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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Virgin to start charging for broadband support

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2007, 18:32


Virgin will soon start charging 10p to connect and the 25p a minute after that. Takes the p155 a bit really. If a service you are paying for isn`t working why should you have to pay to get it fixed?

There`ll be feck all we can do about it too I guess!


RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2007, 19:06

you`ve had to pay for the broadband tech support with ntl for ever. I think it cost more than that before.

You can get round it sometimes, you phone the regular customer services, and they will tell you to turn your modem, or stb off for 30 secs then on again, and if it`s not working and you`re lucky, they`ll put you through to broadband tech support, rather than tell you to ring them.

tbh the 1 or 2 times I did phone them up, they clearly had ppl on the phone who knew their stuff, but it was their fault they had ballsed up, so it was annoying I had to pay for their incompetence :(


RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2007, 19:11

Broadband tech support was charged for with Telewest too.

You don`t mean 150/151 do you?

Best course of action is unless the broadband connection is completely gone, or you need to do something regarding billing, deal with tech support through the newsgroups. ~*~

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2007, 19:25

Yes, first read about that here.
Their excuse is most of the calls are due to no fault of their own..
Probably most of them are people wondering why their speeds are so slow because they haven`t actually publicised (and indeed hidden them quite well on their site..) the details of their recently introduced speed capping


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2007, 11:47

There`ll be feck all we can do about it too I guess!

Vote with your feet! Ill be off soon, Tiscali are offering BB and line rental for £14.99 a month saving me a fortune!


"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2007, 11:58

............but they`re s***e....


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2007, 19:48

Tiscali? - No problems here ;)

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2007, 22:33

Tiscali? - No problems here

Trust me, I`ve been with them for just over a year and they are f***ing s***e got a complaint with ISPA as Tiscali totally ignored all me calls and e-mails.- No cable broadband available in my area :(

(A.C.C founder)
The New Anti.Clown.Coalition

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

karen70 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 17th June 2007, 08:06

:) I`ve been with tiscali for about 8 months phone and broadband no problems here.

RE: Virgin to start charging for broadband support

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 17th June 2007, 14:50

From what I`ve read, ¦I believe you`re in the minority. It`s a pity, but at the moment VM are still the best ISP around, even with all of these problems. The service is just much more reliable than ADSL.

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