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Retailer Reviews Forum

bad big companies

batman15 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 00:45

ebuyer and amazon suck

RE: bad big companies

batman15 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 00:47

forgot to say barclaycard are investigating ebuyer over bad trading check daily mirror

RE: bad big companies

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 09:45


At least give reasons! It`s supposed to be Retailer Reviews, not Retailer Insults. :)

What`s the gist of Barclaycard`s gripe, anyway? I didn`t see the Mirror yesterday.


RE: bad big companies

nelley (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 17:15

Anyone have any idea what day this was in the mirror.Wouild be very interested in seeing the article.

RE: bad big companies

Westy (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 18:03

ebuyer and amazon suck

Why? Your comments have no justification if you can`t at least tell us why? Have you actually had a bad experience with them yourself or are you just going on hearsay and jumping on a bandwagon?

Amazon and fantastic in my opinion, ebuyer i can`t speak for as i`ve never used them.

Before you post, please give us an explanation why

Thanks :D


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RE: bad big companies

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 00:03

I can only echo the comments made by one Westy, in my experience Amazon have been fantastic. I recently bought a minidisc player from them, and they wanted to charge me £15 to have the items sent first class, as they became available, as I also got some minidiscs and case, which were out of stock.

I mailed em and said listen, having spent £130 I think it`s a bit shocking you want another £15 so that I don`t have to wait 2 weeks for the player.

Got a mail back saying they offer me first class postage for free!


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RE: bad big companies

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 10th January 2004, 00:28

further to the postage thing, i always select `wait till all items available` when choosing shipping, and they always send them as and when, at no extra cost anyway. :D

RE: bad big companies

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 17:08

Got to echo what has been said about Amazon - apart from my Amazon US order everything I`ve ever got from them has turned up within 48 hours.

As for the other company you mention, they are indeed cack....oh no, hang on a sec, I`ve never used them! Lovely bunch! :D

I`d buy from Amazon anyday.....


RE: bad big companies

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 17:08

MODS - I`m so sorry for the fact that I keep double-posting....I think it`s some setting on our server at work!

Please feel free to delete this one. I won`t take offence if you want to run a:

"Stupid Visitors Who Post Twice" thread! :D


Got to echo what has been said about Amazon - apart from my Amazon US order everything I`ve ever got from them has turned up within 48 hours.

As for the other company you mention, they are indeed cack....oh no, hang on a sec, I`ve never used them! Lovely bunch! :D

I`d buy from Amazon anyday.....


This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th January 2004, 17:12

RE: bad big companies

Richard Lloyd (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th January 2004, 00:01

I`ve ordered from both Amazon (the UK site and, strangely, the Canadian site - the latter had a nice 30 quid deal on LOTR:FOTR 4-disc set + Star Wars Ep.1 just over a year ago) and Ebuyer (got blank DVD+RW`s, a DVD writer and a wireless PCI card all without probs) and don`t have a bad word to say about either. Amazon may not be the cheapest (except during sales), but their customer service/delivery speeds are very good. Ebuyer deliver when they say they will and have pretty good prices.

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