Page 1 of External Hard Drive - About to ricochet off the walls - save it if you can!

PCs & Mobiles Forum

External Hard Drive - About to ricochet off the walls - save it if you can!

Tarnok (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2005, 20:30

I`m at my wits end on this external hard drive I bought recently!
Yes, I`ve done a google search but all it comes up with is to go through computer management to format my HD but there`s NOTHING THERE! Not even when I rescan or anything! As far as I know, I was supposed to have another `disk 1` drive coming up on the screen but as yet - NOTHING

To put it quite simply, I know there is nothing wrong with the HD enclosure itself and nothing wrong with the HD as I have tested them both on individual systems but the two bits can`t seem to work together!

The HD is a Western Digital Caviar 2700. One of those 10 year old hard drives with only a CD`s worth of space. It`s still a 3.5" HD and still ticking over. Would that be the source of my woes?

So if ANYBODY knowledgable can help share in on the knowledge, I shall be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.... (maybe for a couple of weeks, anyway)

Thank you all..

RE: External Hard Drive - About to ricochet off the walls - save it if you can!

Paul Steel (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 31st March 2005, 21:30

You have not said what ext enclosure you have.

If you try a friends HD in your enclosure and it works, it would point to your HD being a problem. Older disks should be backwards compatible, but from the size you say yours is, why not bite the bullet and get a decent sized HD.

I know how you feel, I still use a 425Mb and 850Mb WD drives, just because they still work. :-)

RE: External Hard Drive - About to ricochet off the walls - save it if you can!

philth (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd April 2005, 06:49

have you got the drive/enclosure set to slave rather than master?

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