Info and forum posts by 'superflyguy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 10:10, Last used: Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 10:10

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Tall.

This user has posted a total of 63 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Please help me!!!! - Philips 757VR

Some fool bought me a Philips 757VR, combined dvd/video for Xmas - and it doesn`t want to play my Reg 1 dvds. Please, someone tell me that there is a hack for this machine.....!

***Title edited by Moderator***

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 09:38

Peter Kay - Cheapest?

The seminal Peter Kay live dvd - Top of the Tower - is released next week. Amazon have it for £17, anybody know where it may be seen cheaper?

p.s If you haven`t seen Peter Kay live then buy this dvd and send me your e-mails of thanks.

RE: Amelie...

Will the French version not have the option of English subtitles? Most the dvds I have have got the option of French subtitles.

Can anyone recommend a good French site to order this film from??????



--------- SPOILER -----------

Sick bugger that I am I would love it if the dvd includes the original ending where Withnail goes home after leaving the park/zoo and blows his head off with a shotgun. Not sure if this was ever filmed but it was definately the original planned ending, I think I read it in `Withnails` by Richard E Grant - good book by the way, but avoid the dross of his novel -`By design`.



My copy arrived yesterday and am looking forward to watching it this weekend with the wife and kids. I hope that my enjoyment of the film has not just been SPOILERED!


Haven`t seen it myself but do have it on order for the kids. My brother saw it (and he`s a big kid) but said he was really disappointed with it - and he loves Toy Story etc.

RE: What`s up with Play247

BJD diary arrived at my brothers this morning - also received Snow White from Ezy (ordered on 12th Oct) - why does it seem to take a comparable amount of time for a dvd to travel 12,000 miles as it does to travel 500?

RE: What`s up with Play247

Just to update re BJD and the dinner party.

My DVDs get delivered to my brothers address - 15 miles away as my letterbox is too small (new house). I got a call on Sat am to say that a Play package had arrived and I went to collect. About ha;f an hour before the guests arrived my wife opened the package and found -
CATS AND DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had ordered this ages ago for the kids and forgotten all about it. So, at around 11 pm on Saturday evening 8 adults aged between 27 and 35 after drinking and eating too much sat and watched Cats and Dogs which was funny initally but was turned off after an hour as 3 people had fallen asleep. Thanks to Play my dinner parties are now recommended as cures for insomnia. p.s Anyone wanna buy a crap dvd?

RE: Who in the blue hell killed Nice guy Eddie?????

In Sixth Sense there`s a twist that any half intelligent person can spot in the first half hour (as long as they know they`re looking for a twist)

In Fight Club there`s a twist that no-one could spot because it makes no sense and is, in fact, very silly. (but still a bloody good film).

If you want a twist then watch Usual Suspects/Shawshank/ maybe Momento and Never Been Kissed. I must warn you that there`s no twist to Never Been Kissed, I just don`t want to be the only fool who`s paid money to see the worst film ever made.

RE: Who in the blue hell killed Nice guy Eddie?????

In Sixth Sense there`s a twist that any half intelligent person can spot in the first half hour (as long as they know they`re looking for a twist)

In Fight Club there`s a twist that no-one could spot because it makes no sense and is, in fact, very silly. (but still a bloody good film).

If you want a twist then watch Usual Suspects/Shawshank/ maybe Momento and Never Been Kissed. I must warn you that there`s no twist to Never Been Kissed, I just don`t want to be the only fool who`s paid money to see the worst film ever made.

RE: cheap dvd`s at makro

Their CDs are good value though. £7.99 plus vat for new releases - about £9.50 all in. Just bought Starsailor (v.good) and Train (not v.good).

RE: What`s up with Play247

They`ve now changed the release date to 16/10/01 so that`s my dinner party out of the window - cheers Play!

RE: What`s up with Play247

Had no luck in getting through to them.
My wife and I, rather stupidly, have organised a dinner party for Saturday night for 3 other couples where, after wine food and song the evening will culminate in viewing Bridget Jones`s Diary. When I have pre ordered from Play in the past I`ve tended to have received the dvd before the release date . Today is BJD release date and Play are saying that they are awaiting stock. Why is it that the one time my plans revolve a delivery date there is a hold up?????????
Could it be anything to do with dvdboxoffice not having the release date down for another week?

p.s If anyone gets hold of a copy from elsewhere I will pay good money to rent it from you over the weekend - seriously!

RE: She`s gorgeous...


You`ll never regret it (except in the wallet!).

RE: Which recent film has let you down the most?

Thanks for starting this thread again on the correct forum dicanio.

As I previuosly stated, my big let downs lately have been:

Phantom Menace
What Lies Beneath


RE: i need a little help my friends....


Do you rent out R1? I would think that anyone who has a dvd player and doesn`t know about region coding (I work with 2 of these!) and saw a disc available to rent of a film that`s currently at the cinema and being advertised all over the t.v (i.e A Knight`s Tale currently) would result in a lot of customers investigating. You could probably demand a slightly higher r1 rental fee too.

Or is this impossible due to international copywrites?

RE: The new Michael Jackson video

I`m guessing that the reason Michael Madsen is working with Jacko is the same reason that in the past Slash, Eddie Van Halen, Vincent Price and many other have worked with him - MONEY!!!!!!!

