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Pinnacle Software

sprint (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2007, 17:06

I have purchased a copy of Pinnacle Studio 10.5SE.
I have been unable to create a movie, it edits the data OK but when the button create movie is pressed nothing occurs.
Is there a difference in content between 10.5 and 10.5SE that prevents you acctually making a movie.?


RE: Pinnacle Software

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th January 2007, 17:57

10.5SE will be a "lite" version of 10.5, but should still be able to output to most standard formats as normal. I`m not familiar enough with it to be able to work out what`s going wrong for you.

FWIW I used to use Pinnacle Studio 8 but it was so unreliable and buggy (I spent several weeks editing a home movie and it crashed whenever I tried to render it for DVD) I ditched it for Ulead VideoStudio (which did the job perfectly, although I had to restart the project from scratch). I`ve since moved on to Adobe Premiere Elements.

RE: Pinnacle Software

sprint (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2007, 20:23

Thanks for the info, gives me something to think about.

RE: Pinnacle Software

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2007, 20:27

I`ve not got experience of using them but some-one I used to work with had some Pinacle software, which was troublesome, wouldn`t do half the stuff he wanted for home video editting. he bought Adobe Premier Elements, and he said it was brilliant, did everything he wanted, and was easy to use.


RE: Pinnacle Software

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th January 2007, 23:33

I have never used it, but I have read many reviews over some years and Pinnacle usually seems to have stability problems.

Sorry that this doesn`t help you, but I can also agree that Adobe or Ulead offer better solutions.

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