Info and forum posts by 'Mezz'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 22nd August 2000, 23:13, Last used: Friday, 30th September 2005, 18:30

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This user has posted a total of 29 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Look and Read on DVD...?

Now this was real scary stuff back in the day.

Does anyone else remember this BBC childrens educational TV show from mid 1970`s to early 90s, which had a floating orange head called wordy as its presenter. Wordy was like a typewriter crossed with Slimer from Ghostbusters...

Anyway, what chance is there that the serialised mini TV dramas that used to appear as part of the show, such as DARK TOWERS, will make it to DVD?

DT used to scare the bejesus out of me when I was just a 7 year old kid - along with another mini drama called THE BOY FROM SPACE, starring The Thin Man and Peep Peep, the boy who spoke backwards. There were others like SKYHUNTER, and I think they would do really well on DVD....

RE: Sorry but I`m new to all this gaming stuff....

What a great reply - thanks for the advice snookums, ur a star.

Sorry but I`m new to all this gaming stuff....

So let me ask you...

Do i buy an Xbox or a PS2?

Not a serious gamer at all, just want something I can use when have mates round?

Only want 3 or 4 games too, whats the best single player games and multi-player games?

And which is better soccer game, Pro Evolution Soccer or FIFA. Never played Pro, last one I played was FIFA 2000!!

Thanks all.

League of Gentlemen Apocolypse - DVD Review

Lucky enough to see the DVD and thought I``d share my thoughts.

Terrible. Very bad considering the genius of the 1st 2 series of the TV show. The League really have run out of ideas as to what to do next, demonstrated by the half ass plot and lack of any real story. They`re now so busy patting each other on the back congratulating each other on how clever they are, they`ve lost the plot. The film is self-indulgent, messy, lacks focus, and all of the stuff where they are 16th Century noblemen... its drivel. Very painful to watch considering they are a very talented bunch of actors/comedians. A return to obscurity beckons...

Menus - nicely designed, but very dark and sometimes hard to read.

Extras - the usual `making of`, trailers, deleted scenes and `day in the life` stuff that we come to expect, but nothing special or stand out compared to the DVD`s for the TV series. If you already have those, you will be disappointed.

Video/Audio Quality - Excellent, can`t fault.

Easter Egg - Its on the main menu, but I`ll let you all find it for yourselfs, its very easy to see.

Verdict -
If you didn`t see the film in the cinema, then don`t bother buying this DVD, Rent a copy, and return it the next day. If you did see the movie, then you`re probably a huge fan - in which case you`ll be buying the DVD expecting more than what you get.


RE: Rush Hour 2

RH2 is a far better film than the original, no doubts.

I can`t believe the current state of films out in the flicks at the moment.

RE: Orbital `Altogether` DVD release date confirmed

heres what i know is true...
1) FACT - main album play through is just under 50 mins. Don`t know why this is different to the album, go figure.
2) FACT - Meltdown is approx 20 mins.
3) FACT - the video for "Oi" is not the Pacman video you`ve seen, but a specially crafted `animated` one which is very interesting....
4) FACT - Tension Live is on the disc.

as for satan... all will make sense when you watch the entire dvd.

RE: Orbital `Altogether` DVD release date confirmed

I think you`ll find that your sources are mistaken clayts - there is absolutely, positively, 100% dts on the new orbital dvd. And almost everything is in 16:9 full frame (1.78:1) aspect ratio.

look out for....satan, satan, satan....and the 9 bob notes.

RE: The DVD player thats a toaster....

thankfully i haven`t had to pay for the grundig as it`s the `office` player - cheap and nasty. Still s***e though.

RE: The DVD player thats a toaster....

let me list a few problems with the GDV220 `toaster`, as i like to call it...

