Info and forum posts by 'fzr600r'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 17th November 2001, 20:43, Last used: Saturday, 17th November 2001, 20:43

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 20 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Which TV???

I`m thinking of getting a new TV soon. I`ve got about £1500 to spend and I`m looking for something that`s at least 36 inch widescreen.

I don`t know too much about what good TVs are on the market, so any help would be appreciated!


Toshiba 330E or Sony DVP-NS330????

I`m having some problems with certain disks on a SD220 Toshiba, so I`m thinking of buying a new player.

I`m considering either:

Toshiba SD330E
Sony DVP-NS330

They`re both available from Amazon for about £80, so which is the best one?

RE: Toshiba SD220E Problems???

Settings are all OK.

They`re definately region 0 which is what confused me!

Anyone else seen this?

Toshiba SD220E Problems???

I recently got a Toshiba SD220E. I have used the multi-region CD image you can get for it and it now plays most DVDs fine.

It will play region 1,2 and 4 DVDs.

However, it won`t play some Region 0 DVDs which I know worked on my old SD210E. Has anyone else seen this, or has anyone got any ideas on how to fix it?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th January 2004, 19:28

RE: Warranty Advice Required!!!!

Anyway, I don`t think I`ve got too much choice, as if I don`t upgrade the firmware, more than half of my DVD collection needs replaced!

Mr 42%er - Do you not run a shop? What would you do in the retailers shoes?

RE: Warranty Advice Required!!!!

Cheers for the replies, guess I should take the new player and run!

It looks like you can upgrade the firmware on the 230 or 330 (which is what they said it would be), so it should be OK!

Anyone know which is better? 230 or 330?


Warranty Advice Required!!!!

I have just taken a Toshiba SD210E back to the shop I bought it from as the sound has failed. I bought the player multi region chipped from this shop. It is still under warranty.

They have offered me a brand new replacement Toshiba. However, they have told me this will be a Region 2 player only, and they are not willing to chip it. This will mean that I have a load of DVDs which I can no longer watch.

I think they should replace it with a similar specification (i.e. multi region chipped) player.

Anyone been through a similar situation, or got any advice about what I should do?



RE: Where you all from then?

No, I`m Scottish too, live in Glasgow.

Duder - Where abouts in East Lothian?

RE: v mini series march !!

Anyone know when the rest of it is being released?

RE: RGB/Composite/Scart.....


After further investigation, I have now also set my NTL cable box to output S-video, improving that picture as well!

Cheers for your help!

RE: RGB/Composite/Scart.....

Just set everything up for RGB from DVD to TV and the picture`s much improved.

Thank`s very much for that!

RE: RGB/Composite/Scart.....

Thank`s for that Pete.

I`ve got a Tosh SD210 DVD player, and a Panasonic TX32-PK3 widescreen TV, connected via an IXOS Scart.

I was just wondering if I was missing out an even better picture!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 21:13

RE: Why do Sky not transmit in widescreen?????

Tried that, but on NTL Sky 1 is transmitted in 4:3, it may be differnent on Sky digital.... Anyone???? If so, it may be time for a change of TV supplier...


Can someone explain, or point me in the right direction, the difference between RGB and Composite (and how does S-video fit in)?

Sorry if that`s a bit of a basic question, but I`m quite new to this game!

Why do Sky not transmit in widescreen?????

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me why Sky 1 don`t broadcast in Widescreen?

Having recently got a widescreen TV, this is becoming very annoying!

I am an NTL customer, but I believe the same is true of Sky Digital??

RE: EzyDVD Sale

No customs charges at all. I think that if you keep your orders under a certain amount you don`t get charged it. I`ve heard varying reports about the amount though, anyone know?

I think it also depends on how the package is marked?

I also recieved Braveheart in 4 days from ordering, not bad...

EzyDVD Sale

I`m sure most of you have seen it, but in case anyone hasn`t there`s some cheap stuff in the EzyDVD Sale. I got Braveheart Special Edition for about £12.


I just got the Braveheart Special Edition (R4) from EzyDVD. It`s in the sale they`ve got on and cost about £11-£12 including shipping.

The URL is

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th January 2002, 20:56

Star Wars DVD problems?

I bought a copy of Star Wars at the weekend and when I try to play it my player (Toshiba SD210E) hangs up. Has anyone else had this and does anyone know whether it`s a problem with the DVD or my player?


Toshiba SD210E or DVD Problems? Help!

I recently bought a multiregion modified Toshiba SD210E DVD player. The player itself is excellent, however, it will not always play my new Star Wars DVD. On most occasions it appears to hang up and won`t let you do anything.

Is this a problem with the player, or the DVD?

Cheers in advance.