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HELP with TV please

nice guy eddy (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th April 2002, 22:04

I got a new TV hooked it up to my DVD player and played my region 1 disc on there but i get 2 purple lines down the right hand side of the screen this dont happen on my old TV but the new one plays R2 or R4 discs fine. Has any one got a idea whats happening? Please help.

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th April 2002, 22:05

RE: HELP with TV please

ARD (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th April 2002, 23:26

Is your new TV digital? Not sure be it could be something to do with the way the TV could be de-coding the signal. Have you tried hooking it up another way, ie if you are using a scart go for the video and left/right channel input cables or visa versa.

RE: HELP with TV please

alf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd April 2002, 22:06

Thanks changed my user name cus i lost password.

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