1) Player jumps to black for a few secs each time a menu selection on a dvd is made - whats that about?
2) Numerous pixellation problems on video & audio when scanning forward/back, chaptering fwd/back, etc. Never seen any other player do that, EVER. And it`s bad pixellation too.
3) With stills galleries, etc, navigation through them is painfully slow, AND the player jumps to black for 2 secs inbetween each menu screen.
4) Undoubtedly the WORST designed remote handset in the world.
5) Undoubtedly the WORST on-screen player graphics in the world.
6) The ability to CRASH almost every time the player can`t handle a big disc (Terminator SE etc)

Also, when you put a disk in to the player, an on screen `help number` appears advertising the MASTERCARE helpline in case you have problems. Talk about Grundig having a lack of confidence in their player - they`re practically putting their hands up saying `we know this is a piece of s***e, but since you`ve paid £130-£150, here`s a number you can call to complain to`. Man.

I urge you all - stay away from the Grundig. Makes good toast though.

The DVD player thats a toaster....

Does anyone else out there think that the Grundig GDV220 is the biggest piece of s***e that`s ever had the gall to call itself a dvd player?

RE: Help Choosing Between JVC, Pioneer, Philips, Grundig , Samsung Players

don`t know about jvc, samsung, or philips players, but....

DON`T get a grundig. Judging by the piece of crap that is the GDV220, which is no better a dvd player than a toaster, stay well clear of them.

Pioneer - well, you can;t really go wrong with any of their players. Good picture, good sound, sturdy, robust... pretty much what you want.

RE: Itv Digital - any good...?

cool - but where do i get a chipped card ?

RE: Yipes - CRASH on super furry disc !

guess what - `what dvd` magazine have got a review of SFA in their latest edition, and it mentions that the version they tested had bugs and crashes which would be ironed out before the release of the actual disc.
But obviously they haven`t been - now thats a first, a review mentioning crashes in their review of a disc. not good my amigos, not good...

Yipes - CRASH on super furry disc !

oh dear oh dear oh dear...

in their rush to get their disc out, SONY have failed to fully check whether their Super furry animals disc actually works - and it doesn`t! I`ve found a crash on the super furrys using most players, that is such a basic/simple authoring error, i`m surprised the authoring house is still in business. It`s not even a complicated sequence. Try this and see...

go to INFO from the main menu, and from the subsequent menu, select DISC INFO. You`ll see a screen come up with a countdown of about 15 secs. Don`t do anything, just wait till the countdown runs down to zero - and the disc will crash to the player menu.

What`s all that about ?!!

Selecting enter on this screen doesn`t do anything during the countdown, and pressing button only takes you back to the previous menu. So where`s the disc info ?!! I`m sorry, but i think this is not a deliberate error, but a major oversight. Sony are gonna have a lot of disgruntled callers and emailers by the end of the month, i`m sure.... oh, what a shame.

So much for SFA. Now, who wants some Orbital.....

RE: Itv Digital - any good...?

many thanx for the advice clayts - i`m gonna brave it and get a box this weekend - anything`s got to be better than the shoddy service i currently get from cable london/telewest. did you know that they`ve put up prices so that for a basic package (tv only) i`m paying approx £22 a month. With ITV digital i get the same channels, but pay £100 for the year (£40 aerial upgrade excluding). I don`t need to tell you how much that option saves me....

thanx again, and down with cable !

Itv Digital - any good...?

Not dvd related, I know, but....

I`m contemplating getting an ITV digital box ( £99 off the shelf at Dixons) and was wondering if anyone could tell me more about it. Does it really suck? How bad does the picture get when there bad weather? What`s customer service like? Is the service any good?

Enlighten me, O knowledgeable ones....

Where do I get....

Where can I buy a Pioneer DV515 - yes, one of the old skool 1st generation of players that came out 2 years ago. has to be a 515.

RE: Super Furry Animals pip Orbital to the post - first simultaneous LP/DVD release

Can I just say, SFA might have pipped Orbital to the post with their album dvd, but....just wait till you see The Altogether. You guys will be stunned. a revolutionary dvd in every sense.

Brian Cant rules.

RE: Orbital 5.1

i hear there`s dts too... a rarity on any dvd, let alone a music one. And a couple of easter eggs, if i`m not mistaken.

RE: Requiem for a Dream Release date

`memories dreams & addictions` is actually a 20min interview with Hubert Selby Jr, the writer of the novel Requiem for a Dream. The interview is conducted by Ellen Burstyn - she`s actually not interviewed herself. You also get to see extended footage of Hubert Selby Jr`s cameos in the film in the deleted scenes. A brilliant, yet very strange, man.

