Page 1 of What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

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What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

LFC2 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 12:27

I own a PS2 and I don`t have any multi region players so i was wondering what is the best way to play Region 1 disks on the ps2. are selling "DVD Advantage" for a bargin £17.99 the pack includeds Region X (allows u to watch dvd regions 1-6), a Remote Control & a Scart heres the link for more info
But the only problem is u need a "blank memory card" which cost £24.99 for the official 1 and play are selling another type of memory card whihc is called mega memory 16 which is only £17.99 but i`m not sure if it would work with this memory card but i think it will. Has any1 tried any of this if so please relpy or if there are any other ways let me know.


RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

JtR (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 12:54

I havent bought this but I think the info is wrong ! The reason why I say this is that I have used the original Region X disc and although Play247 web site again suggests that a blank card is needed, you dont ! does that make sense ??

Anyway I think you caould buy it & use your normal mem card as long as its got at leaset 1 free block


RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

LFC2 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 13:18

Cheers, u know when u tried it on ur ps2 was ur memory card free or did u have stuff saved on it already? I`ll e-mail play and c what they say.


RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

JtR (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 21st February 2002, 13:44

My mem card had loads on it, the Region X just took up 1 block


RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

LFC2 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 22nd February 2002, 23:19

I read the review on of the product and someone wrote if u save over an existing memory card it will overwrite it, now i`m stuck. Also how do u format a ps2 memory card?


RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 09:33

The original Region X came with a "dongle" that plugged into the memory card port, so you didn`t need to use your existing memory card. The version that`s currently in the shops doesn`t have this dongle - you *do* need to plug in a normal memory card in order for it to work.

BTW Farhan, it only overwrites the DVD player portion of the memory card - it doesn`t overwrite the saved games if that`s what you were thinking! ;-)


This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 09:35

RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

LFC2 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 13:31

Thanks Mike, The memory card i already have has got over 6MB of free space, so does this mean I don`t need to buy another memory card? Where is the DVD player portion saved?

Cheers, Farhan

RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

Boiledbrain (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd February 2002, 18:15

What lee31 is saying is that you dont need a new card as long as you have empty blocks on your card (which you do ) + the dvd information is saved on one of these empty blocks....

RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

LFC2 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 24th February 2002, 18:34

Has any1 used the region x on the ps2? If u have does it work properly?

RE: What is the best way to Play Region 1 DVDs on the PS2

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th February 2002, 18:44

I have, and yes it does.


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