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PCs & Mobiles Forum

uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th June 2008, 15:43


I use uTorrent scheduler to set to a limit of 100kbs download and 5kbs upload through the day so that Virgin don`t throttle my bandwidth. However, I have noticed that it sticks on 30kbs download for some reason. UTorrent is fine when this schedule is not running so I am just wondering if it is a problem anyone else has encountered?



RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th June 2008, 20:10

If you set the upload limit below 6k then uTorrent will limit the upload rate. This MAY be your problem. Trying setting upload to 6k.

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th June 2008, 22:18

Will try that, thanks.


RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

SidShady (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 13:17

Since I have to be a major leacher :( cos of my 512 connection, I have found that you can up the global upload to whatever you want to avoid restriction and then right click on the torrent and set the upload for that particular torrent to something smaller without it lowering the DL.

I hate to leach, but I have little choice.

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 17:33

I hate to leach, but I have little choice.
Ooh, that`s a new one.. :/


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 18:08

I dug myself in a hole by getting very old torrents with my new account on the only torrent site I use then not being able to fully seed cos everyone had them, then not being able to get on new torrents because of my ratio (it was like 0.52 at its worst I think). I was on 512k then and got myself out of it - you just have to limit your download to suit what you can upload: set it to *less* than the speed you can upload and never hit and run. If you really don`t want to upload then look into usenet or streaming sites. ~*~

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 18:09

Ooh, that`s a new one..

no it`s not :P

tho, to be fair, mines miles better now that i have a faster connection (back on 20mb, couldn`t hack the drop lol) tho there are still a couple of sites i have to donate to in order to keep my ratio, as they are impossible to seed to, unless it`s season pack time & you saved the eps ;)

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RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

Navs (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 20:14

Quick question folks: I`m currently using Ares for torrent downloads. Is this a mistake, should I be using something like utorrent instead?

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 20:23

Not sure of Ares - do you mean Azureus?
Yes, use utorrent. :)


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 21:25

RE: uTorrent stuck on 30kbs download

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th June 2008, 20:23

Ares? Not heard of that one. I use Azureus myself, but i use Linux and Azureus is a java app. But works perfectly well for me, keeps my ratio up and I have 60+gig credit on the main site I use for TV shows.

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