Info and forum posts by 'wacket'

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Joined on: Friday, 11th January 2002, 17:47, Last used: Saturday, 29th January 2005, 19:53

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About this user: avid amateur

This user has posted a total of 47 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: yamada 8100 dvd recorder hack

2 methods are listed on the website for region free
With no DVD in
press right arrow
press 8000
press enter


1. "Setup" key
2. Move cursor to "Exit" using the arrow keys
3. Enter 2,9,6,0
4. Now a new menu appears and you can set the regioncode you like.
5. Press "Setup" again to save and exit.
I havent tried this yet as I am about to purchase this recorder and check it out. Anyone know how it reacts to macrovision on vhs tapes?
regds w

RE: Alba DVD 114-Need Help!!

Sounds like you were experiencing Macrovision (the antipiracy trickery built in to the DVD output signal) This has nothing to do with region codings which are purely to stop you buying cheap DVDs in Asia for example and playing them in Europe or USA. You probably routed your DVD thru your VCR which in most cases will be affected as you describe by the macrovision interfering with the colour or brightness. A small number of older VCRs are unaffected. Macrovision exploits subtle differences between TV and VCR signal decoding and uses these to interfere with VCR`s but not TVs (there may be some exceptions).
So to summarise - in general yuo cannot record a decent copy from most DVDs (some dont use Macrovision so are the exception) but you can display them fine if your DVD is not routed thru your VCR.
If you can disable Macrosion on your DVD player then there is no problem either way.


The Alba 108 is a "rebadged" Mico Adivina. I say "rebadged" because of a bit of dilemma. I am not sure if this machine has appeared under the Mico brand at all. Pictures on the Mico site show it with the Alba brandname on the box. Documentation also says Alba. This is more of a dilemma because I am hoping they will provide an update for the Mico but I am getting quizzed at length about the brand. After several emails to and forth things are moving very slowly but I await with baited breath

RE: ALBA DVD114 remote code number

try Mitsubishi or Roadstar codes, as this model is sold under several brand names - Mitsubishi being the first I am aware of. Or try the search method as also listed in your manual for unknown models, then share it if you think it will be of use to others
And its Oneforall support you should be talking to. They are the ones trying to emulate the original remote not vice versa

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th February 2003, 13:40


Well I am still in contact with Mico, they are checking whether the Diamante or Sofia updates are compatable with the Adivina. Will keep you posted

RE: MiCO Sofia 02a HACKED - multiregion and (S)VCD playback

Woooah take it easy on us jpegers there snafu. Thats something thats extremely desireable on a player in this digital network your toaster with the fridge and bathroom scales for that matter day and age. Especially as the sw out there to convert jpegs to mpegs and/or VCD is so crap n slow that it is darnn near easier to paint them by hand - Ive tried them all. Theres nothing like showing the family snaps on a big screen TV to convince them technology is for the common people. So why not have a hardware jpeg viewer - seems like a brill idea & Mico are apparently doing it. No wonder Chinas GDP has increased by 50% every year for the last 10 yrs. Show me a Sony or Phillips that will do half of what I want from a DVD player. Overpriced selfserving videophile snobbery. Invent and control They are the reason we dont have VCDs in this neck of the woods but 3 decades of chunky tapes. Same goes for dusty photo albums in attics

This item was edited on Monday, 17th February 2003, 15:26

RE: Kingavon DVD28 multiregion macrofree budget player

I now know this is a Mizuda machine from China
Also sold under other brand names including Arianet

RE: arianet

well yer an f-in genius snafu.
I now know that my Kingavon DVD28 is a Mizuda. Even Kingavon support didnt have a clue where the machine came from. Its the not knowing that`s the worst ;-)
It has a few minor quirks but overall I am pretty happy with it. Mine came with scart, optical & phono. Mizuda are a bit like Mico but not so concerned with licences I guess
Kingavon also do a desireable but pricey car portable dvd with tft TV

RE: Is the ALBA 108 VCD Enabling Patch Available From Mico ?

if you post a suitable email address I will send both to you. they are about 300k each. Beware though, one chap used one on the other and had to get the other patch to unscrew his machine. Still got nothing back from Mico, emailed again today wishing her a Happy New Yr in my best possible Chinese so might get some reaction. I think she may have hoped I just went away. I was told initially that no Adivinas were sold in the UK, so I took slight offence that Ireland was not in the UK & told her I got it as a present from a Chinese friend, Mico hols were finished 10 feb so its nearly time to hear more. Weather - cold but dry, bit like my sense of humour I guess (with occasional downpours). Anon

RE: Is the ALBA 108 VCD Enabling Patch Available From Mico ?

