Page 1 of XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

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XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

washu (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 16:43

I managed to press F4 during start-up and it took me to the system set-up screen. Just out of interest, I flicked through a couple of the menus and changed nothing. When exiting, it asked me if I wanted to save the changes (even though I hadn`t made any) so I said no. It now takes XP about 3 minutes to boot up! Can anyone help me?

Sorry, it wasn`t F4, it was the Delete button. Please help, it`s painful!

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 20:04

RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 17:30

I don`t know anything specific about the problem, but it may be worth a shot to press F4 again during boot-up and see if that makes a difference.

Rik Booth
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RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th September 2003, 20:39

by pressing the delete key you`ve gone into the bios. I think that you must have changed something in there because if you hadn`t then all would be ok. The unfortunate thing is that there are far to many things to check with the bios that its inpracticle to try and go through it on a web forum. What i suggest is that you get hold of someone that is computer literate and let them look at it. You could always reset the bios to system defaults, this basically turns on everything in the bios, probably stuff that you don`t need too. You have to go into the bios again to make any changes, good luck.

I would copy down all the changes you make beacuse if you change something that stop the machine from booting completely then you can go back into the bios and change it back.

RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

shughesuk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 15:57

But... This is xp .....once you have booted it up even if it takes 3 minutes or whatever, as long as you can get into it you can use its nifty reset feature, where you can reset everything to a time before you mucked it up. Go to start and you should see a feature called reset, it comes up with a calendar and you pick the point you want to go back to. Bingo! God bless xp and all who sail in her.

RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 17:21

I doubt Windows Restore would reset a BIOS change. It`s nothing to do with the OS.


RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

washu (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th September 2003, 19:45

Just to put a conclusion on this. Out of desperation, I did the 2nd defrag of the day and also did a windows update where I got a security thingy, and now it works perfectly! Have no idea what happened but it`s fixed itself now. I love PC`s! They cause ou no worries at all!!

RE: XP booting up time - what have I done!!?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 17th September 2003, 01:04

My machine used to boot in four seconds, but suddenly went up to over a minute. I changed the PSU and that sorted it - back to four seconds. I put it down to not having enough juice for all the devices in my system. Then, last night, I managed to knock the power cable (which was loose). When it booted up again - back to one minute log-ons! Rubbish! I`ll fix it when I have five minutes, but it is annoying.

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