Info and forum posts by 'REALPAUL H'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 9th August 2000, 12:51, Last used: Tuesday, 23rd March 2010, 13:38

Access Level: Competent

About this user: chop socky!

This user has posted a total of 117 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Advice Needed: Renting room out – should I accept DSS?

If someone looking for a place to stay short term or live can only pay using benefits, then regardless of their circumstances, by some peoples admmission they would be turned away.

RE: Advice Needed: Renting room out – should I accept DSS?


My dad. Long story so, here`s the short version:

He`s was left for his best friend by my step-mother. She took him for EVERYTHING. He ended up losing his business (stress) and homeless as the their house was sold.
So, he was out of work and without a job.
He managed to (eventually, another story...) claim benefit but, had to spend 2 months through Christmas one year in a bedsit living on the complimentry English breakfast every morning as he had no digs (i live 200 miles away & he "didn`t want to impose or take my money
... :/ ).
Due to his age (50+) and living in a coastal town it was extremely difficult to find a job. No job = no house, no address = no job.
So, is he scum because for a fair period he had to claim dole and housing benefit? :¦

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

I`m one of the those lucky "absent" fathers who fall into that grey area called "i give a sh*t".

I contribute to everything my daughter needs/wants - on top of the cost of new clothes, c.d`s etc, and i have to pay the CSA for the privalige :¦

While i appreciate what the CSA stands for, they`re uselss and have been the bane of my life for years, and as she wants to further her education, will be for 3 more years.

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

For as long as she is in full-time education up to 19.

RE: Does anyone live in a caravan?

My Dad lived in one for a while, loads of hidden charges and taxes plus there is a difference in residential and seasonal. Seasonal (basically meant he was homeless for 6 weeks of every year) and residential has all the hassle (council tax, etc) of a "real house".

Oh, and the drama on site was like walking into a Eastenders/Coronation St script.

Sorry. :/

RE: Billy Connolly DVDs - help please

Try "2 night stand" - i think it`s on there.

RE: The Official Star Wars Trilogy Thread - all others will be closed !

Not had chance to try yet..........i`ll let you know ;)

RE: The Official Star Wars Trilogy Thread - all others will be closed !

cobby, sounds like you`ve got a dusty disc, or a lens that needs a scrub

Actually, mine did the same thing..... :(

RE: How dodgy are you?

Years in prison: 47 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!

surely this can`t be right??!! :o

RE: Your Favourite Cheesy 80`s Flicks..........Puhlease???.................

Cheesy you said?

Trick or Treat --- Brilliant, even Ozzy gets.....sorry, i won`t spoil it for those people itchin` to see it....... ;)

RE: Smacking Children

Coincidentally, i had a similar discussion on this subject at home with my nan at the weekend, she being all for smacking. We argued our points for a while then my nan came out with, oblivious of irony or humour "....... well my mum broke my ankle when i was little.....did`nt do me any harm." I could`nt help but laugh at her logic.

I`m un-decided whether there should be a law on this, but, imho the debate on if smacking ( be it a wee tap on the fingers or with a baseball bat) is a necessary or un-necessary evil - then as a parent i have to say no it is`nt.

RE: Smacking Children

again, take no notice xfilesgirly.

I`ve spent the last 15yrs doing my best to employ your methods. I can honestly say that my daughter has (so far) grown up to be a respectful and considerate person who knows where the line stops, and all without me having to resort to "smacking" her.

She`s far from being an angel sometimes, but a little patience and thought goes a long way.

Try it.

RE: Smacking Children

Take no notice xfilesgirly ;)

RE: Anyone recommend a nice cheap hotel in Venice?

Stayed there couple of weeks ago. Small, but only 30 seconds from St. Marks.

RE: Important phrases to live by

"The key to immortality is to first live a life worth remembering"


RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

"I must resist responding to these types of threads"

Please carry on, it all makes for an interesting read - regardless of opinion. :p

RE: Dreamland (Area 51) - What really goes on there ?

Just slightly off subject - is there anybody here who reads "NEXUS"?

J.W, you read more like a contributor than a subscriber ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 15:34

RE: parenting probs

If all he seems to have is music, buy him a guitar - maybe he`ll join a band.

Instant friends and purpose.

Don`t question the type of music though - that`d only be YOUR problem.
Did`nt have the best of times myself at that age. Some people need help finding their own direction, not forcing into someone else`s.

RE: How much is your soul worth ?

Your soul is worth £5363. For your peace of mind, 93% of people have a purer soul than you.

:/ ;) 8)

RE: What was your first live concert?

Rainbow -- Manchester Apollo 1980, when i was 7 ( and i mean the band, not the childrens t.v. show..... :p )

RE: Where to go in New York?

I`d recommend you go to Liberty Island anyhoos........just for the fact that you can stay
as long as you want to gawp at the view. I thought it was worth it. ;)

Phillips DVD625 Anybody know....

..........anybody know if this is multi-region from the box?, or if there`s hack available yet?.

Cheers :D

RE: Where`s the strangest place you ever had sex!

An apple orchid, in the snow. `Kin freezin, but the sight of cute little rosy red cheeks made it worthwhile.
There`s others but er, ahem that was the coolest.

RE: Micheal Jackson documentary- Your Views

"He says he has not had plastic surgery- COME ON DO YOU THINK WE`RE THAT STUPID?"

actually he did`nt, he said he`d only had 2 operations on his nose. (which i don`t believe by the way)

Just don`t think that all the people who watched that show really listened to what was being said and what was being implied.

RE: SKY HIGH PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sucks!!!!

But, at least we have the choice as to whether we subscibe or not - i can`t remember the last time i watched BBC....

RE: ulllllllllrika

Lets play "Wheel of Fortune" and see if we can guess it.

I`ll go first - - * * * n * * * * * *


RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only

shakle himself to the nearest uber-wasp. Which was on a deadly mission to wipe ou mankind and...

RE: Let`s write a story : two half-sentences each only

her Massive bum hole that drivers on the 406 were using to divert to Watford.
But thanks to....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 1st October 2002, 16:16