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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Cheap Cube PC Base Units

kipster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 15:35

I`m looking to transfer down to a cube PC, by getting the guts out of my existing PC (Athlon XP2000 Processor, Memory, DVD Writer) etc and sticking them in a cube. Can anyoone point me in the direction of a dirt cheap Socket A cube PC base unit? doesn`t have to be the prettiest. Just nice and cheap :)


This item was edited on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 16:36

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

fargo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 18:11

a shuttle might do? on offer here

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 18:15

also bear in mind that if the "cube" you decide on does not come with the mobo fitted, the one you wanna use has to be micro-atx compatable (or sometimes mini-atx are used)


general nobody @ chat@ retsgoeht[at]moc.dlrowltn

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

Wad (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 20:00

The Shuttle ones the poster above mentions are smart. I`ve built 6 for work, very well designed and so far very reliable. I`ve been buying the SG61G2 model which is for socket 478 chips (P4s), cost about £150 from They also do the Athlon flavours. Water cooling for the processor, no more fighting with crappy fans.

Check out the Shuttle website if you want more info - Pretty comprehensive, lots of info about whether components are compatible or not.

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

kipster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 20th April 2004, 22:00

Well i`ve taken the plunge and got a shuttle case, with the remote control option. Got mine from TekHeads - Cheaper than Aria.

Looking forward to getting it :)


RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 10:49

Shuttles Rule :D I have 2 - my main games machine is an SN41G2 with Radeon 9800pro.

I built my wife an SK41G to do her surfing on.

It sounds like the SK41G is the one you want - it`s a 266mhz fsb model. Aria as mentioned above do regular offers on them - they were selling them at £99 inc VAT. Gone up to £109 now. Definately worth a look, the mobo has onboard sound, graphics etc - all you add is a processor, a harddrive, a CD ROM and some memory and off you go! I`d recommend a cheap graphics card for the AGP slot, as the onboard uses some of your system RAM.

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

kipster (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 11:18

Has anyone HAD to upgrade the PSU in theres?

Or is the supplied one okay?


RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 12:48

Nope. The one supplied is very high quality and designed specifically for the Shuttles.

There have been some reports of Shuttles failing to boot with an All In Wonder card in - the card needs a lot of power to boot. This doesn`t seem to affect every user.

Both my Shuttles have decent gfx cards (9800pro and a 9600pro in the SK41G), 2 hard drives etc. and I`ve never had a problem.

There is a SilentX 250w PSU available if you need more power, but my advice would be to try your set up as it is before upgrading the psu. Chances are, you won`t need to upgrade. Obviously, if you`re also going to connect a load of usb devices, then connecting them through a powered hub will take the strain off the PSU. But you should really do that for a normal tower anyway.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 13:49

RE: Cheap Cube PC Base Units

Wad (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 13:18

Aye, no problem here with the PSUs either, although as ours are work machines I`ve not bothered with flash gfx cards.

Don`t know if you`ll be carrying yours about but if so you can get a nice Shuttle bag, sized just right for about £25.

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