Info and forum posts by 'ARD'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 17th March 2002, 21:42, Last used: Sunday, 17th March 2002, 21:42

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 27 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Jessica and Holly.. breaking news

Quote by Mike G


For God`s sake, wake up and smell what you`re shovelling. If you were stupid enough to publish those comments in a newspaper, *you* could very well be charged with perverting the course of justice. (I imagine you`re on pretty shaky ground as it is.)

I don`t know what country you live in, but in Britain a person is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.


Mike, I live in the UK and am well aware of how the law works. It is people like you, with your do gooder attitude that results in maniacs/peodophiles being allowed to live in our communities.

Since the deaths of those girls there has been a further 67 offences against children.

Attitudes like yours make me sick to my stomach. The two accused have been under surveilance for some time, and not just arrested on a whim. Now he is trying to plead insanity. Another post on here talks of how it wouldn`t be fair to try him if he didn`t know what he was doing was wrong. CRAP!. But unfortunately yours and other with opinions like yours seem to have majority, that is why people who are a danger to our children are allowed to walk free.

And you say I need to wake up.................................

RE: Should we bring back the death penalty for certain crimes?

That is the problem here, too many do-gooders.

He knew exactely what he was doing, he abducted, murdered and then drove the bodies and dumped them off the track.

That takes planning and a cute mind.

If he were a dog who savaged someone he`d be put down. This is because a dog is classified as a dumb animal. But if he is mentally unwell then he is not in control and could be looked upon as dumb.

It is not fair that he is living when they are not, not fair at all. He now serves no purpose other than to be a drain on society. It will cost over £100k per year if he stays in Rampton. So it will cost £1000,000 every decade to keep this sick bas**rd.

But no amount of money will ever replace those two little girls and I think it is time for this country to get back to reality and deal with sick bas**rds properly.

RE: DO NOT READ JUST B4 BED, the answer!

No, don`t get it. It seems to use the money twice.

"you need to take the £20 the sales man is down the pub with and split it between the the 3 brothers then add this on to the £10 each they had back they each think they paid.

so £20 / 3 = 6.6666666666666666666666666666667

+ 10 = 16.666666666666666666666666666667"


"add the £30 = £280 (£10 each they were given back)
and now add the £20 the sales man is in the pub with and you get your £300 they started with"

Please explain again, I must be thicker than a thick thing from thick land, I just don`t see it

RE: Should we bring back the death penalty for certain crimes?

I think a new sentance should be introduced for crimes against children. It would be called "Let the Parents deal with the offender"

I think that this would be the fairest way. Only the Parents/close family members will really know the true horrors of loosing a child in this way, so I think that they would be best equipt to deal with the person who committed the crime against their child.

RE: Jessica and Holly.. breaking news

Just heard about his girl friend. So what will she get for perverting the course of justice. If she knew he`d done it then she is as evil as he is. Now it says he can`t go to court tomorrow because of his mental state. Get him to court and leave the van door open. He won`t have any more troubles with his mind. I can`t understand why they say he is too unwell, why should he be looked after, make him suffer as much as possible.

There is only one sentance that would give justice to this and other crimes like it, Death penalty.


I want Avid Merrion to win, he has been more entertaining than any of the housemates. Kate is annoying. She plays on her looks, which aren`t that good, but her only competition is shrek, so she is bound to look good.

I think Jade will win as BB seem to rig it in her favour.

But the real winners are us, cos it won`t be on any more, so my girl friend will not be able to bore the living sh*t out of me with it.

I hope they don`t release the best bits on DVD

RE: The Big Brother 3 Thread

Don`t waste your money. The whole thing is rigged. The only winners are Channel 4. For some reason they are in love with the Shrek lookalike and have done all they can to protect her.

RE: The Big Brother 3 Thread

Yep Sandy was a nasty prick. He said he was an ex soilder. the way he struggled to scale that bit of a roof he didn`t look like a soilder to me. I`m glad he`s gone, it saved a vote. Lee has gone now so Sophie no mates will be lost.

RE: Who have you all voted for this week?

It is good that the house has been divided, but it should have been done in a different way. They should have looked at who actually does things in the House. That F!"£$ING Sophie does nothing. She sits on the couch all day talking crap about how she has done everyting there is to do. Hope she goes next, I know she won`t, but it would be nice. Alex must stay, he winds everyone up and it makes good viewing.

I`d have swaped Lee and Sophie for Alex and Adele, because they do nothing and the other two do, lazy B!"£$%DS!

RE: Spiderman - It`s a cracker!!

