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anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

pohun (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 14:55

i have a court order that finishes soon when shes 17 but she is staying on at school then going to college wonder if i can reduce the amount

This item was edited on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 16:44

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

REALPAUL H (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 14:59

For as long as she is in full-time education up to 19.

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 15:37

Think I`ll buy the wife some flowers...

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 16th June 2005, 18:01

i have a court order that finishes soon when shes 17 but she is staying on at school then going to college wonder if i can reduce the amount

What a child gets cheeper to keep when they are in f/t education????

I am nearly in rant mood but I will refrain as cheap arsed parents that pay little / no child support really p*** me off.

mmm chocolate

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

Hulk Smash! (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 00:37

Just go the easy route - don`t have kids. ;) :D

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

marixon (Competent) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 06:12

Hey Stu UK, you`d hate my girlfriends ex then. He`s never paid a penny towards his 4 kids. I have them all living with me and her now, and I pick up the tab for just about everything.

I love my girlfriend, and her kids to bits, but many a time I`ve had to bite my lip - including taking them 200 miles to see him, cause he can`t drive or arrange to get to see them, I/We have to buy them enough food and household stuff (loo rolls etc) to last them whilst they stay with him for holidays cause he `can`t afford it`.

Some people just don`t know how to raise kids, or be a true parent.

Ok - Rant Mode Off.......have a nice day everyone

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

mildman2 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 12:24

I love my girlfriend, and her kids to bits, but many a time I`ve had to bite my lip - including taking them 200 miles to see him, cause he can`t drive or arrange to get to see them, I/We have to buy them enough food and household stuff (loo rolls etc) to last them whilst they stay with him for holidays cause he `can`t afford it`.

Some people just don`t know how to raise kids, or be a true parent.

Feel for you there...I`m going through the same seems to be a no-win situation. I`m just hoping when the kid gets older, he may appreciate/respect what`s his father hasn`t done and what I/we have done. I know it`s not about getting recognition, but it really hurts because of the little respect I get. I`ve brought him up since he was 6 (he`s doing `A` levels now) and he still doesn`t see me as a father figure, just his mums husband. His father hasn`t paid a penny in maintenance and only see him once a year...poor kid.


RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

REALPAUL H (Competent) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 12:55

I`m one of the those lucky "absent" fathers who fall into that grey area called "i give a sh*t".

I contribute to everything my daughter needs/wants - on top of the cost of new clothes, c.d`s etc, and i have to pay the CSA for the privalige :¦

While i appreciate what the CSA stands for, they`re uselss and have been the bane of my life for years, and as she wants to further her education, will be for 3 more years.

RE: anyone know when you have to stop paying child support

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th June 2005, 17:54

I spent £5000 going through the so called family courts to get to see my children and was denied all the time, I am the farther when it comes to paying for them but not when I wanted to see them, the courts are a joke.

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