RE: What the hell is wrong with play? Last time i use them i think

I live in the North West of England and have ordered twice from Play and each time have received the disc within 48 hours. The last time was last Thursday when I called around 2pm in the afternoon, placed 4 orders, including A Knight`s Tale, and this landed on my doorstep at 8.30am on Saturday morning. Can`t fault that - delivery in less than 48 hours.

RE: Memento - Chronological - How do you work it?

Mine is the Canadian edition and I`m sure it should work, but it doesn`t. Kid, how does yours work?

Jamie Oliver`s Dad a famous film star?

Just noticed that on Thursday 20 September`s Region 2 dvd news on this sites main page there is news of a Laurence Oliver (sic) double bill being released on dvd. Is this the start of the Oliver family take over of the country. Not only do we get Jamie on every book shelf and tv programme going but now his Dad`s branching out to be a thespian. Mind you, he`s in Hamlet and Henry V so he must be fairly good :o)

Memento - Chronological - How do you work it?

Just had Memento delivered yesterday from dvdboxoffice and although their website gives no extras and the menu has a black line through extra features you can still get into it. Once there, the film is offered as chronological and split into 36, or so, scene selections, in b/w and subtitled, but I cannot seem to be able to play it as a whole, only in 36 seperate parts - does anyone know how to play the whole thing in chronological order without constantly scene selecting?


RE: Latest news........... :o)

I prefer:

Alex Ferguson: Come in David, sit down.

Beckham: Thanks Boss.

AF: We really need to discuss your form. These past few weeks you`ve been terrible, what`s wrong.

B: I`ve got a bit of trouble at home Boss.

AF: What is it? Are Victoria and Brooklyn okay?

B: Yeah boss, it`s not that. To tell you the truth it`s this jigsaw...

AF: A jigsaw!! What the hell has a jigsaw got to do with anything?

B: Well Boss, it`s a really cool jigsaw of a Tiger. The picture on the front is so good and I`m sure I`ve got all the peices but I cant do it.

AF: Well I won`t have this disrupting my team, I want you to bring it in and we`ll do it together, then hopefully you can get back to being a decent footballer.

B: Cheers Boss, I`m sure that you`ll like it too. The tiger picture is just the best I`ve seen...

AF: Just get out David.

The next day David goes into Fergie`s office.

B: I`ve got it boss, all here in its box.

AF: Well, what are you waiting for? Empty the peices onto my desk and lets have a look at this tiger.

David empties the box onto Fergie`s desk. Fergie looks down and examines what been put onto his desk. His anger shows and he SHOUTS

AF: David, get out of this office now and
take these f**kin Frosties with you!!

RE: A Knight`s Tale - Any good - Urgent answer needed!!

Well, I`ve just bought Traffic as well this week which I`ve yet to see so if AKT doesn`t arrive (I have now ordered it) then we`ll just watch that - I`m sure the kids will find it very entertaining ;o)

p.s Traffic was bought at Global video, ex-rental for £9.99. I have also done this with a couple of other films at the same price (Pitch Black/Charlie`s Angels), apparently they sell them 6 weeks after release. The other 2 worked fine and were in near perfect condition, well worth having a look if you have a Global near you. They also have a web site somewhere too.

RE: A Knight`s Tale - Any good - Urgent answer needed!!

This is a fair point LJ, however, if we enjoy it then the little buggers will just make me buy it anyway, so I pay 2x for the same film. Also, as a father you must know that a visit to the cinema is not just tickets; it`s popcorn, Coke, nachos (does anybody but kids like them?) as well as toilet visits and "What did he say Dad" etc.

No, I learned long ago that kids and cinema do not bode well for my wallet and by viewing pleasure. (God, I`m a tight-fisted b***ard!).

RE: Best price for Planet of the Apes (2001)?

I haven`t seen it actually, I`ve only been to the cinema once since I bought my player, now I just order them on dvd and take the same risk with a film that you do at the flicks. Is it really that bad?

RE: A Knight`s Tale - Any good - Urgent answer needed!!

It`s a bargain because Play are offering it at £16 whereas if I travelled to Canada to buy it it would cost me £467.36 for flights, accomodation and dvd purchase. Simple really.

A Knight`s Tale - Any good - Urgent answer needed!!

Notice that Play have now got this in. I`ve seen a number of reviews that have liked it and a number that have slated it. Have you seen it? Is it worth ordering today in time for babysitting duties on Saturday night or is it pants?

Cheers sfg

Best price for Planet of the Apes (2001)?

I have seen at dvdboxoffice that this is released in November at a price of £16 and pennies, has anybody seen this cheaper anywhere, Play 247 don`t seen to have it up as yet.

RE: Buy one get one free.........

made of stone

I used to work in HMV whilst studying A Levels at night school. That was about 7 years ago. I now have a government job that pays more than double what I earned at HMV and believe me, if it wasn`t for the mortgage I would go back in an instant. I had the time of my life there, I had more nights out/sexual encounters/concerts attended and parties passed out at in that one year than I have in the 6 years since combined (and that includes 3 years at Uni!).

HMV prices maybe crap for cds and dvds most of the time but anybody slagging you off for working there are only jelous, and if they`re not then they bloody should be!!!
