Info and forum posts by 'lobeotomy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 16th February 2002, 02:56, Last used: Saturday, 16th February 2002, 02:56

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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The Toshiba SD-M1612 IS firmware patchable to region free.
Check this site:
for more details.
Hope this helps,
kind regards,

RE: R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

I`ll have a look - cheers,

RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

Check which version of the DVD player you have on your PS2 (2.12e I think).
The DVD upgrade that is saved on to your memory card is NOT needed if your version of the DVD player is the same - just wasting space on the card!!!
All the new features (3 diff. fast forwards etc) are featured in the upgrade if you dont have the latest driver though.

R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

Got a LG (RGB/SVHS etc) tv, Tosh DVD and connect the player via svhs. I get a great picture...but! When I view special features on a disc (and sometimes during layer changes) the tv spits up the `av3` and then stereo (`L+R`) on-screen info (as if I had changed av channels). It`s damned annoying....!
If I scart / RGB the dvd output to the TV it doesn`t do it, but there is the tiniest of chequering on colourful menus on R1 discs (films also: Southpark the movie being a film that looks great in svhs, but when scarted looks slightly chequered around the edges of the characters).
I`m guessing the tv on-screen info comming up each layer change etc is a quirk of the tv? But the slight chequering on R1 as opposed to R2.... anyone know why it does this ?
Basically, if I keep svhs - I get slight on-screen info from my tv at times and if I use rgb I get a slightly noticable chequer on the picture.
Am I expecting too much ! Or is there a problem?
Thanks in advance,