Page 1 of Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

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Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

RBA (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 16:54

I have windows XP pro on a desktop and laptop, both have Bluetake wireless network adapters, Norton internet security runs on both. I have tried to solve this for months and have spent hours trying differnet solutions, the best I have done is to get the desktop to see the laptop once, but it world not let me have access to it.

Any ides?

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th April 2004, 22:07

I`ve got a similar problem. We have two PCs on a wireless network, they can share the DSL connection but can`t see each other. If we want to transfer files we have to use MSN Messenger. The thing is that when we do this the files transfer at 10mbps like a LAN connection, so I don`t know where we`re going wrong!

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 17th April 2004, 03:26

Are they connecting directly or are you using a wireless access point? Do both machines have internet access, and if so, how?

If you disable Norton can they see each other?

Are they on the same IP range and workgroup? Got to Start-Run and type in cmd. In the dos prompt that appears type "ipconfig /all" without the quotes. What IP address and subnet mask is shown on each machine?

Go to My Computer and right click. Select Properties. Second tab should be computer name - what`s the workgroup?

At the dos prompt type in "ping " followed by the IP address of the other machine. Do you get a response?

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

RBA (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 18th April 2004, 16:35

I do not use an access point they should connect on an ad hoc basis. I have tried set the IP addresses to be and net mask gateway they are both in the same workgroup. The wireless connection shows traffic being sent but not recieved but indicates a strong signal. I disable norton but have not uninstalled it.Can ping from the laptop to the desktop but not the other way.

Hope you can help.

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

WRabbit (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th April 2004, 20:16

Are they XPs? Do you have the XP firewall turned on, especially on the one that didn`t return the ping?

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

RBA (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 06:16

Both are XP Pro with the firewall off.

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

TinnionA (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 07:51

I know this will seem silly, but have you actually shared your folders? If not, right click on the C:\ Drive and go to sharing, then you should be able to share the C: Drive. Otherwise I don`t know what the problem could be.

RE: Problem with wireless network please help I am going mad!!!

RBA (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 19th April 2004, 18:03

I have shared folders on both.

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