Well Snafu, I actually have both the Sophia and Diamante patches, thanks to the good people of this forum. Ironically I have returned both my 108`s to the good people at Argos so I am now Alba-less. But in my interest of not being defeated & back to the good people of this forum havent given up the quest - who knows I may acquire one of these machines again - they came down again in price after Xmas. The reason for returning them was I got an all singing and a fair bit of dancing Kingavon DVD28 which is multiregion/no macrovision & slimmer than the 108 for €10 cheaper. It even plays MPEGs any varierty direct from disk via a browser type menu. (See my posting) Only shame is Mico are bringing out machines which play jpegs. Ever striving for perfection, never getting there.
Anyway I am still waiting to hear back from Mico again, New Year is well over, so I will give her a shout

RE: Is the ALBA 108 VCD Enabling Patch Available From Mico ?

Which tech support did you contact, I`m guessing Alba, not Mico, as they dont have a phone contact unless you speak Chinese.
I have been in contact with Mico direct by email and hoping they will address this problem. But I already they wont do it for the Alba, only if it is a Mico brand (legal reasons), so that is the ruse I am using.
I am hoping to get a reply when they return after Chinese New Year hols.
Will let you know if I get anything useful.


just seen the Alba 108xi. It is nothing like the 108, not as slimline, not as aesthetically pleasing, completely different fascia with a silver horizontal latted top half and a slightly sloped bottom half. Had a S-video but no optical out. So Alba were telling me rubbish saying they were the same except for the colour.

RE: Goodmans Web Site

Alba claim to be setting up a website, dont hold your breath. Not all their machines come from Mico, the DVD114 is a rebadged Mitusbishi Black Diamond (probably Chinese manufactured), and apparently the 109 is a recased Philips. Your best bet for info is forums such as this, & perhaps

Kingavon DVD28 multiregion macrofree budget player

Can anyone give me any more info about ths machine - a Kingavon DVD28 for €119 in Roches Stores, also saw in small EuroElectrical store . (Chinese import but cant find any ref to it, not Mico), they seem to do incar-DVD players. Kingavon techsupport themselves dont even who manufactures it & its not yet on their website. To describe it, its a few mm slimmer (height) than Alba108, shinier silver, bottom half of fascia sloped with buttons in straight line like the Bush 2027, but no display. All onscreen. Nice blue power light only. Few oddities - no chapter FF REW Next on remote, use a multifunction pair of buttons switchable between different modes - skip, search, etc, direct search / skip only on machine fascia,or use chapter numbers.
Big Bonus is - It is MultiRegion, plays VCDs, MP3`s, most mpegs off CDR (yep), has all the conxns and Dolby5.1 AND ITS MACROVISION FREE (yippee)- By far the cheapest yet neatest multieverything player I come across to date.
I guess there is nothing on the web, because nobody is looking for any hacks for it as it does everything out of box. Would like to find out more about it though, maybe it could be made to read jpegs etc. Also it wont skip FBI warning, maybe there is a hack for this


