Page 1 of Multi region hack for Medion 5412?

Hack Help Forum

Multi region hack for Medion 5412?

Oliver Car (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th June 2003, 10:37

Hello everyone,
I am looking for a remote control hack for my newly purchased MEDION MD 5412 so that it plays all regions. Research on the internet has not yet returned any results. Does anyone have information?

RE: Multi region hack for Medion 5412?

martin sneddon (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th June 2003, 11:08

Yes its the same as the Medion MD5410.

Open Tray
Press Clear
0 for all regions

RE: Multi region hack for Medion 5412?

Oliver Car (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 16th June 2003, 07:35

Thanks. I thought it might be the same, but wasn`t sure.
I have tried it, works perfectly.
Thanks again.

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