SH*T, where you people been. I`ve just watched Spiderman 3 on gold plated DVD. It came with a free set of suckers so you can scale tall buildings, and a gallon of web fluid-----YES IT DID!

RE: Any ideas - all word docs have died a horrible death!

Try the above link. It will scan your PC on line for any virus

RE: What is George Lucas doing ???????

Yep sounds like another special, never seen before extra footage version, that if you look really hard you will see the 30 seconds of new stuff, release.

Or am I being too critical.

Maybe fleecing the fans of Star Wars films is the last thing on his mind, and he is doing it purely for the entertainment value and giving something back.

Maybe he could have devoted his time to creating a special effect where Jarre Jarre Binks accidently cuts his own head off with a light sabre, now I`d buy that one.

This item was edited on Sunday, 21st April 2002, 23:31

RE: The Sunday People website - very distasteful!

I ask the question, "Was the Queen Mother ugly?". Ok she was over 100 when she died, but lets be honest here, she was an ugly woman, as is her daughter and her daughter. If it had been any other picture of any other woman no one would even care.


It maybe the lead you are using. The connections may not match the configuration of your PC. Is it one of the scart leads with the switch on it for in or out. If so try swapping that over. Does it tell you to connect it like this. Is there a help file in the program so you can look up how to connect.

Not too sure about aldi PC`s, but I would think that you may have to go theough your video card. Is there an input on the rear next to or near where your monitor connects to. If so this maybe the way in.

RE: HELP with TV please

Is your new TV digital? Not sure be it could be something to do with the way the TV could be de-coding the signal. Have you tried hooking it up another way, ie if you are using a scart go for the video and left/right channel input cables or visa versa.


It lives again!!!!!!

RE: Little Shop Of Horrors avaialble?

Thanks for the reply, I`ll check it out and buy it. Just got to do the hack on my Samsung 511:)

This item was edited on Monday, 1st April 2002, 22:14


Found this by doing a search. It came back with JVC but did not give a model number, so I don`t know if it will work for you or not.

"Hold Down the DVD Menu button and the On Screen button simultaneously with your right hand, While at the same time switching the player back on.

Release the buttons.

Switch the player into standby mode (display should read "test 4").

Push DVD Menu button twice (display should show 3 digits on left hand side of display and 4 digits on right hand side of display)

Using the up arrow button, keep pressing until the first 3 digits on left hand side read "02E", the display on the right hand should read either 5858 or 0808.

Use the left or right arrows to move last 2 digits up or down.

To get multi region use the left or right arrows until the last 2 digits read 00.

Press the enter button - the last 4 digits on the display should read 0101

Press standby button.
Your player should now be set to multi region."


Are you using NTL. I can get to Hotmail using Freeserve, but experience the same problem as you when I use NTL

Little Shop Of Horrors avaialble?

Does anyone know if Little Shop Of Horrors is available on DVD. I have seen the older version, but would like the one with Rick Moranis and Steve Martin in. My daughter has throttled the VHS copy she has of it.


What was the problem with the Matrix an the other discs. My samsung 511 locks up on the Matrix. I am going with a firmware upgrade to see if it will eliminate it

RE: A.I. playback probs...:(

I have the same problem with my Samsung machine on certain discs. I`m going for a firmware upgrade to see if it will help

RE: Not sure of the problem, so posted it here. Locking picture

Thanks for the reply. It is not really too close to any other components, and it only does it on certain discs. I think I have e-mailed you about a firm ware upgrade, do you think that could be it, as it plays most discs ok.

The Matrix was locking up at a certain part, as was swordfish, and they had only been in for about 10 minutes. If I skipped to the next scenes it would play them, but go back and it locked up.

RE: Problem Neighbours! Totally Off topic!

Mm sounds about right. They always move scum into nice areas so it wrecks the lives of decent people.

I think that you could get moved, or have them moved. Have a talk with your housing officer. Try and appeal to his better nature. You don`t have to get angry, just try and explain that quality of life is crap because of the scum above. Also explain to him that needles are against Health and Safety, and if you do not get moved you maybe forced to call in the Health and Safety executive to inform them that your Landlord is not keeping the property in line with requirements for rented places.

I know that you don`t want the scum to know that you have informed on them, and your housing officer should be sympathetic to your wishes about that.

Not sure of the problem, so posted it here. Locking picture

Hello there,

I have a Samsung DVD 511. It has a problem when playing certain discs. Two of these discs are The Matrix and Swordfish.

The problem is the picture locks up. It will be playing fine and then lock up. On swordfish it played up to scene 12, wouldn`t play 13-24, but would play the rest.

Does anyone know what the problem might be, and what I can do to fix it.
