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I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

andyr123 (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th August 2006, 14:32

Hello all. Calling all detective Sleuths on this website I wonder if you can help.

I bought this DVD Recorder with DV input and USB Input and Mpeg4 in a Supermarket in Ireland it has HCL60DVDR written on the front and its a pretty good piece of kit with more features than the Philips DVD Recorder its replacing but I have been searching for Hours (ney days) on Google and Yahoo trying to find out the manufacturers who actually make this DVD Recorder to See if I can get a Firmware update to sort out a few niggly problems and I cannot find it anywhere on the net.

It don`t say on the unit or box where it was made but its got to be China or Taiwan or somewhere like that.

some of the niggles I got is that on the DVD Menu the font of the title writing is obliterated by the background screen colour, the date is in American M/D/YY format instead of UK D/M/YY format and although the unit will play Mpeg4 from a DVD+RW Disc it wont play mpeg 4`s on a memory USB stick and the unit has frozen up a couple of times and i got a feeling a lot of these problems could very easily be sorted if I could download some new and updated firmware. I know that the recorder will recognise a firmware update where I burned a file with an extension of CUB (DMN8600.CUB) because it said on the onscreen display `Update Recorder - Yes/No` I chickened out No because i didn`t want to update the firmware and disable the DVD Recorder altogether with the wrong Firmware for it.

To help aid recognition of the Recorder I have put a picture of the unit and the remote control and the screen shots up here:

I am wondering also if another make of DVD recorder shares this same remote and screen menus just so i can try their firmware. I reckon this HCL brand DVD Recorder must be a rebadge of something else or Vice Versa. Has anyone seen this type of DVD Recorder sold in the UK recently only with a different name on it?

anyone who can offer some helpful advice or any comments I would be interested to hear them.


RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 13th August 2006, 16:13

looks like a cello running smart navi, i`ll do some digging cos i can`t remeber who made the cello brand

RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th August 2006, 20:38

cello = Mico ;)

RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

andyr123 (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th December 2006, 03:00

I reckon after all this time I have finally found the company that make it in China. It looks like the DR-900 and made by Arlinktech:

Now all I have to do is just got to find out if they have any Firmware updates for it.


RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th December 2006, 09:14

The menu screenshots are identical to my Father-in-Law`s Daewoo DVD Recorder, if that is any help. The unit definitely does not look like a Daewoo though.

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th December 2006, 09:14

RE: I am trying to Identify who makes this DVD Recorder

theweedevil (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th March 2007, 01:41

did you have any luck i have got one also.
How much were they to buy in Ireland?

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