I appreciate the info - even with the extra outputs there was no guarantee a display model machine would have the VCD enabled though some may have had. Unfortunately doesnt look like anyone is coming up with a perm hack anytime soon, As I said before most hacks usually come from the manuf themselves & Mico are reluctant to provide (all due to legalities & contracts) (but keep an eye on Diamante forum) & no other able techies are on the case, its time to bail.
I agree, functionality before fashion, but considering the dvd player in my PC is smaller than a car radio, the only reason for huge players is some marketing angle that they are meant to fit in with the hifi buffs separates all 430 mm wide and chunky. Things had moved on so the reality is they actually have to fit in with 320 mm vcrs & mini or midi hifis, satellite/cable boxes, games consoles. If I can get better functionality out of a machine half the size & prettier looking to boot & cheaper, then my money does the talking.
I wasnt impressed with the previous BD model to the now Alba 114. Not only was it alot bigger but there were no hacks available, it couldnt read CDR`s and the remote was poorly designed (Fisher Price), no mp3. Looked like something IBM would have built 80`s - lots of metal but little substance. Apart from size the 114 appears little different, still very FP. But judging by what cheap Chinese manufacturers can produce compared to Jap and Eurotrash, why should I go for the Sonny or Phlips - more cash less functionality & defo no mutiregion/macro hacks

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th January 2003, 11:06


with some regret I have returned my 2 (yes 2) alba 108`s to Argos. All the display models seem to be gone ( i wanted to try if they had VCD as well as the extra conxns), now only have the DVD114 (mitsubishi black diamond) in stock. I would have been happy with a multiregion vcd playing 108, macro free if possible, but Alba have taken too long coming up with the solution. Mico it appears have promised a VCD upgrade to Diamante owners in UK. There is some slight movement on their website, but dont hold your breath. The DVD114 is as I suspected the newer model of the horrible Black Diamond I have on a shelf somewhere, even has same awful remote. Anyway I am sticking to my Sanyo for hifivi and my new Kingavon for multi everything & macro free and neither are as big & ugly as the monstrosities still being pushed on the fashion unconscious public

RE: Help needed Goodmans 2100B

Alba PLC as far as I am aware dont physically manufacture anything, they mostly import and rebadge. Alba, Bush and Goodmans are just many of the brandnames owned by Alba PLC. Most of their DVD manufacturers are Chinese eg Alba 108 & Bush 2023 come from Mico. Alba 114 appears to be same origin as Mitsubishi Black Diamond DVD(Mitsubishi`s cheap brand) also most likely made in a Chinese factory.
Take a look at & see if your Goodmans DVD is same as one of the models shown, then you will know if it is a Mico model. Just like cars it`s hard to specify a manufacturer when all the parts come from different places and they are assembled in some huge industrial complex in GuangDong province for an order and stamped with whatever the brand name is stipulated in the contract.

Kingavon DVD28 bargain multiregion, macro-free DVD/VCD/MP3 mpeg player

just bought one of these small slimline DVD players and so far quite impressed.
very little it doesnt do or have.
Plays DVD, CD, VCD, MP3, mpegs cut to cd, havent tried SVCD yet but its supposed to. Doesnt show jpegs.
Has all the conxns, scart, optical, coax, s-video, phono.
Dolby AC-3 : 6 channel, DTS.
2 small quirks - no panel display - all is onscreen.
no skip/FF/Rew on remote, you use a Mode+- search option, but is on fascia. Has chapter selection on remote.
Other than that its very neat, aesthetically pleasing. VCR width, & lowest profile of any player on market, (even shorter than the Alba108) blue power light is only light on fascia.
Fascia is silver with bottom half sloped and mirrored silver. Power button on top left, 7 search buttons etc in line on bottom RHS.
I have no idea & neither do Kingavon tech support as to which Chinese manuf it comes from. But if your looking for a neat macrovision free multiregion play almost anything player with 2 year warranty & polite tech support peeps (yes they sounded polite even if they didnt know their manuf) it is hard to beat. They have a new website but no info on this player posted yet. If you want a pic I will scan & email it
Cost €119 from Roches Stores, 10 less than the Alba108. Also seen in EuroElectrical (€140) - probably in other smaller electical stores

