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Retailer Reviews Forum

EzyDvd Customers

Jamiepatrice (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 19:37

Hi guys

I ordered the Sopranos from this site. They have mailed me asking me to send a copy of my c card and my statement for their security arrangements. Is this normal? I doesnt sound v good for my security! Please advise. Thank you.

RE: EzyDvd Customers

Exile (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 19:42

Never had that from them before although they once asked for extra details of my debit/switch card. They then told me they couldn`t accept switch cards but were trying to update their site to accept them. Maybe this is part of that update.

I`ve never had trouble with them though.

RE: EzyDvd Customers

Help (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 20:21

I wouldn`t give them any of those things. I would diplomatically say do they want your custom or not? Arrange to send a cheque, if it`s still a problem. Or speak to a different person there to make sure the advisor isn`t pulling a fast one. Although, in theory they`ve already got your credit card details so could do you anyway.

RE: EzyDvd Customers

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 28th May 2002, 22:39

This is a first : never come across this before : I agree, offer to send a cheque :-)

RE: EzyDvd Customers

Spiny Norman (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 01:25

I`ve used Ezydvd loads of times before - I still have outstanding orders with them - and I`ve never had a request like this. I`ve seen a posting somewhere about a similar case and the advice from the issuing bank was NEVER send photocopies of such details to ANYONE.

I mean, Wots the point of having SSL/Thwaites secure site ordering and then asking you to broadcast your details to all and sundry!

If they persist, go elsewhere! (If they ask me next time then it`s `Bye,Bye` time, I don`t care how cheap they are).


RE: EzyDvd Customers

Rich Goodman (Admin) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 08:42

Never had this from Ezy - kick up a fuss!

RE: EzyDvd Customers

mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 19:35

I have bought loads of dvd`s from them and never been asked for such details.......strange.......

EzyDvd Update

Jamiepatrice (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 20:23

Thanks guys. You`ve confirmed what I felt. I was gonna send a cheuqe/money transfer,but then I spoke to my card company. Please see below a copy of the mail I just sent Ezydvd.....


Further to my earlier mail offering to pay directly into your bank account.
I was reffered to your site by there forum reccomended you and the Sopranos deal. I posted that you are asking for a copy of my card and my statement. There is a copy of the thread below for your info.

I also checked with mastercard to see if what you requested was okay.They nearly had a fit. I qoute "if they are a secure site all they need is your card number and expiry date. Under no circumstances send that information. There is a history of sites being hacked and used as covers for cloning cards and commiting fraud. Some sites are complete fakes designed to collect credit card details." And your order pages is supposed to be a secure one? So why do you need these details?

Anyway I gave them all of your contact details for them to investigate further.In view of what they told me I wont be making a deposit to your bank. At least a credit card purchase offers me some protection.

I will be posting a copy of this mail onto the retailer forum for there purusal. Please get in touch if you have any further explanation. Some how I dont think you will.



RE: EzyDvd Update

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 29th May 2002, 21:28

In their defence, there could have been a problem with your credit card, I suppose, but even then it still strikes me odd that they`d need this information.

How bizarre.

It certainly won`t put me off using them, but if they try the same stunt with me it`ll be the end of a beautiful relationship...

RE: EzyDvd Update

Dan Bates (Admin) posted this on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 10:27

I think clear heads are necessary here. Did Ezy e-mail, or snail-mail you ? Is it possible to check that the request for information actually came from them ? Presumably they asked for a photocopy of your statement - where did they ask for it to be sent ? Does the address match Ezy ?

You need to determine that you`re not the subject of an elaborate con by a third party before complaining about Ezy.

Then you need to speak to Ezy and ask the reason for the request. If it`s a genuine request, then I would imagine it`s an attempt to cut down on CC fraud by checking your address before they send. Be realistic, let me guess that it`s your FIRST purchase, and you`re ordering a HIGH VALUE item... There`s every chance that they`ll be a bit wary, and although this might be a rather clumsy way of trying to fix the problem, I think you should bear their position in mind. I know of a couple of Australian retailers that no-longer ship to the UK because it cost them too much in fraudulent orders.


This item was edited on Thursday, 30th May 2002, 10:29

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