Info and forum posts by 'martin sneddon'

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I see there is a Multi Region Hack for the REOC A2 Player but is there a VCD Hack and if so what is it or does it play VCD straight out of the box ?


Press Set Up Button, Stop, <<, >>
Menu will be shown
then choose the region code
0 = all regions.

This item was edited on Friday, 18th July 2003, 19:30


Just to follow up,here is an excellent page for all you need to know about Compacks DVD Players.Hope this helps someone.........


This Player is currently on sale at Safeway stores for £49.49 and plays everything you can throw at it,however it is not Multi Regional,but fear not cos if you visit the code is there.Just follow it to the letter,pressing the correct buttons highlighted and hey presto,sorted.Nice little compact present for someone !!!

RE: remote region hack for akura tvdvd combi needed!!

This little beauty is now selling for £124.99 in Safeway.

RE: phillips 623

Is this any use to you ?..............

This item was edited on Wednesday, 18th June 2003, 13:39

RE: Multi region hack for Medion 5412?

Yes its the same as the Medion MD5410.

Open Tray
Press Clear
0 for all regions

RE: Compakts 5000 cant get the multi region hack to work

I Think we`ve cracked it my old mate,have a look at this page and then get back to us with the result.Good Luck...............

RE: COMPACKTS 5000 from safeway can it be multi region

Right,lets break this down and take it slowly.
1.Press SETUP Key.
2.Press the left key 5 times.
3.You should be in the Set up Menu now.
4.Press the down button 5 times.
5.Press the Enter/Play key now.
6.Press the right button to move the cursor down to Region Code.
7.Press Up or Down button to change the Region Code to 0.
8.Press SETUP Key.
9.Hurrah...Now MultiRegional !

If this doesn`t work let us know which stage isn`t being accepted and we`ll try and solve it from there.

RE: Matsui DVD 225

Multiregion Hack:

Turn unit on.
Open the Disc Tray.
On the remote control type 349734.
Press the number of the Region you require, 0 to 6. (0 = All Regions)

The unit will now play multi-region DVDs.
If the unit is reset or the power left off for a prolonged period of time it might default back to Region 2. Simply repeat above to regain Multi Region capability.

RE: medion 4310 help

Sorry Onebubs,I`m baffled,but it seems to work o.k.for this guy also...................................................................................................

RE: Crown CDVD 1100 eject to open the draw.

2.type 9-8-1-7. select to go through regions.

4.change to region 9 for multi region. eject to close the draw.

VCD Hack for REOC A2

Anyone have a VCD Hack for the REOC A2 currently being sold at Safeway?.