Info and forum posts by 'eggy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 7th July 2002, 11:28, Last used: Sunday, 7th July 2002, 11:28

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 57 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: woolworths 30020

Try the hack for the SCAN SL440 as my brother worked with that one

RE: xXx

I got my copy yesterday,only orderd it on thursday from play and got it on monday.

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only cod

spaceage hippys from the planet lulaplurt

RE: My First DVD-A Disc

How can you say that when you havnt even tryed it.

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only cod

the blow up sheep ehh this is the best ride since

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only cod

the swingers party where they met up with john leslie and

The getaway or Vice City. Help i cant decide

Any one with advice on which one is the best to buy Please

RE: Cheapest price for The Hitman and Getaway?

Argos have it for £29.99 and cd-wow have it for £31.99

RE: What was your first computer ?

Well i had a spectrum 48k with the rubber keyboard. it was the dogs bollocks back then.

RE: Connecting DVD + SKY + Gamecube to TV.

Why not try an rgb scart switch box from argos for £9.99 thats wot i have and i have my dvd sky and ps2 linked througe 1 rgb scart in the back of my tv.

RE: Which Report November

you need a password and a user name with that link or it wont work.

RE: Liverpool Vs Man UTD the result!

Dont be silly they have only got owen who does anything and they cant realy count on him all the time.

RE: Asylum seekers.......Do they realy get all this?

Just dont let them in the country. LAST STATEMENT EDITED AS CLEARLY RASCIST

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th November 2002, 18:25

RE: Which manual scart switch box?

Hi ive been using the one from argos for about 18 months now and i have had no problems with it at all and it also has a rgb switch on it aswell.

RE: Celebrity Big Bruv

i for one thinks its a f***ing good program and if you dont like it dont watch it,its as simple as that you bunch of cretings.

RE: Morrisons - 33 CD-R`s for £10!

You can also pick up a 52 speed writer for ony £60

RE: Morrisons - 33 CD-R`s for £10!

Why not buy your disks at a computer fair as i only pay £16 for 100 and £10 for 100 cases which makes it only 26p per disk and case.Go to a retailer and you are being robbed.

RE: Stamp Out VCDs


RE: Quick question for people who have overdrafts.

If you ask questions like that you dont need anybody to make you look stupid as you have just done it yourself (idiot)

RE: Computer fairs.

Whats wrong with pirate cd`s or games you get them a hell of a lot cheaper than in the shops.

RE: ps2 for £50


RE: disc read error ps2

I had the same problem and had to replace the laser.It will play some games as they will be on CDrom but most games are now cmoing out on dvd so if i was you i would get it do a repair service for £75 or you can have a reconditiond model for the same price.I would get sony to do it as a new laser will cost you £50 and getting sombody to fix it will cost you about £50 as well so its cheaper to let sony deal with it.

RE: ps2 for £50

Cheers but its fixed now and works perfect.

RE: ps2 for £50

Why pay £160 when i can get the same machine cheaper all it neads is a new laser and they can nacker up on a new one as well.

RE: ps2 for £50

A friend has just called me and told me that he wil get me a laser at cost price as he runs a computer shop were i live and he will also fit it free of charge so all in all it should not cost me any more than £85 for a ps2 that works fine.

RE: ps2 for £50

My ps1 was fixed by sony 6 years ago and it is still running with no problems at all so i think i will trust them on this one.