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 17:36

RE: Mico have fedex`ed the VCD update for Diamante 3000

Anyone had any luck getting the same for the Adivinia 108 (aka Alba DVD108). Sounds like its what we want, and if Mico are willing to supply it for the Diamante, then they should for the Adivinia


cheers for that. I tried to get a display model machine from Argos with the extra connections in the hope that the VCD might also be enabled, but the store manager refused saying the display models were not for sale - odd. Meanwhile I came across a cheaper machine €119 in Roches Stores, also saw in small EuroElectrical store Its a Kingavon DVD28. (Chinese import but cant find any ref to it, not Mico), they seem to do incar-DVD players. To describe it, its a few mm slimmer (height) than Alba108, shinier silver, bottom half of fascia sloped with buttons in straight line like the Bush 2027, but no display. All onscreen. Nice blue power light only. Few oddities - no chapter FF REW Next on remote, only on machine, have to use chapter numbers.
Big Bonus is - It is MultiRegion, plays VCDs, MP3`s, most mpegs off CDR (yep), has all the conxns and Dolby5.1 AND ITS MACROVISION FREE (yippee)- Alba pull your socks up coz I have found a better replacement - sadly the 108 is going back to Argos. Anyway I recommmend if you see one buy it, they are walking out of the shops and they come with 2 yr warranty. By far the cheapest yet neatest multieverything player I come across to date.

This item was edited on Friday, 3rd January 2003, 13:15

RE: Alba DVD108. Macrovision hack needed???

Mr TrannyHunger, where did you buy this Alba108 assuming it is bought. It is VCD usable without the hack. If all this is true then you probably have 1 of the first models which had the firmware set up for VCD. Could you go in to the set up menu (Eject 2812 enter) and post the full details of all the values in this menu. We might be able to learn something fom you. As for Macrovision, could be disabled similarly also but perhaps you have a Ferguson video - some of these are apparently unaffected by mv Would be nice if you could dump the firmware and share it around Cheers

RE: Alba 108Xi....NOT Multiregion!!!!!!!

excellent DPK, now can I trouble you for a little more info. Could you go in to the setup menu again and note all the numeric settings in there and let me know what they are
should be values for Op Proh, Region, Parental, ParentalCC and maybe even a macrovision setting (try page 2) (doubtful in a new model)
Yes the Alba DVD 108 is just a Mico Adivinia with messed up firmware courtesy of Alba`s specs. I just wonder how close the C-cube firmware settings are, perhaps we could get some info direct from Mico for Mico machines, perhaps you would be willing to help.

RE: Alba 108Xi....NOT Multiregion!!!!!!!

As I thought, the Alba name on the front is fairly meaningless, they probably dont even stick that on themselves, they are an import company. As far as I can tell the Alba114 is the Mitsubishi BD24DVD so there is no reason to expect that 108xi is a Mico just because the 108 is. If they are that bad then dont let Argos/Alba rip you off. Try elsewhere. I was told by Mico they sold their machines thru Sainsburies. Has anyone bought a Mico from J Sainsbury, let us know - what model. Alba 108 is the Mico Adivinia so try for that, should be VCD outofbox & might give us 108 owners a clue towards reenabling VCD. Worth reading (on this website) China DVD manufacturers reply to licence accusations from other manuf (probably Philips) - explains a bit why its not VCD enabled - costs $10

RE: Alba 108Xi....NOT Multiregion!!!!!!!

I thought it was supposed to be exactly the same as the 108. Now you are saying it looks different. Please describe it in a little more detail, particularly size. I was told by Alba that it was almost the same apart from being silver & no display. If you can find a link to a picture, please include. I wonder does it even come from same manufacturer, possibly it is a different Mico model. Take a look at the MicoElectric website as they have a few newer models there now


yes seems to be going a bit stale, I tried Alba helpless line again & unfortunately got thru to Fola who was somewhat useless in the extreme, semi polite but pointless. I confused her by asking too many questions she hadnt a clue about apart from whatever came up on her VDU. Give her her due she did ring me back, but to provide even less info. Still no permanent code, & none forthcoming. No explanation on missing s-video, optical output - "are you sure it is an Alba" then "manufacturer reserves right to change specification of models". Apparently 108xi is silver, no other differences. Maybe a slightly different hue of silver to the silver 108 then. Then she said it didnt have a display. And I waited 20 mins on international call for this.AAAARGH. If you get her, ask to speak to someone else. Alba could do themselves a favour & start putting up a website with the FAQs etc

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st November 2002, 15:48

RE: My Alba 114 WON`T play VCDs!! HELP!!!!!!!

