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New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 15:27

Hey guys,

I`ve finally decided that I cannot cope any more with just a portable TV for watching broadcasts, DVDs etc. But my budget is not infinite, unfortunately, so I`ve been looking around at a few deals, wondering whether I should plump for a widescreen set, or just a larger, standard set.

Before I get horribly flamed for even considering not getting a widescreen TV, I am playing devil`s advocate somewhat here. I know most people will automatically say that a non-widescreen set is out of the question, but I need a little convincing. :)

In my local Currys, I`ve seen 28" and 32" standard sets for around £250, and I have to admit I like the look of them. I prefer to watch TV broadcasts on a standard 4:3 set, as opposed to in widescreen, probably just out of force of habit. So for this, a standard set would be a good option.

However, I`ll well aware that many broadcasters over the next couple of years will begin to transmit in widescreen, making it not quite so good a viewing experience on a non-widescreen set. Also, my DVD collection is full of widescreen films, which would definitely benefit from a decent widescreen set.

A friend of mine has a 25" standard set, and I have to admit that watching widescreen DVDs on it hasn`t bothered me in the least. Sure, with a widescreen set, you could fill the whole screen, as opposed to having too much of the infamous "black bars", but I can`t help but think that its hard to justify paying almost twice the price for a quality widescreen set, when a large screen standard set might do me just as well.

In any case, I`d really appreciate your opinion on this. Like I say, I am playing devil`s advocate somewhat with this, as I know many of you will immediately jump to the defence of widescreen, and maybe rightly so. But I need convincing over here, please help ! ;)

If I did go for a widescreen set, I really would want to pay as little as possible for it, without sacrificing a huge amount of quality. I`ve heard that good deals are available at on the 28" Philips model, but I`d be begrudged to pay much more than the £350-odd that they`re asking.

Hope you can help,


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 16:27

Put simply, widescreen embraces your natural field of vision. The human eye can view panoramically, and this is why movies are filmed in widescreen format. To buy a 4;3 tv now would be sacrilege to the legacy of the DVD format itself. Distribibutors go a very long way to ensure the image on dvd has been anamophically enhanced to show off just how good the format can be, and most importantly to preserve the hard work of the director, you wouldn`t buy a convertable car with the intention of never dropping the roof down would you?
Many of Sky`s broadcasts are now in widescreen (except Sky One, which has a lot of programmes made ages ago in full frame format), and i`ve noticed Channel 4 and BBC plus ITV are slowly but surely going the widescreen way.
Widescreen tv`s are becoming very popular and i stongly advise you get a demo of Toy Story 2 in anamorphic widescreen on the nearest set possible - the result will have you flicking the V sign to every 4;3 set you pass from then on.
I was once sceptical, but i`ve never looked back.


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 17:34


Thanks for the quick reply. I know in my heart of hearts that the widescreen set is the way to go, its just that I`m begrudged to spend a wild amount of money.

In saying that, if I`m going to go widescreen (and I think I will), I want to do it right. Http:// have both the Philips 28PW6006 and the 32PW6006 at £320 & £475 respectively. My immediate instinct is to go for the cheaper option, but that could just be me being Scrooge !

Any thoughts ?

Thanks again,


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 18:31

Go for the 32"incher, the bigger the better i say. And for that rpice, who`s arguing?!!


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 18:37

I just got a Matsui (Dixon`s own brand) 28" for £270 (and it`s now avaialable for £250) and I`m very happy with it, the tube is made by Grundig for Dixon`s.

You`ve not mentioned whether you need a TV that has good audio output. The Matsui I got is only Nicam but I have my sound through a seperate amp and speakers.

I agree with Westy, widescreen is defenitely the way to go. But before handing over your cash decide on the features you want, and/or need. Some people swear by flatscreen and 100hz, but I`m not so sure.

Check these threads and websites:

Good luck


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Brian Elliott (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 21:22

Hey guys,

Once again thanks for the quick input.

I`m actually running sound through a Nicam VCR into a powerful speaker system, so I`m not bothered in the least about sound quality. Picture quality is all that concerns me. The reason I`ve mentioned the Philips models so quickly is that my parents actually have a slightly older version of the 28" Philips, and its an excellent machine. My understanding is that Philips have been consistently producing top TVs in the last couple of years, and although there has been some small criticisms, they`re generally pretty reliable too.

The only features that are essential for me are top quality visuals, NTSC compatibility and at least 2 Scart sockets (must be at least one RGB). Although, the smallest price would also be great !

Therefore, I`m not overly bothered about flatscreen or 100hz, as I`ve heard the latter often doesn`t quite agree with everything you feed into it.

In essence, I just want a widescreen set with great visuals, at the lowest price.

An oft-made request, I`m sure, but any further ideas, or comments on the Matsui machine ?



RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

flyingmonkey (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th May 2002, 23:18


I`m not an expert, but I am happy with the Matsui, it has 2 Scart sockets and I am sure they are both RGB as I have had my DVD set to RGB through both of them. It is a good 28" for the price but I`m sure you could get better, for £250 I reckon it`s a very good buy. I`m sure the other guys can give you more technical advice.


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

C. C. Ryder (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 00:18

Brian consider this if you don`t buy a widescreen TV,
Digital is 16 X 9 period not 4:3 with a line doubler!

All of your foolscreen DVDs with higher OAR of 1.85:1 will have black bars *not just on the top and bottom, but on the right and left sides also*!!!!

To get rid of black bars make *believe* your in a movie theatre and turn the lights off or pull the shades. Abracadabra *no* more black bars just the movie as you seen in a movie theatre.

Brian this is why it`s called Home Theatre, my *in screen* view is 19 inches high by 33.75 inches wide.
So is my HTWeb Browser. I am typing this out from 5 *feet* away not inches!!!

Only when watching a 1.85:1 OAR is the entire screen filled, unless you stretch a 4:3 image. Are you convinced yet? lol :-)

This item was edited on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 00:29

RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 12:58

****All of your foolscreen DVDs with higher OAR of 1.85:1 will have black bars *not just on the top and bottom, but on the right and left sides also*!!!!****

Can we have this in English please? I`m not taking the p***, but this doesn`t make any sense whatsoever.

****To get rid of black bars make *believe* your in a movie theatre and turn the lights off or pull the shades. Abracadabra *no* more black bars just the movie as you seen in a movie theatre.****

Do you live in a cave!??

***Brian this is why it`s called Home Theatre, my *in screen* view is 19 inches high by 33.75 inches wide.
So is my HTWeb Browser. I am typing this out from 5 *feet* away not inches!!!****

Please elaborate, i`m lost!!

I take it you have a projector yes? Or a 36" television?

You`ve lost me....


RE: New TV required - widescreen or otherwise ?

tom-m (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th May 2002, 14:57

Brian,I agree with Westy,go for the larger 32"6006 you won`t be disappointed.

It has the usual RGB and S-VID scarts NTSC compatability and the picture is excellent so no worries there.


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