Page 3 of How many browsers do you use?

PCs & Mobiles Forum

RE: How many browsers do you use?

Par Mizan (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th July 2024, 18:05

Well I bit the bullet this week and am going full fat fibre from my miserable 15Mb/s to 100Mb/s, just need to get openreach in to dig a trench in my front garden and put in the fibreoptic cable.

Actually fibre worked out cheaper as my original provider was having a laugh when my slowband contract ended this month, they offered me a new contract £15 dearer than the old one, thinking I would not leave. So told them bye bye.

This should sort out my tablet as youtube is buffering occasionally on 15Mb/s, so hopefully I should also be on streaming TV viewing soon with all those fast Mb/s to use.

Liked by: sj admars

RE: How many browsers do you use?

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2024, 00:06

Went FTTP over two years ago with BT, the only option at the time.

Not cheap but not having to phone Sky every month because the connection was cr*p is priceless.


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