Mackems, do you know what is Argos line on the fact that newer 108`s have less outputs, am I entitled to go in & demand replacement one the same as the display model which has s-video & optical out, mine doesnt. Do they have any power in regards getting setup codes for VCD from Alba (probably not). Any obvious visual differences between the 108xi & 108? Where do they go for repair? they would have to have tech specs etc. What do 109s or 114s look like compared to 108?


Yes there is a code, & I am fairly sure the System menu is where it goes,& this was confirmed by one of the Alba helpliners. They get the first machines for demo with everything enabled. They set a spec etc according to price & licencing requirements & subsequent machines are set up accordingly in their firmware.
You do have to realise you are speaking to a call centre, most probably an independent contractor who handle calls for many companies, employ people of varying knowledge & ability, some willing only to follow the book. Legally Alba will have to abide with whatever licencing arrangements & regulations they have to, but in the interest of customer relations etc they may let a few things slip to keep us happy if we pressurise them enough. So give them some (constructive) grief & it may well pay off. It has done with other suppliers. They may or may not have the codes, I was told they dont but were trying to find them themselves as Mico dont let them out & would contact me when they did. Somebody somewhere must have given this info out before for the Bush player but unfortunately the guy never followed up on it otherwise we would not likely be still searching. So anyone working for Alba like to bump up the popularity of their machines, please give us some tips to go on. IF we could find out the exact routine involved with the entering & cycling through of codes as mentioned elswhere, how this is saved in the firmware then it would just involve a few nights of remote control bashing spread over a couple of people to get them.
To that end does anyone give details of the Bush 2023 setup menu. Are all the initial values same as the Alba ie I am wondering is it likely they use exactly the same codes. Any idea yet to the ParentalCC


Certainly my dear Snafu, if mr Clayts` evidence is anything to go by then the Alba 114 is a rebadged/cloned genetically modified Mitsubishi Black Diamond BD 24
which if you are getting it at same price as 108 is OK value. coz over here the BD is around €180 compared to 130 for Alba108. Doesnt mean it doesnt come from a factory next door to Mico though or any better.
Also doesnt mean I want one in preference to the 108 which is as big as DVD players need to be, just want to reenable the VCD please.
Being the not so proud owner of the previous model BD which cant play CDRs, I couldnt recommend it, & there`s even less info than the Micos. Have ye all been ringing Alba or do I have to keep doing so from across the sea.

This item was edited on Monday, 11th November 2002, 16:55


lots of people talking about 114`s and 109`s but nobody giving any details about these machines - any idea of the manufacturer, are they Mico machines, if so what model, where can I see a picture - are they slimline, small footprint like the 108 & Bush 2023 or big clods like almost every other machine on sale at the mo. If DVD ROM drives can be so small, why do players have to be bigger than VCR`s. May seem like a small point but it`s why a big ugly M`bishi Black Diamnd player is gathering dust on my shelf while a much cheaper Alba 108 is looking pretty on top of my video.Only Shrp, Snyo & some Chinese manufs seem to be getting it right. Sny have some smaller models but they are UGLY Minaturisation my footprint. (missing letters to avoid undesired search returns)

RE: My Alba 114 WON`T play VCDs!! HELP!!!!!!!

could be a few things
first does the player actually state it can play VCD, does a VCD menu come up? In the Alba DVD108, vcd is disabled in the firmware so that Alba can buy the machine cheaper because no $10 licence is payable to Phillips for vcd. Could be same this model, Alba (or perhaps their suppliers) seem to be clever in their cost cutting by selling machines with initially lots of capabilities, then getting later stock with less (eg less outputs on later model of 108)
Could be lower tolerance to CDR in the Alba than the Wharfedale - try cutting your VCD to CDRW - seems to work for many machines that wont play CDR
Could be the VCD software isnt putting out %100 compliant VCD - there are so many variations in the format, maybe the Alba doesnt handle some deviations from the main