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Retailer Reviews Forum

What are pricestorm like??????

idlehands0202 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 4th December 2002, 14:43

HI. What are like????
What regions do they sell????
Is it free post and packing????

If anyone can help

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

anderida (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 15:36

Come on someone must have tried `em?

Seem to have some good deals and with free postage.

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

Toby Tyke (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 16:23

Region 2 and no I haven`t tried `em.

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

quitelad (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 17:05

with companys like needs pricestorm!!!!!!!

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

hermy (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 25th January 2003, 22:39

I think their site could be better laid out but they do have Dog soldiers R2(as far as I know) for £11.99 the cheapest Ive seen it

RE: What are pricestorm like??????

cynic (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st January 2003, 19:49

having just looked at their website I note that if you browse the dvd section it refers to items 1 to 99 so they have a limited stock of recent DVDs only which seems to include a few obscure duffers in there at £5.99.
So they have Harry Potter for 9.99 so its the fullscreen version ack

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