And as for the film... full on ECT and dildo action, uncut. (how many peoples ears pricked up during that last sentence, i wonder....)

RE: Requiem for a Dream Release date

This disc is gonna be packed with extras, I hear theres deleted scenes, making of docs, the worx... a must buy for anyone. Nuff said.


If you look closely enough, you`ll probably notice that there are far fewer encoding artefacts on series 3 video than on series 2. That`s because a double sided disc allows video to be encoded at a higher bit rate on each side, thus increasing the video quality for your viewing pleasure. Thats pretty essential for something like Only fools, where the original first few series were shot on Beta sp/film thats suffered over the years. As for extras - yes, it would be nice to have a retrospective documentary on one of the discs, but if you ask me the episodes are so great they speak for themselves.

Cheap DVD`s at Virgin & DVD pricing

I`m sure everyone knows about this already, but for those who don`t, Virgin Megastores in London are currently selling a range of DVD`s for £12.99 - most of them crappy Warners one ( Batman, You`ve Got Mail etc) that have no extras, but as there`s quite a big selection you should go down to one and check it out for yourselves. Who knows, you might find yourself a bargain.

This actually got me thinking about the cost of DVD`s in general. I`m very aware that compared to about a year ago, when almost every DVD in High street stores retailed at about £20, prices are dropping - but surely paying £17.99 or £15.99 is still too much for a DVD disc - especially for the stack of Warners titles such Enemy of the State, Goodfellas etc, which offer no extras at all. I mean, even the Bond ones should be retailing a lot cheaper than £20, regardless of their prestige value and excellent extras. Not a new argument I know, but I think paying £10 for a DVD of an older film is the correct `market` price, with between £12 and £15 for newer films or older films with new extras, being the absolute limit. Surely it`s in both the consumers AND the suppliers interests, incentive wise. And what with xmas coming up.....

Also, still can`t beleive that you have to pay about £13.99 upwards for a movie on VHS nowadays too. I mean, c`mon ! HMV are doing a sale at the moment where you can get vids from £2.99 (Men in Black Widescreen, even though it`s on TV this week). The ABSOLUTE highest the consumer should be paying for VHS now what with the advent of DVD is £8.
How long are we consumers going to keep paying over our dosh like mindless donkeys for ? EE-Ohh !!

RE: DVD`s from - VAT or not?

play 247 are great - i ordered fight club R1 on a wednesday evening, and it was sitting on my office desk first thing friday. in my opinion, their prices and service can`t be matched.

ps. i don`t work for play 247

pps. but i am open to bribes should they offer.

Bush DVD2009 Owners.....

To all you Bush DVD2009 owners.....


and I have a question for you all - how happy are you with your player?
reason I ask is because i love my machine dearly - and I`d really like to know whether anyones had any problems with the little beauty, either hardware wise or with R1 or R2 discs. It would be interesting to hear your comments.

Pan & Scan....?

Okay, I know watching dvd`s in pan & scan mode is sacrilege - I agree. But i have a weird question. I own a Bush DVD2009 ( an excellent buy, I might add), and I get different results when playing back different discs in pan & scan mode.
For example, I watch The Thomas Crown Affair R2 disc in p&s mode and the pictures fine : I get a bigger 16:9 image on my TV (panned & scanned) rather than the smaller 2:35:1 picture you get in normal mode. However, when I try The Matrix R2, or even Fight Club R1, all I seem to get is the original 2:35:1 image, no blow up. How come? Is this definitely down to the discs? And how do I tell ?

R1 Discs - who`s the best supplier ?

I`ve been told about various websites who supply R1 discs via mail order - but which are the best ones? And I don`t mean just in price - although that is important ! Who offer the speediest delivery service? Who`s the most reputable? Who has the widest range ? Who should I avoid? Your advice would be most appreciated.

Bush DVD 2009 - Your advice please !

I`ve just bought the Bush DVD 2009 as I`ve heard that this machine is region free - if that`s the case, do i simply stick my region 1 discs in and play them as usual?
If not, does anyone know of any remote hacks that I can use to play region 1 discs on this model ?