Page 1 of help please?????????

Retailer Reviews Forum help please?????????

idlehands0202 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 11th November 2002, 21:48

HI. Can anyone help me with this question??

Do you have to pay anything towards the post when you order anything above £17.99??? I havent brought anything above that price yet so i dont know!!!

I was thinking about gettin the James Bond collection the £159.99!!!!!!

If you can help

RE: help please?????????

Beastylad (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th November 2002, 21:56

there is a sign on plays home page that says "Free Shipping On All Items" so i think it should be free

RE: help please?????????

SteveBanana (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 00:31

The shipping may be free but you`ll almost *certainly* get charged VAT at 17.5%, so that`s another £20 to pay for the James Bond set if you go for it. (Play being based in Jersey, technically outside the UK.)

RE: help please?????????

Beastylad (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 18:20

All the prices on play include VAT i have never been charged more than the price on they stat it is. you may get a customs charge for bring it in the country but i think u should be ok if it the R2 one.

RE: help please?????????

cburg (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 18:48

I live in holland and got today from play band of brothers(44pounds)
Costums here didnt charge it till now and there where no extra costs from play

RE: help please?????????

mikeyb (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 20:00

Wy not try this company, I have ordered about 20 dvd`s from them so far and the service has been first class - some arriving within 24 hours of ordering but most within 2 - 3 days.

link for the Bond Boxset below - £160.00 - based in the UK - says despatched within 24 hours free P + P

Hope this helps :-)

By the way PLAY are v e r y s l o w ....... 24 hour to despatch - i think not!

Still waiting on order i placed on thursday last week and that one was supposed depatched within 24 hours

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 20:01

RE: help please?????????

SteveBanana (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th November 2002, 22:43

See this from`s terms & conditions:


If your delivery address is outside of Jersey you maybe subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. Any such additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you. You should note that customs policies vary widely from country to country; advises each customer to contact their local customs office for further information.

RE: help please?????????

Corsair_UK (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 13th November 2002, 02:19

Hi All, I have been using for 2 years now, with no real problems as yet, I do agree tho this past year they have become very slow, averaging 5 days to deliver. On a note about VAT and stuff, I`ve bought 2 Sopranos Box sets at £44.95 and had no customs problems as yet touch wood..

RE: help please?????????

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th November 2002, 14:46

This isn`t about Play but has anyone read this months edition in
What HiFi? about Brussels trying to close the personal import before tax loop hole because traders said this was unfair

The only up shot of this is that it is upto individual countires whether to enforce it or not.

Just a thought

RE: help please?????????

cynic (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th November 2002, 19:34

On the other hand if you wish to bring 30,000 (an exaggeration maybe) cigarettes into this country for your own consumption (assuming you`re smoking yourself to death at a high rate) then customs shouldn`t confiscate them !!! According to a recent EU judgement.
There are no definite indications that anyone has been charged customs duty for R2 orders from play and if anyone had then I`m sure they`d post so I`d assume that you won`t be charged (given the number of orders for the R2 boxed set of Lord of the Rings I`m sure there will be a flood of complaints if customs do charge)

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