Page 1 of Vcd Hack for LG 4710 ?

Hack Help Forum

Vcd Hack for LG 4710 ?

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th June 2003, 14:17

Could anybody please give the vcd hack for the LG 4710 ?
A friend tells me there is one but i can`t find it anywhere HELP !!!!!!!!!

RE: Vcd Hack for LG 4710 ?

martin sneddon (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 19th June 2003, 11:08

RE: Vcd Hack for LG 4710 ?

claire135 (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th August 2003, 16:53

If you have recieved the vcd hack for the LG 4710 can you please forward it to me

Thank you

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