Page 1 of R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

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R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

lobeotomy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 16th February 2002, 03:09

Got a LG (RGB/SVHS etc) tv, Tosh DVD and connect the player via svhs. I get a great picture...but! When I view special features on a disc (and sometimes during layer changes) the tv spits up the `av3` and then stereo (`L+R`) on-screen info (as if I had changed av channels). It`s damned annoying....!
If I scart / RGB the dvd output to the TV it doesn`t do it, but there is the tiniest of chequering on colourful menus on R1 discs (films also: Southpark the movie being a film that looks great in svhs, but when scarted looks slightly chequered around the edges of the characters).
I`m guessing the tv on-screen info comming up each layer change etc is a quirk of the tv? But the slight chequering on R1 as opposed to R2.... anyone know why it does this ?
Basically, if I keep svhs - I get slight on-screen info from my tv at times and if I use rgb I get a slightly noticable chequer on the picture.
Am I expecting too much ! Or is there a problem?
Thanks in advance,

RE: R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

sledge hammer (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 14:55

is there a pal/ntsc/auto or mix menu on the dvd player.
i had a simler problem with a player i had,if it has a menu like this set it up as auto or mix, also use RGB if your player supports it.
the frame rate was a bit jerky on my ntsc r1 playback aswell untill i changed the setting...hope help you out see ya...

This item was edited on Friday, 1st March 2002, 14:56

RE: R1 slight pic. problems - chequers any1?

lobeotomy (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 2nd March 2002, 23:14

I`ll have a look - cheers,

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