Info and forum posts by 'Tarnok'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 19:12, Last used: Monday, 11th April 2011, 16:31

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

External Hard Drive - About to ricochet off the walls - save it if you can!

I`m at my wits end on this external hard drive I bought recently!
Yes, I`ve done a google search but all it comes up with is to go through computer management to format my HD but there`s NOTHING THERE! Not even when I rescan or anything! As far as I know, I was supposed to have another `disk 1` drive coming up on the screen but as yet - NOTHING

To put it quite simply, I know there is nothing wrong with the HD enclosure itself and nothing wrong with the HD as I have tested them both on individual systems but the two bits can`t seem to work together!

The HD is a Western Digital Caviar 2700. One of those 10 year old hard drives with only a CD`s worth of space. It`s still a 3.5" HD and still ticking over. Would that be the source of my woes?

So if ANYBODY knowledgable can help share in on the knowledge, I shall be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.... (maybe for a couple of weeks, anyway)

Thank you all..

RE: tv liscence..why should we pay?

Correct me if I`m wrong; but as I`m one of those student people who the TV licencing people always seem to hunt down and lynch for no reason (Heck, they even have a whole darned section for students on their website!) , I`d like to think I`m rather savvy on the whole licencing front. Apparantly, if you do not use a device which receives TV signals, there is no reason to pay for a licence at all. At the moment, I hook my TV to a PS2 and play games/ watch DVDs on it but as I never watch TV programmes, I don`t see the reason to pay for a licence.

The specifics can be found on the TV licencing site,

RE: For Sale: gamecube Games, Worms Blast, Rocky, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

About Final fantasy Crystal Chronicles; how much would you let that go for?

WANTED: USB mouse - not picky at all

I`m looking for a USB mouse. Not too picky about it as long as it`s cheap and works. Obvious preferences would be wireless, optical and laptop mini-sized for portability but other than that, I`ll admit to being a cheapskate.

I`ve had my eye on the Microsoft Notebook Wireless mice. That fits the `perfect` description, but it costs an arm and a leg, as I see it (poor unemployed loser that I am).

And so I seek the knowledge of those who surf computer sites much more than I do..

Buying a Shuttle PC

Right guys and girls, I need to tap your ominous sources of power and knowledge and ask - where is the best place to get a good, cheap Shuttle PC?

You`re all invited to call me an idiot, but I have recently bought the new Vampire: Bloodlines game and realised it`s too MUCH for laptop dearest to handle. I`m currently renting accomodation and would require a powerfulish computer to play the game (voluntary brainwashing, perhaps?) but small enough to port around when the landlord evicts me.

I`ve looked at some Shuttle PCs - surely they are the smallest, powerfulest things on the market?

Any advice would be appreciated

And a belated Happy New Year to you all.

RE: BA: NEC E616V with £15 credit AND extras - only £29.99

Hi - long time lurker, first time poster... I just HAD to put my voice into this issue..

You are not the only one! I have been had too! They even had the cheek to put the e616 box into a e616v sleeve. What a misleading tactic! I`m just glad I was wise enough to check the phone itself.
Two voices speak out better than one. I`m willing to support any arguments you bring against them

The CarphoneWarehouse hater - my first, and last order