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Retailer Reviews Forum

PreOrder on

thesquale (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th October 2002, 17:08

Hi everyone,

Sorry if the answer has been posted b4. I have a preorder on Play. Should I recieve the dvd on the day stated on the page, or will it be shipped the day of its release?
Anyone has any experience of Preorder with play?


RE: PreOrder on

Mazzy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th October 2002, 17:09

I have had a few preorders from them and yes, they usually arrive as soon as they`re released - sometimes even before!


RE: PreOrder on

Allan Ogg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 18th October 2002, 17:22

They mail them as soon as they get them, which means they usually arrive on the day of release or even before sometimes.

RE: PreOrder on

Priestylad (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th October 2002, 20:07

for a while now they have been sending out the dvds over a week before they are released. I ordered ET Gift set it was sent on the friday 11th and was not surposed to be released till the 22nd of october

RE: PreOrder on

Paddy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 20th October 2002, 13:06

i pre-ordered LOTR and got in the day after release.

RE: PreOrder on

Pistol (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 29th October 2002, 13:15

Anyone know if the same applies to Playstation 2 games? I want GTA: Vice City... comes out on Friday 8 Nov, don`t want to be left gameless all weekend!

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