack wanted for a Woolworths £69.95! DVD Player

Today I bought a smart DVD Player from Woolworths for only £69.95!!
It has no LCD display?? but it has got MP3, CD,CDRW playback facility though which is a good bonus for that price of player. It has silver buttons on the front with the remote control receiver window front lower left.

Only problem is that the player is only region2 compatible. Wonder if anyone knows the hack for this player?

There is no make/model on the box it just says its imported for Woolworths UK PLC.

On a sticky label on the box it says: Welkin T-123 DVD/CD Player.
Code: 270A9140
Made in China.

Anyone got any ideas how to make it region free?


This item was edited on Thursday, 8th August 2002, 23:30